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When Stress Hits

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Another blog from RNDear Friends... 

I've been busy this past week getting all of my nursing CEU's accomplished. They come up every two years & that means 24 hours of CEU credits. Usually I work at them throughout the year, but this time I let them go to almost the last minute. Then, I had to complete my application for a new nursing license here in the State of Rhode Island. Goodness me....what a bunch of papers!! Anyway, I'm celebrating now because I finally finished everything & sealed the envelope....ready for the post office on Tuesday. 

Monday my husband is having surgery for a growth that appeared on his scalp. He had a squamous cell carcinoma there a few years back & we don't know if this is a recurrence or something else. Anyway, it will mean an excision under general anesthesia & a skin graft. Nothing to sniff about. 

I'm also working on a deadline for my book, The Snow Crocus. That's the fiction I wrote following 's death. The first edited draft is due next Friday, SO....I've been absent from my blogging for a bit. 

I was thinking about what to blog today & I thought you might benefit from looking over my shoulder at what I do when the stress hits. I think it helps to know that I'm no different from anyone else.....and....I have a BIG HISTORY of disorderly eating & sugar issues. So, welcome to my life. Just open the door & come on in. 

Before I forget, I'm enclosing a link to one of my mp3 programs on Food Addiction. Before anyone reports me for advertising on Spark, this link takes you to a simple download & not to any of my websites. None of my mp3 programs give any information about ordering anything, nor my website address. I'm sorry if I sound defensive, but I have been reported before & for no reason. This has made me back off from offering anything to those who read my blogs. This bothers me because I offer the same to those who read my other blogs & my FB page, etc. Anyway...I'll try again to be helpful & hope that it goes well. I consider my work to be " gifts " from my Higher Power & so sharing is a big part of how I live my life. 

Managing Food Addiction with Interactive Self-Hypnosis 


ction=download & ufid=M3BrZUNzNDJlaFQ1SE 


I wanted to utilize the " add link " feature here, but it wouldn't work...probably because it's a secure site. So, if you want the program you will have to copy & paste in your browser. 

OK...now, once again....come on in. I'm sitting over here. 

You'll notice that it's very quiet in my space. There are other noises in my home, but I stay as isolated as possible. I also make it known to my family & also the dog that I am not to be interrupted. I will let them know when I'm finished doing what I'm doing. I rarely tell anyone what I'm doing for I have no need to explain myself. My personal self-growth is between me & my Higher Power/Self. I simply don't discuss it. BTW, it wasn't always like this. I used to explain myself to everyone. What a mistake that was. I came to understand that I am not looking for anyone's opinion nor help. I found a kind, but assertive way to make this known. Now....there is no issue. 

So, I'm sitting quietly. All the things I told you earlier are playing out in my life, but I am not spending time with them now. This is often called " letting go. " I see/sense it more as a separation from the circus of the world. I've used that image before, so you might recognize it. 

I've dimmed the lights, turned off the phones in my space & have turned my chair to face the direction that I use only for this special communication work with the Highest part of me. I am not praying, not that there is anything wrong with prayer. I'm simply " being. " Just sitting with my attention on my communication with my Higher parts. You might know this as meditation & you would be right, but I meditate differently. My thoughts zoom through my mind as I sit here, but I do not intend to attach to any of them. If I do, then I become aware of that & then let them zoom off. I utilize a mantra or word for my focus. Sometimes I use an image of the Light or a picture that I have chosen as a focus. Lately I've been visualizing a big library filled with books written by the great masters. I say my mantra while sitting in this special environment. 

I ask for nothing. This is just the time I spend here. When my outside stressors are bigger, I come more often. I see/believe my stressors as opportunity conduits or connections to my Higher parts. Once I've " settled in " , I like to spend time on my Path. For those of you who work with my Workshop on Sugar & Food Addiction Team, or read my blogs, you do know about the Path. I like to settle in before entering the Path. I often visit the Light, clean up my emotions & choose which ones to entertain. Lately I've been having Love, Creativity, Joy, Happiness, Peace & Growth surround me. I have an image of conduits or connections ( plugs of sorts ) that connect me directly to them. I sense each one of them independently & then up the voltage or energy. This is especially helpful during difficult or challenging times because the positive emotions over-ride anything that is of the opposite " voltage " in my world or life experience. 

There are many different areas that I visit on my Path. I've only shared a small handful with you here. As time goes on & I'll tell you more about others. Today I'm spending some time with my son. When I'm in deep contact with my Higher parts I can sense a communication with him. What's interesting is that the higher the outer stress, the deeper the meditation & connections & therefore the inner conversations, so you might say that there is a positive side to high level stress. 

Here's the bottom line. Stress kills. It's that simple, so we have a choice. Either choose to stay in it through thinking about it, talking about it, looking for it, etc., or go the other route. I always go the other route. I have no interest in stress related disease, addictions or behaviors that take me away from health & abundance. 

Once again....your choice. 

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