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I swear, if one more person in my family gets sick, I am going to do

something really bizarre, like cry or something. Ron dislocated his

knee the other day, and is in a lot of pain. SIL Duane has

bronchitis, grandson has a really bad cold & cough, and now that I'm

over the stomach flu, have a sinus and ear infection. Had my follow-

up with the pcp yesterday, and when the nurse took my temp it was

99.4. Dr. put me on antibiotic and decongestant, but the ear

infection makes me dizzy. I'm sick of taking medicine, sick of being

sick. Still can't sleep, but the Ultracet is helping with the pain.

Can I stay in this group if I only have Fibro?

Tess, I'm proud of you, you are an inspiration. Keep up the good

work, and I like Josh Groban too!

Glad Debs is doing better, I will keep praying for her and family.

Sorry if I sound like I'm whining, but I don't even have any cheese.

Peaceful night to you all,


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It¹s a good thing you don¹t post to many REPLIES. I¹d have to start wearing


Thanks for the belly roar. You really are very funny and today I needed a



> Judi, I am sorry about the FM. It truly is bad. And you KNOW it. It does

> go hand in hand with what this group is about. All the things we all

> have on this list seems to be a " cluster " of the same diseases.


> Hey...who told you that the " RA " in stood for Rheumatoid

> Arthritis? I thought it stood for " Ra! " when I joined! You know... like

> at a football game, " Ra! Ra! Ra! Go Tigers! " You know... a group that

> cheers you along! That's why I joined! Imagine my surprise! Come on

> a, ... come clean with us all. The RA stands for " ra! ra! ra! " ,

> doesn't it?! (Hummm...come to think of it I never could spell well, so

> is " ra " spelled " r a " ? or " r a h " ?)


> I don't post REPLIES much. I do post a LOT of questions however!!! But

> sometimes I wish I could truly just hold each person here and somehow

> comfort or make them feel better. That's not just words. It is from the

> heart. I know how REAL any pain is. And with all your stress and active

> life, I know that has to wear you out so much more than you are willing

> to let on to your family about. It is hard, I know.


> I have been on this list too long to not know what FM does to people and

> how it can totally disable their lives/lifestyles. (Especially hard for

> those who have young children or teens home still.) The PAIN of all

> these diseases seems to make such a vicious circle running rampant in

> our lives.


> I don't mean to offend you. But I have to say, you made me smile with

> the " ONLY " word! Why? I immediately thought of my mom. My mother is a

> nurse, and years ago my sister and I were young and overheard her

> telling our dad about how a friend (another nurse) of hers she worked

> with came to work saying that she suspected her daughter was pregnant.

> So our mom said that her friend told her she had asked her daughter,

> " Are you pregnant? " Her daughter said, " ONLY a little bit. "

> So Judi......... is " ONLY FIBRO " anything like " ONLY a little bit

> pregnant? "


> I remember also, several years ago one of the MANY doctors my sister had

> to " fire " . (My sister is a Nurse also). She " heard " he was a good

> doctor, so she went to see him when she moved here. Brought all her

> medical records with her. She is severely effected by Lupus. When she

> questioned him about TREATMENT for her Lupus, and asked him about

> rewriting and continuing her meds/prescriptions, (she had moved here

> from out of State).... He told her, " TREATMENT???!!! Why? It is ONLY

> Lupus! "


> Well Judi... I ONLY knew that I had something when I joined this list a

> few years ago. But wasn't sure what it was. I had a Good clue it was

> Arthritis, because I more or less " grew up with my body and knew my ol'

> bod pretty well " , so started reading up on " symptoms " . (Isn't it awful

> to ACTULLY have to ASSURE a doctor that you did indeed, grow up with

> your body, and therefore KNOW when things start going " wrong " !!!) It

> did turn out I do have arthritis. I was also told I had ONLY Fibro.

> Which turned out to be results of a bad fall down flight of stairs I

> took when I had a " relapse " and my legs gave way because I was

> inaccurately TOLD that I ONLY had PTSS, (which I didn't) and which was

> later found out to be ONLY MS!!! Which I do have!

> So we all here, are all full of ONLIES Stories!


> My dear sweet cousin whom I love dearly, ONLY has Breast Cancer. But it

> had ONLY spread to all her Lymph nodes.


> Last Winter I ONLY had pneumonia.... but good news! I had it for ONLY 4

> 1/2 months!

> And to top off my ONLIES..... I was ONLY 37 when I went through

> menopause! But since I was ONLY 37 all the doctors would not give me

> anything for future precautions of bone or the " symptoms " because they

> all ONLY said, " You are ONLY 37... you can handle it! " (Now ONLY my

> bones suffer! ha!)

> And while I am on an ONLY roll......

> How about when we were kids and had to cut across the grave yard? What

> was the first thing the brave kid always turned to the others and said?

> " Don't worry... they're ONLY dead! "

> Hey... any more ONLIES out there???

> I am on an ONLY-ROLL now, let me tell you! And I haven't even started

> ONLY the IV steroids yet! Hahaha! THEN I will be ONLY a little bit

> DEPRESSED or if I am lucky, ONLY a bit paranoid!

> Susie (grinning Elf!)


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