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Dear Heidi,

What great news. I am so very happy for you. I want

to hear all the news as the weeks go by. I do believe

in prayers and yes miracle babies. I myself never had

children but 11 years ago adopted a beautiful girl who

is my miracle child.

What wonderful news. Take care of yourself and rest

when you can, you may not get to for years to come,

but you know that's o.k.

Love you, Sheri

--- Heidi Steppe-Hoareau <steps122@...> wrote:

> Hey my little RA family!!


> I missed you all so much but before I catch up I

> just have to tell you my

> news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m really

> Pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> I’m so happy I could just pop!!!!


> It’s quiet a funny story how we found out. If you

> want to hear it this is

> going to be long, so I’ll warn you in advance LOL!

> I’m far too excited to be

> practical!


> We started our holiday off pretty well last Thursday

> but I was having

> terrible mood swings, really ratty one minute, weepy

> the next, I thought I

> had mega PMT. I had actually done a pregnancy test

> (being as impatient and

> hopeful as ever) about 2 weeks before our holiday –

> which was negative – and

> been to see my gynae as I’d been having all the

> signs of major PMS – mood

> swings, tender breasts and pains like I was about to

> start my period, but

> every day for 2 weeks! Anyway he told me not to

> worry, that I should get my

> period soon but to do another test if nothing

> happened in 2 weeks time. As

> most of you know I’ve been on Decapeptyl to treat my

> endometriosis for 6

> months, ending in September and hadn’t had a period

> for nearly 8 months, so

> we thought the treatment was just messing with my

> system.

> Anyway our holiday started but I was still being a

> bit loony until last

> Saturday we went for lunch in this gorgeous little

> restaurant in the

> mountains, on the way there I was having one of my

> little fits and n

> tells me he thinks I’m still stressed about this

> whole baby thing and just

> to buy a test so that we can both see that I’m not

> pregnant AGAIN and our

> minds will finally accept it and I can calm down to

> a panic LOL! WELL!!

> So I bought two little home pregnancy tests at the

> chemist and did one in

> the loo as soon as we got to the restaurant! :-o

> (blushing! patience again!

> LOL!) Don’t tell a soul hee hee!

> I just waited about a minute, only saw one line

> (there are two if you are

> pregnant – but you’re supposed to wait 5 minutes!)

> and popped it into my

> bag. I go and sadly tell Jules the news that we are

> definitely not pregnant

> and we spend the whole lunch giving ourselves a pep

> talk about how important

> it is to just relax about this and that we are

> expecting too much too soon

> after the treatment, this being my first normal

> cycle bla bla bla. Jules

> goes off to the loo after lunch and I forlornly take

> another look at my

> little test – and there are now two lines!!! I

> thought I was going to

> faint! It was quiet embarrassing, I went as pale as

> a sheet and started

> shaking and had to put my sunglasses on because I

> had tears running down my

> face. I couldn’t even talk when Jules got back to

> the table and just held

> out the test – I thought he was going to faint too!

> We left straight away

> and went back to the beach house where we were on

> holiday, my sister-in-law

> and her husband had come down for the day and in a

> panic I called a very

> good friend for her opinion – she’s got two kids -

> so her and her hubby came

> over. It was so funny, everyone made me drink lots

> of water and go and do

> the second test, we all waited very nervously while

> it came developed – and

> it had two lines!!! I was so nervous and laughing

> and crying the whole time

> but still couldn’t really let myself believe it. I

> decided I’d only believe

> it if I saw a positive blood test.

> ’s law would have it that Saturday and Monday

> were both public

> holidays so the doctors office and laboratories were

> closed! Thank goodness

> the lab where I do all my other RA tests opened for

> a few hours on Sunday

> morning – we were there at 6h30AM!!! I had to beg

> them to do the test on

> the same day (they wanted me to wait until Tuesday!

> I would have died!) So

> we had a very stressful 30 minute wait and then the

> lab tech came out and

> said – IT’S POSITIVE! It really hit me when I got

> into the car – I was

> laughing and bawling my eyes out with Jules – wow –

> just the most amazing

> moment of my whole life!


> We went to see the Gynae on Tuesday morning –

> everything looks fine, our

> little tadpole measured 4.2 millimeters, and I was 5

> weeks. So that means

> I’m about 6 weeks today. We even saw it on the

> echography – still just a

> tiny little dot LOL!

> We are going again next Monday and by then we should

> be able to see the

> heart beat – amazing hey!


> So obviously we had a very different holiday to the

> one originally planned!

> Threw out the Merlot and bought lots of water LOL!

> It was wonderful though,

> a bit short with all the excitement but we went for

> long walks on the beach,

> swam in the sea and snorkeled a little bit, read our

> new baby book together,

> ate & ate and slept (a lot!) I couldn’t wait to get

> back to my computer to

> tell you all the news though!!


> So far I feel great, no nausea! Just a few mood

> swings, a little tired (but

> I’m used to that with the RA anyway) and very very

> hungry!! I went to see

> my GP (my Rheumy’s on maternity leave) and she’s

> going to see me every two

> weeks to monitor me. We dropped the Prednisone to

> 4mg’s and we’ll wait two

> weeks and then try to drop to 3.5mg’s if all is well

> and so on – she wants

> to go slowly. I hope I’ll be one of those women

> that goes into complete

> remission during pregnancy! So far it’s looking

> good – I haven’t had a peep

> out of Arthur for the last week!


> I can’t even begin to describe how happy we are!

> It’s amazing and I really

> believe this is a miracle baby! Thank you all so so

> so so so so so so so

> much for all your prayers, I know that they were

> instrumental in making this

> possible – you are my angels!


> I’m so far behind and am having a problem retrieving

> my e-mails so will

> catch up slowly back to front, I just couldn’t wait

> to let you all know. I

> hope that you are all having a happy painfree day -

> and big

> ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) to those who

> aren't.


> Sending everyone

> (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Huge happy baby

> hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

> and lots of love

> Heidi









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What wonderful news!! I guess I'm late hearing about it. I, like you, are

quite behind on emails. To make matters worse, I am visiting a friend in

Pensacola as I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so am not on the right

computer to read the backlogged emails.

Jules sounds like a wonderful person. Here's hoping for your remission during

your pregnancy!

I loved your story of everyone rushing to your side for the second pregnancy

test. Just like a movie!


--- Heidi Steppe-Hoareau <steps122@...> wrote:

> Hey my little RA family!!


> I missed you all so much but before I catch up I

> just have to tell you my

> news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m really

> Pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> I’m so happy I could just pop!!!!


> It’s quiet a funny story how we found out. If you

> want to hear it this is

> going to be long, so I’ll warn you in advance LOL!

> I’m far too excited to be

> practical!


> We started our holiday off pretty well last Thursday

> but I was having

> terrible mood swings, really ratty one minute, weepy

> the next, I thought I

> had mega PMT. I had actually done a pregnancy test

> (being as impatient and

> hopeful as ever) about 2 weeks before our holiday –

> which was negative – and

> been to see my gynae as I’d been having all the

> signs of major PMS – mood

> swings, tender breasts and pains like I was about to

> start my period, but

> every day for 2 weeks! Anyway he told me not to

> worry, that I should get my

> period soon but to do another test if nothing

> happened in 2 weeks time. As

> most of you know I’ve been on Decapeptyl to treat my

> endometriosis for 6

> months, ending in September and hadn’t had a period

> for nearly 8 months, so

> we thought the treatment was just messing with my

> system.

> Anyway our holiday started but I was still being a

> bit loony until last

> Saturday we went for lunch in this gorgeous little

> restaurant in the

> mountains, on the way there I was having one of my

> little fits and n

> tells me he thinks I’m still stressed about this

> whole baby thing and just

> to buy a test so that we can both see that I’m not

> pregnant AGAIN and our

> minds will finally accept it and I can calm down to

> a panic LOL! WELL!!

> So I bought two little home pregnancy tests at the

> chemist and did one in

> the loo as soon as we got to the restaurant! :-o

> (blushing! patience again!

> LOL!) Don’t tell a soul hee hee!

> I just waited about a minute, only saw one line

> (there are two if you are

> pregnant – but you’re supposed to wait 5 minutes!)

> and popped it into my

> bag. I go and sadly tell Jules the news that we are

> definitely not pregnant

> and we spend the whole lunch giving ourselves a pep

> talk about how important

> it is to just relax about this and that we are

> expecting too much too soon

> after the treatment, this being my first normal

> cycle bla bla bla. Jules

> goes off to the loo after lunch and I forlornly take

> another look at my

> little test – and there are now two lines!!! I

> thought I was going to

> faint! It was quiet embarrassing, I went as pale as

> a sheet and started

> shaking and had to put my sunglasses on because I

> had tears running down my

> face. I couldn’t even talk when Jules got back to

> the table and just held

> out the test – I thought he was going to faint too!

> We left straight away

> and went back to the beach house where we were on

> holiday, my sister-in-law

> and her husband had come down for the day and in a

> panic I called a very

> good friend for her opinion – she’s got two kids -

> so her and her hubby came

> over. It was so funny, everyone made me drink lots

> of water and go and do

> the second test, we all waited very nervously while

> it came developed – and

> it had two lines!!! I was so nervous and laughing

> and crying the whole time

> but still couldn’t really let myself believe it. I

> decided I’d only believe

> it if I saw a positive blood test.

> ’s law would have it that Saturday and Monday

> were both public

> holidays so the doctors office and laboratories were

> closed! Thank goodness

> the lab where I do all my other RA tests opened for

> a few hours on Sunday

> morning – we were there at 6h30AM!!! I had to beg

> them to do the test on

> the same day (they wanted me to wait until Tuesday!

> I would have died!) So

> we had a very stressful 30 minute wait and then the

> lab tech came out and

> said – IT’S POSITIVE! It really hit me when I got

> into the car – I was

> laughing and bawling my eyes out with Jules – wow –

> just the most amazing

> moment of my whole life!


> We went to see the Gynae on Tuesday morning –

> everything looks fine, our

> little tadpole measured 4.2 millimeters, and I was 5

> weeks. So that means

> I’m about 6 weeks today. We even saw it on the

> echography – still just a

> tiny little dot LOL!

> We are going again next Monday and by then we should

> be able to see the

> heart beat – amazing hey!


> So obviously we had a very different holiday to the

> one originally planned!

> Threw out the Merlot and bought lots of water LOL!

> It was wonderful though,

> a bit short with all the excitement but we went for

> long walks on the beach,

> swam in the sea and snorkeled a little bit, read our

> new baby book together,

> ate & ate and slept (a lot!) I couldn’t wait to get

> back to my computer to

> tell you all the news though!!


> So far I feel great, no nausea! Just a few mood

> swings, a little tired (but

> I’m used to that with the RA anyway) and very very

> hungry!! I went to see

> my GP (my Rheumy’s on maternity leave) and she’s

> going to see me every two

> weeks to monitor me. We dropped the Prednisone to

> 4mg’s and we’ll wait two

> weeks and then try to drop to 3.5mg’s if all is well

> and so on – she wants

> to go slowly. I hope I’ll be one of those women

> that goes into complete

> remission during pregnancy! So far it’s looking

> good – I haven’t had a peep

> out of Arthur for the last week!


> I can’t even begin to describe how happy we are!

> It’s amazing and I really

> believe this is a miracle baby! Thank you all so so

> so so so so so so so

> much for all your prayers, I know that they were

> instrumental in making this

> possible – you are my angels!


> I’m so far behind and am having a problem retrieving

> my e-mails so will

> catch up slowly back to front, I just couldn’t wait

> to let you all know. I

> hope that you are all having a happy painfree day -

> and big

> ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) to those who

> aren't.


> Sending everyone

> (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Huge happy baby

> hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

> and lots of love

> Heidi

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