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Hi everyone,

I’ve bunched some of my replies below. I’m rushing off to spend the weekend

at my in laws beach house. It’s Jules birthday today so we are having a

little dinner party tonight. Will catch up on Monday!

Have a bright and shiny pain free weekend!



Subject: sweet trilogy ~ for Judi & Ron's grandbabies

Oh Tess that was just beautiful!

I’m so glad you have such a great doctor, he must realize that you are one

special lady. I’m so sorry that the Sjorgren’s is giving you so much pain

and discomfort.

You are in my prayers my friend,

(((((((((((((((((((((((((Dinosaur Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))


Hey Iris,

Thanks so much for the hugs and sweet message. I missed you too.

It was great to catch up on your news. I’m so glad you enjoyed your

reunion. Sorry you got sick though. I will be holding thumbs :-) that your

interview works out and praying that your guardian angel buys a megaphone!




I’m so sorry you are having such a hard time with your RA and medications

right now, I’m not too sure about the swelling, I have only ever had

swelling in my joints but I’m sure someone else will be able to enlighten

you. I just wanted to know you are in my prayers, I hope that your hand

heals well and quickly.

Take care,



You and your family are in my prayers, I hope your doctors appointment goes




Subject: RE: Christmas Cards

That’s a good idea Carol!

Subject: dentist

Hi Lynn,

Sorry to hear that you have TMJ, gosh as if you needed anything else.

Please keep on looking after yourself well. I will pray that you get a break

from all this pain.

I hope you are healing well after your operation. You are in my thoughts and





Thank you for your message, it’s so sweet of you to think of me when you are

going through such a hard time.

I’m so happy that the pred is giving you some relief, I will pray that it

starts to make you feel like new as soon as possible. I’m glad that you

have nurse Ron to take care of you well and make sure you are looked after

like a princess. It’s great that he is getting the treatment he needs for

the Parkinson’s now. Your doctor sounds wonderful, I’m glad he realizes

what a precious lady you are and is looking after you like you deserve!

I am definitely going to start a pregnancy journal, I haven’t managed to

find a nice one here in Mauritius, only baby books (and all the ones I’ve

seen are in French) so I’m going to try and buy one off the internet today.

I’m such a technophobe, I’ve never bought anything off the net before but

it’s time to walk on the wild side LOL!

Jules is being such a “mother hen” with me and is making sure that I get all

my vitamins. I’m on such a healthy diet now (eating lots but only healthy

food) and what with dropping the pred down and finishing the hormones I’m

actually losing a little weight which is great.

We are still having the big name debate, pheew it’s a big responsibility

choosing someone’s name LOL! So far we like Logan or Maxime for a boy but

can’t decide on girls although so far we like names like Emilia, Angelique,

Chloe etc. But I know the names we like will change a zillion times before

the big day LOL! It has to be a name that will sound good in both English

and French (for example no one here can pronounce the “H” in Heidi (it comes

out “Eyedi”) or “th” – I have an English friend called Ruth and every one

calls her “Roof”!! so we have to take a bit of time on this one LOL! So

far we have decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise, we would be

ecstatic with either a boy or a girl and I love surprises! It’s funny, I had

always said I would want to know, to buy clothes, decorate etc, but as soon

as I found out I was pregnant I told Jules I wanted a surprise and so does

he (this may change as the suspense starts getting to me LOL!).

Please rest up a bit and look after yourself, you are precious to both your

family and this one, we need you to be well.

Have a lovely weekend, I will pray that it is pain free and relaxing.

Love and ((((((((((((Giant gentle hugs)))))))))))))))))


Hi Ruth!

Welcome to the group. Don’t worry the group is not only for RA, there are

many members with different types of Arthritis or other autoimmune diseases

and we all form one big family. So relax and make yourself at home it’s

nice to have you here.

I’m sorry you have had such a hard time with your arthritis, it must have

been very difficult dealing with that kind of pain and restriction so young.

As a quick intro to me, I’m 26 years old (actually 27 in 15 days time!) and

was diagnosed with RA when I was 25. I am originally from South African and

now live in Mauritius (an island in the Indian Ocean) with my husband, our

little tadpole who has just joined us (I’ve just found out that I’m

pregnant!) and our dogs. I take only Prednisone for now as it’s the only

thing you can take while trying to fall pregnant/and pregnant. I work full

time in an offshore bank.

You will find this a safe place to come for information, information and

encouragement. I look forward to getting to know you,

I hope you don’t mind me being so nosy but I really second a’s

suggestion to find another doctor ASAP. It doesn’t really sound like your

doctor has given you the right treatment. RA is a very difficult disease to

diagnose and when making a diagnosis an informed doctor or Rheumatologist

will base themselves on several types of tests and even more importantly the

physical symptoms of the patient. You do not have to have a positive RF

Factor to have RA. That is a total misconception. I have RF negative

(sero-negative) RA but was diagnosed based on my symptoms and other tests

such as ESR and CRP that measure inflammation levels. I would strongly

recommend that you find a Rheumatologist that will be able to help you to

finalise your diagnosis.

Take care,



Of course you can complain!! You give us all so much support, you cannot

possibly deprive us of the opportunity to baby you a bit! :-)

I’m so sorry you are having such a miserable time, you are in my prayers and

I hope this turns around quickly so that you can get some relief and feel

like a zillion dollars. There’s nothing like a cold to make someone feel

miserable and when that is compounded by the saw head and jaw any one in

their right minds would lose them and have a pity party.

You are in my prayers, please rest and take care of yourself as well as you

take care of us.

((((((((((((((Ginourmous hugs)))))))))))))))))) and mugs of chicken noodle




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