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Re: Holiday blues- Kathy in IL

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<PRE>thanks iris. then i find out otday that my syringes are on back order. i


supposed to do my injection tonight. also they haven't painted my car doors

yet. so i won't get it until monday. i have an 8am appt on monday. now i get

to drive my kids car again. i'm not sure if it's just that i'm late on my

injection. or all the work i have done this week. or i'm going into a flare,

but i have been in alot of pain the last 2 days. i don't mind spending my

time on my gifts. i wish i could start baking, but it is far too early yet.

kathy in il

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Kathy...Aren't they supposed to be a Pharmacy? It is

like the other day when I went to Taco Bueno and they

told me they didn't have any guacamole. There are just

some things that they shouldn't run out of.

It especially isn't easy to hear they are out when you

have been in pain for two days. Oh well, it isn't

personal to them, it is just inventory.

I hope that your pain will give you a rest. Take care.


--- kringlemom@... wrote:

> <PRE>thanks iris. then i find out otday that my

> syringes are on back order. i was

> supposed to do my injection tonight. also they

> haven't painted my car doors

> yet. so i won't get it until monday. i have an 8am

> appt on monday. now i get

> to drive my kids car again. i'm not sure if it's

> just that i'm late on my

> injection. or all the work i have done this week. or

> i'm going into a flare,

> but i have been in alot of pain the last 2 days. i

> don't mind spending my

> time on my gifts. i wish i could start baking, but

> it is far too early yet.

> kathy in il



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<PRE>i must be the only one who uses them here. he had to special order 100 of

them to get me 4. at that time i was only checking for prices because my dr

said i could come in and get the shots. so then they started calling me to

come and get them. i kept telling them i am not even sure if i am going to

continue the mtx, so they sent them back. now they are saying that they are

out. hopefully today after 4. i also put a call into my dr's office. but even

if they have some u am still without a car. mot sure if i have just been

overdoing it or a flare or what. cancelled my conseltation with the atty on

wednesday. they wanter $95 for counseltation and didn't think they would do

it on contingency. so back to the drawing board as i have less that 30 days

to act. kathy in il

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