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beloved Debs

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beloved friend,







in her soul

she knows that we're all here...

united in loving her,

united in prayer,

and if it were possible

we all would be there...

but Heaven's bombarded

with our prayers of love,

and God dooesn't ignore

when we plead to above...

His angels are gathered

around our Deb's bed,

one holding her hand,

one gently soothing her head...

one on her left side

and one on her right,

and one with such sweetness to

free her from fright...

we all love our Deb's

more than any words can say,

so from Mauritius to California

we gather and pray...

Oh Deb, feel the kisses

we blow to your cheek,

and know our prayers are mighty

though we're humble and meek...

We will dream of you healing

and infection's demise,

as we hold you so tightly

with loving tears in our eyes...

Rest now with confidence

That miracles come true,

And your little RA family

is forever loving you.


Tess & All xoxoxoxoxoxox

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