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First day of Prednisone

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Hi All,

Had a visit with my doctor this morning--Ron nearly had to ask for a

wheel chair to get me into the office. I have never been in that

much pain before, and really unable to do anything. Ron had to get

me dressed this morning. After one quick look, and a few questions,

the sweet doctor said " well, there's no doubt about the diagnosis

now! We are going to attack this thing right back. " So he started

me on 40 mg pred this week, and a taper over the next 4 weeks. He

also made an appt. with a new rheumy " only " 40 minutes away, and told

her that " this lady needs to see you NOW! " So I get to go see her on

the 22nd, which is pretty amazing for a first-time appt.

I'm already starting to feel a bit better, but still awfully

uncomfortable. Ron said he'd allow just this one email, then I am

back on the couch for the rest of the evening, even have a sub for

bowling (which I may be able to resume next week.)

If any of you have any suggestions for me, like what to expect from

the pred., etc., and what to tell the rheumy when I go, I'd

appreciate it. He told me that it would give me an appetite (well

that would be something novel!) and might make me feel weak for

awhile. Well, weak would be an improvement. I thought I'd start a

journal, retro to last week when this really bad flare started, and

take it with me as some of you have done. Any suggestions for what

to eat--dr. said buy lots of fish, chicken, veggies & fruit.

OK, my nurse is pulling me away, so I'll talk to you tomorrow (I

hope!) Hope you all are having peaceful day & night to come.

God bless,


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