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Re: thyroid

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Wow what a testimony. That is awesome. I spoke to my neighbor again

tonight about her cleanse. I shared with her the iodine page from


Stones are calcium. A bad source, or too much or little of the other

minerals calcium needs, can cause malabsorbtion. I mean metabolic

calcium imbalance can result from too much or too little phosphorus.

But you are right, R.O. neither removes or adds trace minerals.

Raw apple cider vinegar (because ferments encourage calcium

absorbtion) actually dissolve stones, and prevents them. They say

once you have them chances are you will have them again. I think

because people do not correct the imbalance. They all need the other

to work, absorb, assimilate ect....

I agree. Chlorine is a bad one! Breathing, drinking or absorbing,


As a friend mentioned earlier, radiation from mammograms are

dangerous. Anti perspirants are terrible for breast cancer, as are

synthetic bra material, bleaching the bra and washing them in toxic

soap. In fact wearing a bra all the time period. Not that I think we

should run around town hanging two, we certainly " should " at home

when we can. :)

My cousin at age 6 had lymphatic removed from under his left arm. He

will have trouble now forever with that arm, it was a real shame.

But all that kid would eat or drink for 2 months through this whole

thing was pasturized/homogenized milk.

What a blessing your lumps are gone no matter what they were!



> I had a breast tumor and did the master cleanser and in 16 days

the morning

> of the needle biopsy, it was gone. Biopsies can spread cancer by

the way. I

> do not think I had cancer but the tumor was gone.

> I believe that breast cancers come from deodorants and chlorine

in water and

> especially your shower.

> They added Phosphates to the water here and that is why I got my


> tumors and because of that, I got an RO system in my house. But

now I got

> kidney stones this past March and am wondering if it was caused by

the RO water as

> it has no minerals in it. Hummm





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Does anyone have any experience with DMSO and any form of Iodine with

hydrocele? My husband is looking at surgery for it soon but I'de

stumpbled across this from Henriette's Herbals,

(http://www.henriettesherbal.com/), quoting from A Compend of Materia

Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L.

Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L. on some of the forms of iodine usage that:

Toxicology. The antidote to free Iodine is Starch, with the object of

forming an Iodized Starch, which should then be evacuated from the

stomach. In chronic poisoning by the Iodides, a free salivary flow,

excited by chewing Pyrethrum root, will hasten the elimination of the


Therapeutics of Iodine. The Tincture is much used locally as a

counterirritant, and an alterative application. Iodo-tannin is chiefly

employed as an antiseptic and alterative application in local diseases.

The preparations of Iodine are used with benefit in—

Catarrh and Hay Fever,—inhalations of Iodine or the Carbolate.

Inflammations,—Tincture of Iodine locally, to promote absorption.

Skin Diseases,—the Glycerite or Tincture, in chloasma, lentigo, lupus.

Chronic Diseases of the Spleen and Liver,— the Tincture or Ointment

may be used locally for counter-irritation.

Glandular Tumors, hypertrophied tonsils, cervical cysts, etc.,—the

Tincture or Compound Solution parenchymatously injected, is an

efficient resolvent.

Empyema, Hydrocele, Ovarian Cysts, etc. ,—the Tincture injected

undiluted, is one of the best applications to prevent return of the


Sores, Ulcers, Fissures, etc,—Iodoform, Iodo-tannin, or Iodized

Starch, are highly recommended, as local antiseptics and alteratives.

Vomiting of Pregnancy,—drop doses of the tincture every hour, have

often succeeded in very obstinate cases.

Therapeutics of the Iodides. They are especially used in—

Acute Catarrh and Hay Fever,—Potassium Iodide with Arsenic internally;

also Iodine and Carbolic Acid in weak solution locally .

Chronic and Capillary Bronchitis,—the Ammonium Iodide, in small doses,

rapidly administered, is remarkably efficacious.

Catarrhal Pneumonia,—the Ammonium Iodide, to prevent caseation of the

products. Arsenic may well be combined with it.

Spasmodic Asthma,—Potassium Iodide, in 15 to 30-gr. doses, is often

very efficient, especially when the asthma is due to bronchial catarrh.

Hepatic Cirrhosis, in the first stage,—Ammonium Iodide with Arsenic.

Duodenal Catarrh, and jaundice therefrom,—Ammonium Iodide.

Aneurisms,—Potassium Iodide, in large doses (gr. xv-xxx) is often

curative of internal aneurisms, when conjoined with absolute rest.

Tertiary Syphilis, and many of its results, as neuralgiae, paralysis

from gummata, syphilitic ulcerations, syphiloma of the internal

viscera, chronic rheumatism and sciatica of syphilitic origin, lupus

of syphilitic or scrofulous origin,—are all best treated by Potassium


Mercurial Poisoning, and other chronic metallic toxaemiae, —Potassium

Iodide, to promote elimination of the poison.

Malaria,—the Ammonium Iodide with Arsenic, in chronic malaria.

Tonsillitis, and simple sore throat,—a weak solution of Potassium Iodide.

Chronic Bright's Disease,—the prolonged use of Potassium Iodide has

seemed to retard the progress of the parenchymatous changes.

Therapeutics of Iodoform. As a local application this agent and its

substitutes have been extensively used in the treatment of

epithelioma, chancre and chancroid, wounds, ulcers, sores, etc., and

but for its offensive odor and the danger of its toxic action Iodoform

would have been in unrestricted employment for all such conditions.

Aristol and Europhen, if equally efficient, as is claimed, will

doubtless replace it largely as a topical agent.

Iodoform and Iodol are highly esteemed as internal remedies in—

Chronic Gastric Catarrh, and intestinal catarrh, ulceration of the

gastrointestinal mucous membrane, etc., —Iodol given midway between


Bronchitis, Bronchial Catarrh, and various respiratory neuroses,—Iodol

has been found highly useful in many instances.

Tuberculosis,—has been successfully treated by Iodoform, which

certainly does check the activity of the bacillus of that disease.

Diabetes,—has been apparently cured by Iodoform given internally.

Syphilis,—may be combated successfully by Iodoform or Iodol, in lieu

of Potassium Iodide, in cases where the latter is indicated.

The " Compend " of 1902, above, has much other info on the

iodines/iodides but does not specifically say HOW one would use it for

the various conditions. We have Lugol's which isn't listed there

though. After doing some reading on the comparisons of Lugols and

Magnascent, or Nascent Iodine, I decided to whip up a preparation of

DMSO, Lugol's and Aloe Juice for my husband to apply twice daily to

the scrotum area to see if we can diminish the effects of hydrocele

between now & surgery, (he sees urologist again on Tues. 26th to

schedule it). But the preparation was very much by guess on

proportions. Any real advice or experience out there with this?

An aside note on tobacco:

Your positive stats below re Japanese & tobacco bring to mind Dr.

s's headlines re. the actual benefits of

tobacco and some type of disclaimer of ALL the harms its supposed to

cause. This reminds me of some of the 90 years plus people who smoke

with no trouble whatsover. Also re. smoking: I,(non-smoker), and my

husband, (smoker), both lay the damage of smoking " tobacco " NOT to the

tobacco, but to the 52,000 + chemicals the companies add to each tiny

cigarette, (how do they pack so many in?), because of our own and

other's experience with Native brand cigs with NO ADDITIVES

WHATSOEVER. Even our young grandchildren notice the difference in the

lack of offensive odor from smoking in the room and have asked Grandpa

why his cigarettes don't smell like their parents and others.

Best to all ... Joyce & Dave


> If you do a google on " iodine " " japanese " , you will find that

nation gets

> at least 89 times more iodine than we do (coastal Japanese). That's the

> lowest number I found; most numbers given are higher. They get

very few

> cancers of any type, except stomach. Although they have the highest per

> capita consumption of cigarettes in the world, they get very little lung

> cancer. Iodine begins shrinking cysts in the breast immediately,

and I mean

> with the first dose of Lugol's Solution. Fibrocystic breast disease is

> usually considered a precursor to cancer of the breast. Both the


> treatment and the Gerson therapy use lots of iodine. The thyroid

takes up

> most of our iodine with breasts coming in second. And the Japanese


> numbers on breast cancer are very low. The prostate takes up a lot of

> iodine and the Japanese men get very little prostate cancer. Your

lump in

> the thyroid may just be a cyst. Lugol's iodine will likely dissolve it

> quickly. This is just my opinion. I am not qualified to give medical

> advice. You may find iodine and its effects worth an extensive read.

> Best wishes, pj ps Several elements and their compounds push


> out of the body and cannot function like iodine for us. Chlorine in

> drinking and shower water will do it; so will fluoride in water and

> toothpaste. Also, until the early 1980's the baking industry used

an iodide

> based dough conditioner. At that time, they replaced the iodine


> conditioner with one containing bromide, which will also drive

iodine out of

> the body.


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Since I'm the only one in my family that has an underactive thyroid, it's

entirely possible that the " experiment " of combining it with an antidepressant

caused the current problem.

On the one hand, the doctor who prescribed it was and is one of the country's

leading depression researchers. He did not tell me of any risks.

On the other hand, I was pretty sick at the time and barely able to work due to

the depression. I probably would have tried it anyway, since correcting an

underactive thyroid is easy and cheap.

Still, it would have been nice to know...

I'm glad you didn't have the same outcome as me. My initial drug was Synthroid,

same as you.


> > I was given thyroid hormone to supplement antidepressants about 20

> > years ago, before the SSRIs came out. I sometimes wonder if that

> > helped my thyroid become underactive. I now have a hypothyroid

> > condition and have to take thyroid medication.

> >

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