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Re: (((((Tess)))))

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Dear Tess,

I am sorry that you are having all of these

difficulties. Your illness is enough without having

all of those problems scheduling your procedure. There

should be a patient advocate at the hospital that

could help you with these problems.

I think that one way you could celebrate your

anniversary and the love that you have for Vince is to

write a loving poem in tribute and tie up an

individual copy with a pretty little bow for everyone.

This would be a way for them to acknowledge your

anniversary in a positive way instead of not knowing

what to say to you.

If you need to hide out for a couple of days, go right

ahead but set a personal time limit. I always feel

better if I give in to it a little and then say I have

spent enough time and try to snap out of it.

Tess, if it is cancer, we will face it with you. You

know that you won't be alone. Try to put it on the

back burner and celebrate Christmas with your

children. Like Scarlet O'Hara said...I'll worry about

it tomorrow. There is nothing harder than waiting for

news like this.

I have asked the angels to watch over you tonight and

bring to you a calmness of the spirit. Take care.


--- tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Dear Friends...In light of all that Deb is going

> through as well as

> everyone's personal challenges, I don't like

> 'whining' right now, but I

> need to, a little.


> I had a wonderful weekend with Em's birthday & all,

> have all my cards

> mailed and every gift but one bought. I have a

> little tree up and

> Christmas cards strung for all to see.


> But I am feeling angry and frustrated and

> overwelmed. I went in for my

> pre-op today...the EKG's were down, and the blood

> work can't be done for

> 2 weeks...my Dr. wasn't too happy with all

> that...she was very sweet to

> me...but it really was a pretty uneccesary

> trip...all could have been

> done in 2 weeks, but the nurse that called said NOW.

> The procedure is a

> bit of a bigger deal than I thought. I'm not

> afraid, I truly believe I

> will be ok, but I also feel that they will find

> cancer or something. If

> so, so be it...another path to take. The Lord will

> help me through. I

> got SO many calls today about scheduling,

> instructions, lab work. It is

> now schedued for Monday January 13 at 10:30 PST. I

> have another lab

> appt. & visit with my PCP before then, and lab work

> to be done at the

> hospital.


> I called my rheummy about the Remicade which I won't

> be having now until

> at least late February...I truly understand why, but

> I don't look

> forward to very active RA in winter, recovering from

> whatever surgery.

> They also informed me that there is NO record of the

> bloodwork for

> Sjorgren's, though I was RIGHT THERE when my rheummy

> ordered it and

> , an MA drew the sample. So, they re-ordered it

> and I need to go to

> a different lab for that.


> I really have been in a wonderful holiday spirit,

> and still am in many

> ways, but I can feel myself being " extra " cheerful

> so people won't

> worry. Then I crash...just feeling overwelmed,

> about Debs, personal

> stuff.


> Our family holiday party got changed from Dec. 22 to

> Dec. 21 which is my

> 34th wedding anniversary which I can't help but feel

> deep in my heart

> and hear Vince singing " O Holy Night " . My kids are

> very kind about

> that...no body else will talk about it cause it's

> " too sad " ...I think

> it's sadder still NOT to talk about it and

> acknowledge this precious

> person & time in my life.


> I am really, really being encouraged to work harder

> on the weight, and

> for good reason...I am, I have been, I will

> continue to. There just

> seems like so much.


> Thanks for listening...I spent most of yesterday

> crying and hiding

> out...that's an old habit I don't want to

> encourage..the hiding out

> part.


> My son is coming to Portland for Christmas, and my

> girls are on edge.


> Please keep me & my family in your prayers. Thank

> you for listening to

> all this...sometimes you just feel like you might

> pop, I know you know

> that feeling.


> I love you all...


> Tess




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Dear Tess,

I am so glad that I can give back just a small portion

of the hope, courage and trust that you give daily to

us. Love you. Iris

--- tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Dearest Iris...oh my goodness - that is the most

> wonderful idea about

> our anniversary! Thank you, dear Iris, that helps

> so much.


> I absolutely know that though I hope all my tests

> come back ok, I can

> get through whatever I need to with you all, my

> family & the Lord. You

> all inspire with me courage, hope, and trust. Thank

> you for the love &

> encouagement.


> All My Love....


> Tess




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