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Tess-another long tale

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Are you sure we aren't sisters, separated at birth?

When I was born, 6 weeks early because my mom had fallen and later

developed toxemia, they told her I had cerebral palsy, would never

develop beyond a vegetable, and should be put in an institution.

Well, she had tricked my dad into getting her pregnant because she

knew he was having an affair, and she wanted one more child (I have 2

brothers, 4 years and 8 years older.) So she said, no, she'd take me

home and love me anyway.

Some years later (after having skipped 2 grades in school--not too

many vegetables do that) she was told when I was in high school that

I had to be in special ed and special gym classes because of

my " disability " (very uncoordinated.) She said she preferred to keep

me in the main stream, that there was nothing wrong with my mind and

that I needed to learn how to compete with the world. End result, I

was the top scorer on the varsity volleyball team, played tennis,

swam like a fish, and graduated 3rd out of a class of 400.

Maybe I do have some limitations, but I'm glad she refused to see

them as a stumbling block to my future. And any time I feel like the

world is just too tough, I think of my mom's faith in God and her

faith in me, and just keep on. Like this morning, when I had to

shovel our driveway so Ron could go to his therapy. He wanted to

shovel too, but it takes him a long time to shower, shave, brush his

teeth, etc., and I told him I'd enjoy it. Actually, I did enjoy it,

being outside in the cold fresh air, but my hips, elbows, and hands

are now letting me know their disapproval. To heck with them.

Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm very glad that all those

people prayed for you so I can enjoy my " sister " now!

Big hugs,


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