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Re: Side Effects of Drugs

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on 11/5/02 12:32 PM, Kathe Sabetzadeh at lv2ryd@... wrote:

> Your comments about drugs and the side effects they

> all cause is right on. Seems like sometimes the

> medications you take for the disease you have end up

> having side effects that make you sicker than the

> original problem!

Yes, it's bad when your medications need medications. I just had to get some

Lipitor for my Arava. :-)

Kathe, have you noticed that your cholesterol has risen since you've been on

Arava? Mine went from 199 to 232, and nothing else had changed in those six

months but the Arava, except that I had been making a special effort to

decrease my fat intake. It seems that the Arava, by decreasing the

inflammation, would help cholesterol instead of increasing it.

Sue in NC

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I wish I could have a cholesterol of 130-140. I didn't like mine when it was

199, but 232 was hard to take. I hope yours stays in that good range. I

exercise every day and eat right, so I don't know what else I can do, except

take the Lipitor that I got today. One side effect is cataracts, and since I

already have cataracts, I don't know what it will do for them.

My liver enzymes and red blood cell count are fine, but my white blood cell

count is low and continues to go lower. So far I haven't had a lot of

infections, so I guess that's lucky.

Let me know about your cholesterol.

Sue in NC

on 11/5/02 10:00 PM, Kathe Sabetzadeh at lv2ryd@... wrote:

> Actually, I was just at my doctor's office today and

> mentioned the cholesteral/Arava connection to her. My

> cholesterol has always been about 130-140, but she did

> write an order for me to get that checked too with my

> next blood work. Will let you know if mine increases

> - I have never had any problems with that, so if there

> is a jump, then maybe Arava is the culprit. As far as

> my white cell count, that is good. It has been my red

> blood cell count she is watching, but that has come up

> a bit too, liver enzymes are good, so all is well with

> me otherwise.

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