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Re: Kathiy in IL

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Hi Kathy...if you are diabetic, blood glucose meters are usually covered

by most insurances, including the test strips. Of course, some

insurances don't. But if you're now on medication, it's really

important to be able to monitor your blood glucose levels, or if you're

feeling like you're going too low, to know that for a fact and treat it.

Thee are companies that offer them free to diabetes patients, cause they

make most of their money off the test strips. I've received 2

invitations in the mail to try new meters no charge to me. If you don't

have coverage for one, you can gt one for very little. Watch the

newspaper adds for pharmacies, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Often times a

meter will be $40 - $80 dollars, however they give you a HUGE

rebate...sometimes almost the entire price! Again, they really want you

to use their strips for that is their profit.

I've found that when I'm feeling pretty good, I can easily slip into

denial and practically forget I have diabetes. Checking my blood helps

me to stay on track.

Love You, Kiddo...


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<PRE>thanks tess. i went to the dr this morning and thinks that my headaches and

lightheadedness/feeling ill is my body getting used to the medicine. he wants

me to continue and he wrote me a script for the one that tests the arm. so

i've got to find a way to do that. he wants blood sugar readings 2x's a day

for 2 weeks. (figures that payday is still a week off!!) but my parents are

on their way and my snowblower is ready for pickup. my dad and my son are

going out to play pool and i'll bet my mom will take me to the store. i hate

to even think about asking for more help. but this is really important too. i

got the holiday basket from the city. so much food!!!! ham, turkey, snacks

all the fixins, milk, rolls, pancakes, cereal, cookies and jello. kathy in il

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