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Hi...I'm seeing my rheummy Thursday and having my Remicade. My knees

and feet are painful which has not been as bad as my hands, wrists and

shoulders. It takes me a few seconds to get my bearings when I stand,

like my legs, feet don't quite know what to do. My eyes are not doing

well, and swallowing is troublesome. I fell asleep on the couch for 2

hours tonight while Em was watching TV. When I awoke, she said

everytime I swallowed while sleeping it looked like I was having to

force it down, and my face grimaced.

When the Dr. tried the biopsy, she said my fibroids are 'huge' and

shaped her fingers like the size of an orange. I have been having a

difficult time with bowel movements, and wonder if the herniated disks &

fibroids are interfering with that process.

I really liked my PCP a lot, but over the past few months I've really

felt that she isn't as aggressive with some health issues as what I

need. I've talked to her about the obesity...she wasn't for surgery at

all, but didn't follow up my questions and concerns regarding other

kinds of help. Also, my diabetes...my numbers are good and my HA1C has

been in the 6's for about 3 years which is great. However, I'm hearing

so much about 'insulin resistance' contributing to morbid obesity I

don't understand why we haven't addressed getting me off insulin. She

is in her late 50's and trained in Romania, very conservative. I feel

sort of bad, but I decided to try another PCP who is much younger and

trained at OHSU in Portland. Do you think that's awful? When I called

to change PCP's they asked what was wrong with Dr. Boboia and I told

them nothing...I liked her very much but I think we have some

philosophical differences.

I'm going to weigh myself Thursday, and I'm scared. I'm doing pretty

well, but that gain a few weeks ago has made me nervous. However, I

didn't throw in the towel...still writing down my food, stopping at 8pm,

etc. I really have pretty good energy from about an hour or two after I

get up until mid, late afternoon when I just am so exhausted.

Have been a bit sad today...crying often. My rheummy talked with me

about plugging my tear ducts. I hope this isn't a dumb question, but

does that stop your ability to cry? I think I'd emotionally implode if

I couldn't cry. Sometimes you just gotta.

Love You All...


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