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Stacey's pulley

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A rope to bring the laundry basket up stairs! Woman, you are a

genius! Wish I had thought of that! I will try it tomorrow when I

do laundry.

Guess it's a good thing we didn't go to Denmark, we'd still be flying

around trying to find a place to land since it's snowing in Chicago.

Our flight back to Indy would be delayed too. Down here in " balmy "

southern Indiana it is 44 degrees, but supposed to get cold again.

Think I'll wear my fleece undies tomorrow.

Take care,


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Hi Judy,

I have " rigged " many things in the house. When I need to do something that

is a bit difficult, I find a way to rig it. One thing that my father taught

me was to be self sufficient and there is always a way. Plus, I have been

living as a single mother for almost 6 years now. So it all falls to me. My

mother laughs at me too. LOL!

See there was a reason for your trip to be canceled. Just think, you could

be stuck in an airport somewhere, being sick and not a dr. to be found. I'm

glad that things worked out for the best for you.

I don't usually get out the " long johns " much anymore. I am usually warm

compared to most others. My bundling up consists of socks and slippers,

maybe a robe. Wyatt keeps asking me to turn up the heat, but I just can't

stand it much warmer in the house. I just tell him to put on a warmer shirt

or at least A SHIRT, anyway. He just loves to walk around the house with as

little on as possible. Then he complains that he is cold. He's cold, I'm

hot, what are you going to do?!!!! LOL.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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