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Re: RE: POed military vs. civilian docs

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It wasnt the ER it was an appointment at the Army

Hospital family practice clinic. My husband was in for

20+ years and I have always had pretty good luck with

the military medical system, but there are bad ones

just as there are on the outside.....in fact you

usually know better who the bad ones are because

military families talk to each other, and down town

you take your chances. When I listen to my daughter

who is part of a critical care team at a downtown

hospital she scares the heck out of me with stories

that happen in the hospital, so I really think we all

take our chances and when we find a good doc, we hold

on for dear life, my normal doc is a DO, civilian, who

contracts to the Army hospital , and he is a

KEEPER...and the word of mouth is active because he is

the no 1 requested doc.....so I feel there is not much

difference in military or civilian...Kathi in OK

--- " alex33157@... "

<33157@...> wrote:

> Hi Judy....

> I go to a Family Practice Clinic... I personally do

> not mind having

> residents looking over me (my dad was a doctor - so

> I understand the

> necessity for being a " guinea pig " ). My experience -

> covering almost 2yrs -

> has been very positive. The clinic I go to is

> connected with Ohio Health and

> Doctor's Hospital here in Columbus.






> -- Re: [ ] RE: POed


> I thought that sounded like a base hospital

> too...yrs ago I was married to a


> 1st LT and had to go to the hospital for an ear

> infection.....so they called


> my name and I went in to exam room....dr comes in

> and asks for my urine

> specimen ....now mind you it is my ear.....so I say

> why would I bring urine

> for an ear infection....where upon the idiot asked

> me if I was Mrs.

> and

> I said no....and suddenly he was embarassed and had

> to ask me who I was and

> what was I there for? Mrs. JOnes was going to have

> her gallbladder

> out.......from that point on I have made sure any dr

> ,( and I have had the

> misfortune of having gone to free clinics and the

> county hospital cos I

> didnt have insurance ) knew for sure who I was and

> looked at my history ...


> I used to go to a Family Practice clinic that was

> staffed by residents for 3


> yrs. I was lucky because the head nurse knew my

> problems after I was dx'ed

> and every couple yrs would get me with a 2nd yr

> student and they would have

> me till graduation. They were overseen by a couple

> of head drs as

> instructors....They liked to use me as an example to

> med students who were

> shadowing to see if they wanted to go there .....and

> on other residents....

> I

> learned very early on the difference tween a D.O.

> and a M.D. and I also

> learned to make it strongly known I was 'special " .If

> they didnt prescan my

> file I would usually know.....


> Anyway, I am so sorry you had to deal with DR DOPEY

> ...I do know they exist

> ....better luck next time. Tajke care.JUdy in AZ



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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