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I won't let her spoil my good time!

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Hi All,

Today was a fun day for Wyatt and me. We went to Caty's (my neice's)

birthday party at a skating rink. Wyatt skated for the first time and he did

very well. We had such a good time. After the skating, we all went to my

younger sis's (Regina) house for cake and ice cream. Again, we were all

having such a nice time talking and the kids were playing nicely. Until my

older sister () arrived. She likes to take over the conversation, which

she did. No problem, I just sat back and listened. UNTIL..... she made the

statement that we were bad people because we don't go to church on a regular

basis. Then I just had to say something. Now, you all know of the problems

that I have had with my faith, and I feel that I have finally come to an

acceptance of certain things regarding religion. First of all, I don't feel

that any person is " bad " because they choose to pray in private instead of in

public. It doesn't mean that I don't believe in God or that I don't pray.

It just means that I don't feel the need to have everyone else " see " me pray.

Second, there is that whole Catholic Church scandal. I have my opinion and

I told her what it is. I won't go into that aspect here, because I don't

want to offend anyone, but basically, she told me that I am stupid. Fine,

she doesn't agree with me. That does not make me stupid. I know that

everyone has their own opinions in life and they may not always agree with

mine, but I try to respect their right to their opinions. Anyway, the night

goes on. Someone started talking about learning disabilities. Well here we

go again. 's daughter, , is having a hard time with reading.

pulled her out of public school and put her into a Catholic school. She

blamed 's bad grades on the school and the teachers. Well, is

still having trouble with reading after 2 years in Catholic school. So now

it is this school's fault. Someone asked her if was ever tested for

learning disabilities, and she said that she tried but was told that

was not qualified. WHAT? So I asked her if she tried the local college, as

I know they have programs there. She said no. I asked her if she called

Community Action. She said no. So basically, it is just easier for her to

blame the school system. By the way, Wyatt goes to the same public school

and is doing great with reading. So I am not going to let her make me feel

like a bad person because I choose not to support an organized religion. I

feel that if you live a good life and try your best to be a good person, then

you are a good person. And that's me.

We did have a good time at the ice skating rink though. I am so proud of

Wyatt. Now he wants to take lessons. Now that's something that I wouldn't

mind investing in. It's not really that expensive and he has such a good

time. I had just as much fun watching him. Although the coldness of the

room really made me stiffen up and when I started warming up afterwards, I

started hurting. I know its my fault. I had a Remicade infusion Thursday

and it went very well. I went alone this time and didn't have any probs. It

was actually relaxing. I had the room to myself and the nurses are just so

nice and helpful.

My car is fixed. For now. The guy almost hit a deer when he was delivering

it to me though. Isn't that the way things have been going for me?! He

didn't hit it and it was delivered in good shape. Things may be looking up.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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