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Hi Dear Ones...I've had a it of a bumpy ride emotionally, but am doing

ok. I got myself out of the house & to the store. My best friend sent

me a beautiful rosey-mauve thermal blanket for Christmas, and it came

today. It is so pretty, and so soft. I got Em a sweet little London

Blue Topaz ring (under $20. on HSN) for Christmas and wrapped it and

put it under the tree, signing it Mrs. Santa. Her birthday is Dec. 9 -

she will be 25!!! She has been such an angel & support & loving

daughter. She is always SO excited about her birthday...we are having a

family pizza party Sunday afternoon, then on her birthday I'm taking

just her to " Der Rheinander " where the cute young waiters wear

lederhosen (sp?) and come sing to the birthday person. She already got

her birthdays gifts from me...a good rainproof coat & boots as she's a

walker & bus rider. She loves them. If ANYONE wants to take a minute

to send her an e-birthday card, she would be just thrilled. Her addy is:


Tomorrow I meet with my new PCP, and I am looking forward to it. My gyn

will call in the next couple days...she said to call her if I don't hear

anything by Thursday. The procedure I'm likely to have is a

hystoplasty, I think...they go into the uterus and look it over

thoroughly, then do a D & C to remove any polyps, fibroids and the thick


I've got all my Christmas cards out, so watch your mailboxes! I'll be

sending cards to anyone else on Carol's " last call " list as soon as it's


I've done much better with food today...I don't think I'm so hard on

myself, but as some of you have mentioned that I probably better take

another look!

My cousin Angie in Georgia has a less invasive form of skin cancer than

previously thought, so thank you all for your prayers, and thank the


Chatty, tonight, aren't I? Just a little lonely and a little anxious.

I love you all bunches, truly, and am so grateful I am part of this


All My Love, Always...


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