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RE: Re: Holiday blues...Carol

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Carol: I hope it works for you and Iris's idea of a

calendar is a good one also....please take care...and

thanks for the big hug.....I always appreciate

those.....hugs back and please one day at a time so

you have a wonderful holiday.....Kathi in OK

--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> Oh Kathi, that's a great idea too! I did talk to my

> mom about all the

> wrapping, and I'm going to bring all my gifts up

> unwrapped (other than hers

> and 's), and we're going to have a " wrapping

> party " . I almost cried I

> was so happy when she suggested it. I've been

> toying with the idea of

> skipping the tree this year (since we're not going

> to be here), but I'd be

> so sad to miss doing it. And my kids from my sunday

> school class are coming

> for the party (and ornament making), and I want to

> have it up for them.


> Last year (before I was diagnosed, but I was having

> really bad symptoms), I

> tried to be Martha and ended up miserable.

> The whole holiday was a

> bust because I was hurting so much I couldn't enjoy

> it. This year, of

> course, I've got the help of the MTX, Remicade and

> Lortab if it gets rough,

> so I'm thinking I can do a little more.


> I really appreciate the great idea, and I'm going to

> do that tonight.

> You're in my thoughts often, too, and I'm sending

> you a big

> ((((((((((((((((((((((Christmas

> hug))))))))))))))))))))))).


> Lots of love,

> Carol

> [ ] Re: Holiday blues



> Carol: Just reading this post made me tired

> .....it sounds like a

> daunting holiday season for you......you asked for

> advice? A couple of

> years ago, I tried to DO everything and ended up

> crying my head off

> through most of the season...so I started making a

> list of what I had

> to do and to the side put a big red star on the

> ones to go all out on

> and the ones that could get by with minimal effort

> or that I could

> cheat and ask someone to help with.....when it was

> down on paper with

> the most important to the least important it didnt

> seem quite as

> bad....I have the good fortune to have an older

> daughter that I can

> call and beg, which I sometimes do especially for

> things like wrapping

> which have become quite difficult on bad hand

> days.....maybe you could

> ask a friend? Anyways am thinking of you and

> please try not to overdo

> ....although it looks like that will be

> impossible...I also was

> wondering about Heidi, and also hoping she is not

> having a bad bout of

> morning sickness, but this is just about the right

> months for that to

> be starting, also wondering about Al as he seems

> to be absent. Anyway

> take care of yourself...hugs to you...Kathi in OK




> In @y..., " Carol " <carol@c...>

> wrote:

> > Hi Friends,

> >

> > I'm sorry I've been so distant lately, but I was

> just exhausted

> after my

> > trip to Chicago. And the next month promises to

> be even busier. I

> had my

> > Remicade infusion on Tuesday, and I'm glad to

> have that out of the

> way. I

> > still hurt a lot, but I have so much more energy

> today. Let me

> backtrack, I

> > hurt because I completed ALL my gift shopping

> over the past two

> days. What

> > a relief to have all that done! Of course, I

> still have finals

> right now, I

> > have the house and tree to decorate, I'm giving

> a party at home for

> my

> > sunday school class, and I have baking I want to

> do. Oh, I have to

> send my

> > christmas cards and have gifts for our clients

> to handle. Then I

> have my

> > trip on the 17th to Atl, then to Salt Lake City,

> then back to Atl

> for Xmas.

> >

> > I'd be willing to bet many of you have equally

> daunting plans for

> the

> > holidays. It's funny, because I made a decision

> to pace myself and

> put my

> > health first, yet I don't seem to be able to cut

> much of anything

> out. Does

> > anyone have any hints or ideas about how to make

> the holidays

> easier? If

> > so, do share!

> >

> > The other bummer right now is that Stan has a

> bad upper respiratory

> > infection, and I think I'm catching it.

> Certainly the last thing I

> need

> > right now is to be sick. :-(

> >

> > I haven't seen any news from Heidi the past

> couple of days. I hope

> she's

> > feeling OK and isn't too overwhelmed with

> morning sickness.

> >

> > , I hope your biopsy goes well. Do keep us

> informed.

> >

> > Of course, the news that Deb's headed home is

> incredibly exciting.

> I tried

> > to call her on the cell last night, but got no

> answer. If you read

> this,

> > Deb, I love you and miss you.

> >

> > And my love to all of you,

> > Carol




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