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Hi gang,

Well, the " official " diagnosis is in--she says fibro is the culprit

that has been causing all my troubles. She agrees that I " could "

have early RA, as there was swelling in my hands, elbows, and knees,

but feels that since my symptoms came on so late in life and so

quickly, that the fibro is masquerading as RA. I also have severe

osteoarthritis in both ankles, due to 2 nasty fractures years ago

(one of which was a crushing fracture.) She's got me on Ultracet and

Elavil, and I have a date with a physical therapist Tuesday. All my

tests were negative for RA, lupus, malignancy, etc. I scored on 14

of the tender points.

So here's my question. Those of you who are in the fibro boat with

me, how are you being treated? This is my first experience with a

rheumy, and she is new in the area, so I don't know if she's giving

me the straight skinny or not. Of course, the therapist may support

her findings Tuesday, and I see my pcp tomorrow. Anyone have any

feedback on the meds? I will just be so happy to stop hurting and

start living again. I've nearly pulled the handrail out of the wall

from our bedroom to the living room!

Thanks for listening, and I hope everyone is having a comfortable day.



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  • 1 month later...

I, too, am just back from an appointment with my

rheumy. This was an " unscheduled " appointment as I was

having a great deal of trouble with my right foot and

wanted her opinion.

The outcome was that the PA has caused significant

changes in my foot, especially my 2nd and 3rd toes

separating causing severe pain. Also, my right knee

is now involved - this used to be my " good " knee. I

was on Mobicox with Tylenol 3 and Percocet for pain.

This has been changed to Bextra 20 mg and Oxycodin has

been added nightly to help with pain control.

I am SOOOOO tired of this disease and everything that

goes with it! I've decided to push myself right now

and fight back against the PA - probably not a very

bright thing to do, but I refuse to give in to it.



--- " shane_k_helm <shelm@...> "

<shelm@...> wrote:


Well I found out why I am getting a CT scan.

(thanks for the replies).

The x-ray technicians are seeing something in my left

knee that is

not PA related and is nothing to worry about...(yeah


Anyways I have been going downhill in a bad way with

my PA recently.

I told my rheumy on Tuesday that I hurt bad. I really

wanted to start

a DMARD because I am young(22), but he is a older

rhuemy and is very

traditional in arthritis treatments. Start off small

and go bigger.

I told him my histroy...

Celebrex --- worked great for a year, then stopped

Vioxx (50mg)--- worked great for half a year, then


His next step is to put me on Volturen....

I have never heard of this drug??! Anyways he said it

is a older drug

and may work. I have a 6 week checkup with the same

doctor. If the

Volturen doesn't work he will put me on MTX.

Shane " The Worried "


Moderator 2 cents: I was on Celebrex until I ended up

going to the Emergency room because of upper

respiratory problems due to the Celebrex. Tried Vioxx

for a brief spell and it wasn't working. Went on

Voltaren, actually Diclofenac is the generic and it

has worked quite well for a whiile now. Good luck,


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I've just started Bextra and don't know how it will

work, but the Prednisone shot seems to be starting to

work. I'm not holding out much hope that this will

work for too long, so I'll be starting on MTX in the

near future. I'll take your advice to take it at

night and probably on the weekend so I can spend some

time resting.


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It really does help to take it at night Sam....I took it Friday night and felt

alright on Saturday but Sunday I was exhausted. So...will continue to take it

at night. Good luck.

I go in next week for blood work so will know where I am at with the MTX. Fun,


Robin, Penny, Chance, Heidi, and Hope (Florida)



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