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Hi...My gyn called today...she is really sweet...the pathology report

shows no evidence of cancer. However, she said the report said there

was some unusual blood in the sample, so she is having them do a double

check. What her biggest concern is that even though I am on

Depo-Provera shots, the lining of my uterus continues to thicken, and

she wants to make sure no cancerous/precancerous polyps are hiding in

the thick lining. Therefore, she is scheduling me for a hyster...golly,

I CAN NOT get the name right...hyterostomy, hysterol...eeek...it will be

under IV sedation & cervical numbing..they will go in and examine every

inch of my uterus, and follow it with a D & C. She wants it done in the

next few weeks. She called my PCP, who called me and said to come in

next Tuesday for a fasting pre-op.

I am really grateful for physicians who really care, and I am a little

scared now. Guess that's normal. Lots of mixed emotions whirling


Please keep me in your prayers.

I love you all...


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