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Hi Tess...I am sorry for all the further difficulties

you are experiencing...sometimes it just seems too

much. I hope that you will check with your dr before

you drop the Elavil and see if there is anything else.

I tried to drop it one time and I became very

depressed and also couldn't get any quality sleep. One

good thing about dropping it besides the dryness is

that Elavil causes weight gain. Take care, dear

Tess. Iris

--- tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Hi All...I had my Remicade today...had an itching

> reaction, but it

> cleared up with Claratin. No trouble getting a vein

> this time! Because

> I had the reaction, Bruce slowed the drip and I was

> there an hour longer

> than usual. I asked if I could try coming back in 7

> weeks instead of 6,

> but they said to stick with the 6 week for now.

> There were lovely people

> there to visit with.


> Also had an appointment with my Rheumy...he did

> order blood work for

> Sjorgren's, but said regardless that's what is going

> on. He examined my

> eyes and throat and said they were very, very dry.

> He gave me samples

> of Salagen...has anyone tried that? I really don't

> want to take another

> medication unless it is really necessary...I've been

> sucking on

> sugar-free Life-savor drops like crazy. They do help

> except when food is

> hard to swallow of course. He is happy with the

> results of the Remicade

> & Mtx. He was very sweet & tender...I know he feels

> bad that there's

> something else going on, but told me to keep moving

> forward as I have

> been. He does want me to try and eliminate the

> elavil I take at bedtime

> as he says anyone with Sjorgren's has got to

> eliminate whatever they can

> that makes the dryness worse. I am pretty scared

> about this as elavil

> has been very instrumental in helping me sleep.


> I am really pooped.


> Much Love...


> Tess




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(((((((Tess))))))) xoxoxoxo

Thanks for the big hugs! Ron's feeling better tonight, ate a good

supper, and says he doesn't feel like crying or saying " bah, humbug "

at the Christmas commercials. We just heard that there are 6 hour

delays out of Chicago for flights, so we would be stuck there, and

I'm glad he didn't have his attack while we were traveling. Denmark

has been there for a long time, and will be waiting when we can go.

Forgot to tell you I spent a summer in Oregon, Klamath Falls to be

exact. I loved it (the area) but stayed with an alcoholic uncle and

manic-depressive aunt so that I didn't enjoy.

Take care, and thanks again,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Tess,

You will most definitely be in my prayers. Lets hope

that this is the last one you have to endure. I will

be thinking of you. Hugs, Hugs, and more hugs.

I don't remember who wrote about their hysterectomy

but I second their thoughts; it was the best thing

that has ever happened to me. I never realized how

much pain and pressure there was until it was gone.

P.S. I was so excited when I got your card today. It

really made my day. Thanks to all who pulled it

together. Iris

--- tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Hi...My gyn called today...she is really sweet...the

> pathology report

> shows no evidence of cancer. However, she said the

> report said there

> was some unusual blood in the sample, so she is

> having them do a double

> check. What her biggest concern is that even though

> I am on

> Depo-Provera shots, the lining of my uterus

> continues to thicken, and

> she wants to make sure no cancerous/precancerous

> polyps are hiding in

> the thick lining. Therefore, she is scheduling me

> for a hyster...golly,

> I CAN NOT get the name right...hyterostomy,

> hysterol...eeek...it will be

> under IV sedation & cervical numbing..they will go

> in and examine every

> inch of my uterus, and follow it with a D & C. She

> wants it done in the

> next few weeks. She called my PCP, who called me and

> said to come in

> next Tuesday for a fasting pre-op.


> I am really grateful for physicians who really care,

> and I am a little

> scared now. Guess that's normal. Lots of mixed

> emotions whirling

> about.


> Please keep me in your prayers.


> I love you all...


> Tess




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