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Hair dyes and autoimmune disease

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Medication can affect the way hair color penetrates the hair strand. I

colored my hair once to cover up a gray patch that I have in my bangs.

After doing it, I read that the chemicals in hair dyes are associated with a

higher incidence of autoimmune diseases, so I haven¹t done it again. I

started perming my hair in my early 20¹s but since eliminating all chemicals

that I can from my environment, I don¹t perm it anymore. If the grey

bothers me, I'm going to try henna. It's been used for thousands of years

and doesn't have the possible risks of commercial hair dyes. There is a lot

of conflicting information on the safety of these hair dyes and perms.




Natural Alternatives to Toxic Coloring Agents 


Can Dyeing My Hair Harm Me?



> Hey...before we go spiraling, I want to add this. My sister keeps her

> hair nice. She works with public. I let mine grow and do " whatever " !

> Looks about like I did when I was 12.

> But my sister was on Pred. for ages. And decided to get her usual perm.

> It was disaster. Her hair turned strange colors, and didn't take the

> perm well and was just " damaged " looking. It didn't fall out or

> anything. But she always said she wondered if it was the Pred in her

> system.

> Anyone have this problem? I never color my hair, except a couple of

> times in my 20's. My hair is still natural blonde. But the gray is

> getting REALLY bad! So my girls talked me into covering it all blonde.

> Turned a sick yellow-green. I wondered also, if it was the Pred causing

> reaction to the coloring agents? I mean...our hair absorbs everything in

> our body. So could be possible.

> Anyone know about this?

> Susie


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From what I've read it is the accumulation of the chemical assaults such as

a hairdresser would be exposed to. I doubt the occasional colorer or permer

is going to develop an autoimmune disease unless they are allergic to the

chemicals. When I read about the chemical links to autoimmune disease it

seems that any chemical can cause it if you're genetically predisposed to

it. Your mom had good sense. Redheads are beautiful!


> a : Thanks for the links and Susie thanks for the

> thoughts.....but may I say this...My hair is so long

> and so hard to take care of right now and my Italian

> he man has a fit whenever I say gotta cut...a spiral

> is the easiest way to take care of it right now....I

> already have an autoimmune disease and have never been

> a colorer being a red head, except for a period of

> time I JUST had to be a blonde..until my mother had a

> fit and informed me that she and the good lord had

> given me a head of beautiful red hair and I needed to

> learn to live with it....we watch our intake of so

> much and are so careful of everything that I gotta

> cheat on this one ....my hands cant take braiding this

> mess evry day......hugs to you both


> Louise: I had a good laugh over your post.....remember

> that saying Of all the things Ive lost I miss my mind

> the most.....I am right in line witth you....


> Carol: Sorry to hear about Jan, she has really

> struggled with pain...I wish they would give her

> something so she didnt have to struggle so hard....I

> will include her in my prayers


> Hope everyone has a fun filled pain free

> Saturday....PS:The spiral came out fine just had to

> listen to the girl gripe about rolling all that

> hair...even with the MTX there is still to

> much.....hugs to all Kathi in OK

> --- a <paula54@...> wrote:

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