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Re: pouting

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Don't feel like doodoo! I got a call not long ago wanting me to send

$25 to send an underprivileged child to the circus. I said I have a

grandson whose parents can't afford to take him to the circus, if I

gave them his name would they take him? I got hung up on! Got

another call from MADD wanting my money, and they would send me a

free cookbook. I said if they really needed the money they shouldn't

be spendinig it on cookbooks. Hung up again. Now Indiana has a no

call list, so we don't get these stupid calls.

I know there are needy people, because I see them at church every

week, and most of these people truly are unable to get out of their

situation easily, with the economy what it is around here. So we

donate food to the food pantry, and we know that it goes directly to

those who need it. And we're setting up a Giving Tree at church

Friday to buy gifts for youngsters and nursing home residents. Ron

picked out a 6-year old boy and I have his 8-year old sister. I

still remember what it was like to be poor at Christmas.

Now, cheer up and enjoy that yummy-sounding stuffing! Wish you could

email me some! Duane's sister makes the worst stuffing I ever tried

unsuccesfully to swallow!

Big hugs,


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Thanks for the boost, Judi! I would gladly send you stuffing if I

could! That yucky stuffing sounds like something, well, that should be

'stuffed'! We always have German Potato Stuffing and pretty traditional

bread stuffing. Thanksgiving dinner for me could be bread stuffing &

cranberry sauce..mmmmmmmmmm. However, I will be eating protein &

veggies to balance everything out (especially the hopefully good,

first-time-I- baked-it pecan pie.)

Love You...


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Tess and all, be careful of ANY donations to organizations you make!

Please remember this! I know a lot of people who would give a little

extra money to anyone coming Door to Door for an " organization " .... and

some very dishonest people know this also! So be careful!!!

I worked with the Public and had my routes/customers of long time, for

over 21 years. I watched some grow old and retire...and heard HORROR

STORIES from them recounting how " volunteers " for certain groups got

them to give their precious little extra money to them for " good

research " or medical things to " help " people/children/sick, etc. And

then found out they were bogus and keeping the money! So be really

careful. Even on the PHONE! Don't even tell them WHAT you " can or can't "

AFFORD!!! Its the time of year you don't want anyone knowing your

business or what your means or lifestyle allows you extras for! (I also

worked " security " part-time over the years, too! So am probably being

overly cautious!) You always at least go to a WEB SITE for an

organizations info, and check it out. Most sites, like the MS

FOUNDATION, has FORMS you can ask for, so you can DONATE whatever you

want...directly to them by mail!

Here is an example:

Oliver allegedly posed as a volunteer for the National Multiple

Sclerosis Society and collected thousands of dollars. The Multiple

Sclerosis Society said Oliver is not a volunteer, and their organization

does not do door-to-door fund raising. " This is the time of year for

giving and be very careful to who you're giving to, " Zarzecki said.

Charitable Giving Tips

*Don't give cash to a charity.

*Write a check and issue it to the organization, not the volunteer.

*If you're giving to someone going door-to-door and the person looks

suspicious, verify the person's identification by calling the



Be careful. I know we all want to help research and cause. But I look at

it this way. A lot of ME is being used for research NOW!!! So I know it

ain't money...but am doing my part as a guinea pig! (sorry...my sick

since of humor, you know...and its late!)

tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Hi...A lady called from our local MS Society. She said they were

> making

> their yearly appeal and if she sent me an envelope and literature

> would

> I be willing to share whatever I could. I said sure, I'm on

> disability

> and have RA, but I'd be glad to send $5. Then she said thank you, but


> they now have a $20. minimum for mail-in donations...if there were

> volunteers for door-to-door they'd be glad to take my donation.


> I understand about overhead, but sheesh! If I just sent a $5. check

> in

> the mail on my own to the local MS Society I can't imagine they'd

> disregard it or send it back.


> Sorry to be bah-hum-buggy...really, I'm not, but it made me feel like

> doodoo.


> Love...


> Tess




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Tess, I believe that five dollars from someone on a very tight budget is more

meaningful than twenty dollars from a rich person. You are very special for

wanting to give more than you could really afford, so don't feel bad...

Happy Thanksgiving.

[ ] pouting

Hi...A lady called from our local MS Society. She said they were making

their yearly appeal and if she sent me an envelope and literature would

I be willing to share whatever I could. I said sure, I'm on disability

and have RA, but I'd be glad to send $5. Then she said thank you, but

they now have a $20. minimum for mail-in donations...if there were

volunteers for door-to-door they'd be glad to take my donation.

I understand about overhead, but sheesh! If I just sent a $5. check in

the mail on my own to the local MS Society I can't imagine they'd

disregard it or send it back.

Sorry to be bah-hum-buggy...really, I'm not, but it made me feel like




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> Tess,

> You are so sweet to offer them $5 when you are on such a tight budget. I

> guess they don¹t realize that $5 from several people adds up. It shouldn¹t

> make you feel like doodoo. You are very generous to offer this much money.

> At first I wondered if she was pressuring you to give more, but on their

> website the minimal donation is $25 but if you want to donate less than that

> you have to email a person, I guess for instructions. The overhead that

> these organizations have is out of control. They have huge office buildings

> and a huge staff, some of which are paid a very handsome salary. I wish more

> of the money went for the actual cause.

> a






> Hi...A lady called from our local MS Society. She said they were making

> their yearly appeal and if she sent me an envelope and literature would

> I be willing to share whatever I could. I said sure, I'm on disability

> and have RA, but I'd be glad to send $5. Then she said thank you, but

> they now have a $20. minimum for mail-in donations...if there were

> volunteers for door-to-door they'd be glad to take my donation.


> I understand about overhead, but sheesh! If I just sent a $5. check in

> the mail on my own to the local MS Society I can't imagine they'd

> disregard it or send it back.


> Sorry to be bah-hum-buggy...really, I'm not, but it made me feel like

> doodoo.


> Love...


> Tess




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Hi, Tess,

To be honest with you, I have a real problem dealing with any of the

organized charities anymore. Most of them are hold huge amounts of fund

back in T-Bills and other interest bearing instruments, then they cry

" poor " , especially at the end of the year. In response to their $20

minimum, I would have sent the $5 anyway, but with their next " appeal " , I

would have told them " sorry " ....

Most of the use professional fund raisers, so they do not do most of

their own fund raising. A large percentage of the monetary gifts given to

them through their fund raising campaigns are paid to the the company that

makes the phone calls. Volunteers used to do that. They are simple phone

solicitations for charity rather than solitcitations for magazines or other


Instead of responding to the fund raising phone call using their

envelope, why not just get the address for the organization and send a check

directly to them? They won't return the gift, they will deposit it into

their account. When I receive phone calls asking for a donation, I ask them

if they are professional fund raisers. Hesitation with an answer or a " Yes "

response will not be responded to and a check will be mailed only after I

check things out with the Secretary of State in my state of residence.


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: tess_northwest@...


> Hi...A lady called from our local MS Society. She said they were making

> their yearly appeal and if she sent me an envelope and literature would

> I be willing to share whatever I could. I said sure, I'm on disability

> and have RA, but I'd be glad to send $5. Then she said thank you, but

> they now have a $20. minimum for mail-in donations...if there were

> volunteers for door-to-door they'd be glad to take my donation.


> I understand about overhead, but sheesh! If I just sent a $5. check in

> the mail on my own to the local MS Society I can't imagine they'd

> disregard it or send it back.


> Sorry to be bah-hum-buggy...really, I'm not, but it made me feel like

> doodoo.


> Love...


> Tess




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  • 5 years later...

Liz, Was the pernacious anemia because of a B12 deficiency? Just curious. Nadine Gamble <eagamble@...> wrote: Alright... I need to pout for a minute... i have some kind of cold, bronchitis like infection with a nice fever.. even when i was a young children, the aches when i would get sick were horrible and this has put me into a bit of a flare... i've been back to work for about 9 months after being out of work for almost a year due to undiagonsed pernacious anemia that got mistaken

as a worsing case of fibro... since i've managed to return from thinking about disability to being functioning again i hate being sick and missing work... i guess this explains though way the fibro was flaring for a couple of days.. i'm thankfully slowing getting over this and my has gotten me some antibiotics.... alrighty.. my pitty party is over... now i just have to stay warm (high of mid teens with lows below zero here in central indiana for next couple of days)....hope everyone is doing well.. blessed be liz Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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yuppersnadine redman <nlraccount@...> wrote: Liz, Was the pernacious anemia because of a B12 deficiency? Just curious. Nadine Gamble <eagamble > wrote: Alright... I need to pout for a minute... i have some kind of cold, bronchitis like infection with a nice fever.. even when i was a young children, the aches when i would get sick were horrible and this has

put me into a bit of a flare... i've been back to work for about 9 months after being out of work for almost a year due to undiagonsed pernacious anemia that got mistaken as a worsing case of fibro... since i've managed to return from thinking about disability to being functioning again i hate being sick and missing work... i guess this explains though way the fibro was flaring for a couple of days.. i'm thankfully slowing getting over this and my has gotten me some antibiotics.... alrighty.. my pitty party is over... now i just have to stay warm (high of mid teens with lows below zero here in central indiana for next couple of days)....hope everyone is doing well.. blessed be liz Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I was tested for a deficiency in B-12 because that can cause neuropathy. It has to be 220 or above - mine was in the 500's so that wasn't the cause for me. Too bad because that would have been an easy fix :( in Phxnadine redman <nlraccount@...> wrote: Liz, Was the pernacious anemia because of a B12 deficiency? Just

curious. Nadine

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ideally you should be around 800 or so... so supplements might help... i was down to 100 before the figured it out and took about 6 months to get back to normal.. i actually have to keep the level at about 1500-1600 to remain symptom free... liz in AZ <oriana_az@...> wrote: I was tested for a deficiency in B-12 because that can cause neuropathy. It has to be 220 or above - mine was in the 500's so that wasn't the cause for me. Too bad because that would have been an easy fix :( in Phxnadine redman <nlraccount > wrote: Liz, Was the pernacious anemia because of a B12 deficiency? Just curious. Nadine Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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The neurologist I went to once put me on B-50 complex 1x a day and my foot doc increased it to 2x a day. I just checked and it does have B12 in it in addition to the other B's. I was just reading where a deficiency is pretty rare (at least according to the site I was at) and you body stores it for 'years'. Thank you for the advice. I may increase it and see if that helps! hugs Gamble <eagamble@...> wrote: ideally you should be around 800 or so... so supplements might help... i was down to 100 before the figured it out and took about 6 months to get back to normal.. i actually have to keep the level at about 1500-1600 to remain symptom free... liz in AZ <oriana_az@...> wrote: I was tested for a deficiency in B-12 because that can cause neuropathy. It has to be 220 or above - mine was in the 500's so that wasn't the cause for me. Too bad because that would have been an easy fix :( in Phx

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yes, it is a pretty rare condition.. though diet can play a role (vegans typically have a problem since b12 is in meat and eggs).. there's some large instentine disorders that can causes issues with b12 adsoption as well... i hope the b50 helps a bit liz in AZ <oriana_az@...> wrote: The neurologist I went to once put me on B-50 complex 1x a day and my foot doc increased it to 2x a day. I just checked and it does have B12 in it in addition to the other B's. I was just reading where a deficiency is pretty rare (at least according to the site I was at) and you body stores it for 'years'. Thank you for the advice. I may increase it and see if that helps! hugs Gamble <eagamble > wrote: ideally you should be around 800 or so... so supplements might help... i was down to 100 before the figured it out and took about 6 months to get back to normal.. i actually have to keep the level at about 1500-1600 to remain symptom free... liz in AZ <oriana_az > wrote: I was tested for a deficiency in B-12 because that can cause neuropathy. It

has to be 220 or above - mine was in the 500's so that wasn't the cause for me. Too bad because that would have been an easy fix :( in Phx Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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