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I’m so sorry about the Sjogren's, as if you needed to add another something

to your list. Sorry too about Wyatt, please give him a big hug from me. I

hope that you can get to the bottom of him eating problem and his headaches,

it must be really worrying for you to see him suffering like this. I wish

we could just give Arthur a kick in the butt for you and tell him you are

busy with other things right now!

You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend, I hope you come back soon

after your break from aol.




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Dear Stacey,

I'm sorry that you are feeling so crummy right now.

Happy New Year to you and Wyatt. Hang in there. Iris

--- bintherdunit@... wrote:

> Hi All,

> Just wanted to post a short note. Many things going

> on. My cat, Toots, has

> been sick. She scared me to death. She was

> drooling and staring into space

> and not responding. I thought she had a stroke or

> something. I rushed her

> to the vet and he said it was an infection and gave

> antibiotics and IV

> fluids. She is much better now.

> I went to the rheumy on Friday. He is disturbed by

> the MRI report and also

> noted that my knees were a little puffy. He asked

> me if I wanted to try to

> taper the pred. from 5 mg to 2.5 mg and I agreed.

> Well I woke up this am in

> a pre flare state. My knees are stiff and painful

> as well as my wrists. I

> am so fatigued that all I did today was rest most of

> the time. I called him

> and told him that I was going back to the 5 mg for

> now. The psoriasis on my

> hands is starting to get out of control. I have

> been putting hydrocortisone

> ointment on them and wrapping them. It seems to

> help a bit. My back is

> extremely painful and I can't wait to see the neuro

> on the 2nd. Enough

> whining.

> I want to wish all of you a very happy new year. I

> hope that all of you have

> a better next year than the last one. Keep hoping

> for that miracle

> treatment.

> Love and Hugs

> Stacey



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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