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let's look at neurotoxicity - Spate of sick animal slayings stirs copycat killer fear - let's examine the whole picture to try and address this horrendous problem

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Dear all,

I advise I had a very positive response indeed from RSPCA re: my

article below.

All forms of mental illnesses including depression, mood & behavioural

problems, criminal/violent behaviour,

psychotic episodes, suicides, et al is out of control - if one

examines the complete picture of

chemical exposures which causes neurotoxicity et al, the picture

becomes clearer - chemical pollution doesn't

just affect the " environment " which I am pleased to say we have many

wonderful people concerned about,

but let us all also focus on human health, including mental health -

I have brought together data on some of the most

widely used toxic, neurotoxic and carcinogenic chemicals, which if you

study it, you will surely

join the dots. This is what being a community is all about, if someone

has information that

can possibly help our community become safer, healthier and generally

much better, we have a moral

need and right to do so; information and education is the key. Please

don't dismiss this, your life and your family's life might just

appreciate it. It is worthy of examination and much thought. Thank

you, Di Buckland

4 Mia St. Kallangur, 4503 ph 3285 3573

*Now we have more torture against innocent creatures - let us study

human behavior

and what can affect this adversely.


Spate of sick animal slayings stirs copycat killer fear


by Buckland www.mcs-global.org

Puppy tortured


Family cat found cut to pieces


Dear RSPCA et al

Will someone please listen to me and take action to bring awareness - I

have been doing this voluntary work for 20 years; the experts are not

looking at all about criminality and neurotoxicity - behavioural

problems and criminal, cruel, disgusting and inhuman behaviour seems out

of control; a young guy can kick a beautiful little kitten to death and

walk away with no penalty or sometimes a small punishment - we need to

address what causes this behaviour and pull the horse before the cart,

and if we can prevent animals being so horrifically treated, let us do

so, even if it means listening to an ordinary person like me - because

there are answers - and we need to look everywhere, and we need to apply

The Precautionary Principle - so you need to get sensible answers/ideas

of how to address these ongoing problems, which are the scourge of our

society - because this problem is only going to get worse as society and

criminal behaviour continues to deteriorate - with this violent and

horrendous criminal/cruel behaviour - if we can get the population to be

educated and informed about the disastrous consequences

of neurotoxic chemical exposures (which are everywhere) and the effects

on behaviour et al - we may just have a chance - I hate to think just

how much animal torture and cruelty is really going on - we only hear

about a fraction of it - please listen. I have sent different things to

many media, police etc. etc., for so long; someone needs to listen.

I hope you will look into this further - these horrific acts are

becoming more common - the behaviour of people in Society is

degenerating - yes the experts say it is drugs and alcohol, we know that

- but there is definitely more - and this problem is deadly serious and

can only get worse - the dangers of neurotoxic chemicals are never, and

I mean never examined or even considered, this has to change, we have to

do something to bring awareness that so many of these dangerous

neurotoxic chemicals are affecting some people in this particular way;

the experts don't seem to be putting the whole and complete picture

together; I have my own evidence in a way, because I saw the monster

that my child became frrom pesticides (on top of the neurotoxic

chemicals in the vaccines) what this did to my little boy, he was a

violent psychotic; and of course in my case I suffered major depressive

illness from the pesticides, I couldn't stop crying - it lasted years,

and of course I wanted to die I was so depressed, but I carried on

because of my son needing me, he was in a bad way.

I believe that many people with this shocking criminal violent psychotic

cruel behavior have effects of neurotoxic chemical exposures - because

these neurotoxic poisons are everywhere, and if we are going to be able

to deal with it and gain some normality and status quo to Society in

general, we must be aware of what we are dealing with bring widespread

awareness so that people stop either exposing themselves or being

exposed to these dangerous neurotoxic poisons - and that is where it is

impossible particularly in the case of neurotoxic pesticides,

insecticides, fungicides, herbicides because so many people use them

virtually everywhere including all our councils; if we are going to get

a handle on this it has to be widespread awareness and information in

this regard.


/**Toxics and Violent Crime** /

/Pollution causes people to commit violent crimes --homicide, aggravated

assault, sexual assault and robbery --according to new research by

D. Masters and co-workers at Dartmouth College.[1] Sociologists have

known for a long time that violent crimes occur more in some places than

in others. Some U.S. counties have only 100 violent crimes per 100,000

people per year; other counties have rates of violent crime that are 30

times as high. The question is why some places have high crime rates and

others don't. Masters says pollution is part of the answer. /

/Masters has developed what he calls the neurotoxicity hypothesis of

violent crime. According to this hypothesis, toxic pollutants --

specifically the toxic metals lead and manganese --cause learning

disabilities, an increase in aggressive behavior, and --most importantly

--loss of control over impulsive behavior. These traits combine with

poverty, social stress, alcohol and drug abuse, individual character,

and other social factors to produce individuals who commit violent

crimes. /

/Masters argues that, to be taken seriously, such a hypothesis must pass

five tests. He then demonstrates how the neurotoxicity hypothesis meets

all five, as follows: ....... (read full article on link above) /







Linking Brain Dysfunction to

Disordered/Criminal/Psychopathic Behavior/* A*/re toxic industrial

chemicals causing an epidemic of behavioral and developmental illnesses

in U.S. children/*?

" A silent pandemic: Industrial chemicals are impairing the brain

development of children worldwide, " news release, Harvard School of

Public Health, November 7, 2006.




Dr. Singer

*/Symptoms of neurotoxicity:/*/ Toxic chemicals can damage the nervous

system and brain. Such chemicals are neurotoxic. A person may or may not

be aware of neurotoxic damage when it occurs. / ///Neurotoxicity is a

cause of brain damage. Common symptoms can include problems with memory,

concentration, reaction time, sleep, thinking, language, as well as

depression, confusion, personality changes, fatigue, and numbness of the

hands and feet. Many types of nervous system disorders could be caused

by neurotoxicity, including numerous neurologic and psychiatric

disorders. / /Interpersonal and legal difficulties may result from

mental health problems stemming from neurotoxicity, including job loss,

family difficulties, and irrational, unusual, criminal or violent

behavior./ */Chemicals that we have studied that can cause neurotoxic


include: (read full information on link above)







*/*/Millions of Children damaged by Toxic Chemicals*/ /*








/Extract: The title is strong and may alarm the Chemical Corporations

and an array of others including those not familiar with the fact that

chemical damage to brain and nerve cells causes behavioural dysfunction.

Brain and nerve cells compose mechanisms that control behaviour,

including reactions and interactions between people and they become

dysfunctional through chemical damage. Pesticides are the primary

chemicals responsible for this damage and billions of pounds are used to

poison our homes, schools, workplaces, day care centres, and our food

sources. Learning disorders and alzheimer's disease are other

ramifications of pesticide exposure and these are also explained.

Toxic chemicals from auto exhaust and factory emissions blend in with

pesticides in damaging living cellular materials




*International Declaration on diseases due to chemical pollution



*Ontario College of Family Physicians - extensive information on

dangers of pesticides including

mental health effects



*Chemical contaminants and human disease


....environmental and chemical exposure factors can cause damage to the

delicate brain......



Pesticide induced *neurotoxicity *



page 86 Neurological and Mental Health Impacts of Pesticides (Di

comment remember we are exposed

to these dangerous poisons everywhere)


Fluoride, Neurotoxicity and Behaviour

Fluoride Action Network


Trained as a Chemical Engineer - Floyd Maxwell


An Invisible Killer - fluoride by Floyd Maxwell




Arthur M. Evangelista, Ph.D., a former FDA Investigator

and http://www.wnho.net/molecular_biologists_aspartame_commentary.htm


By Dr. Maniotis

(Di's comment: remember this artificial sweetener is in a huge range of

food, drinks, lollies, toothpastes) I tried

to buy some chewing gum at the supermarket and couldn't find any without

artificial sweetener!!!

Amalgam (MERCURY) dental fillings


Mercury in Dental fillings (amalgam) and vaccines

Report by Dr. Blaylock

and :-

http://www.flcv.com/damspr1.html - Amalgam (MERCURY) dental fillings


*11. Chronic* a*dverse health effects from amalgam are common in adults.

Mercury is extremely cytotoxic, neurotoxic, immunotoxic, endocrine

disrupting, inflammatory, and a reproductive toxin. Mercury commonly

causes chronic neurological, immune and autoimmune, cardiovascular,

hormonal, oral, and reproductive conditions.*

MERCURY IN VACCINES (and much more) and Dental amalgam (mercury)


Mercury on the Mind* *by W. , Jr., MD



*adverse neurological effects


Vaccine Ingredients - Neurotoxic chemicals et al

Many people are also on Psychiatric Drugs (perhaps their mental illness

has been induced by neurotoxic chemicals

in our environment) please see some information on psychiatric drugs

- these have deadly side effects


Dr. Yolande Lucire


Forensic Psychiatrist.

more important information on these drugs from Dr. Breggin and others



causing subtle neurological damage (memory, personality, behavior etc),


Toxic, neurotoxic & carcinogenic chemicals -


Pesticide exposure - Professor Hugh Newcastle University

see also:-

extensive info on dangers of pesticides etc.


more chemical information here:-






Improve the well-being of Tennessee's children by balancing and reducing

risks associated with pests, pesticides, and other chemicals.



and other Groups


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