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Hello and Happy Holidays,

I have been just monitoring, so to speak, learning good info. I'd

like to introduce myself. I am Tena from PA. I suffer (no

exaggeration) from osteoarthritis in my knees. From reading posts, I

have discovered that I, in fact, have NOT lost my mind, but likely

have Restless Leg Syndrome. Lastly (at least that I know of now)

have a circulatory condition in the legs where the valves that hold

blood as it is being pumped are degenerating, hence I have swollen,

tired legs.

This is the worst time of day; nighttime when everyone else is

sleeping, when I need to sleep, but I cannot for burning, itching

legs, painful knees, tendonitis in my heel (probably from

overcompensating), etc. I hate it. I have only been married to my

husband 3.5 years, and I still want to sleep with him and cuddle, but

instead, I am up rocking, rubbing, doing whatever it takes to help

the legs. Nothing usually helps. When I sleep in our bed, he

usually ends up going to the guest room sometime during the night

most nights because my legs are moving, he rolls over and hits my

knee and feels bad, or something. This isn't what either of us

bargained for. He is kind and incredibly understanding, thank God.

I use Benadryl to sleep sometimes. At least he helps with the

itching and burning. I also take Ultracet (not that effective), and

Vicodin, which my dr. does NOT want me taking. Tell me: do

arthritis patients take narcotic painkillers? He has done his best

to convince me I am a hypochondriac, that I have a very low tolerance

to pain (right, I have endured migraines and chid labor, but I have a

low tolerance), and I find that he is happy because I rarely need a

new RX, but I am suffering so much.

I teach reading in a local junior high school. I dearly love

what I do; it is who I am, but with all my leg problems, aggravated

by overweight, which is a lifelong and as yet unconquerable problem,

as well, feels impossible. The dr. wants me to quit. He says I am

too young for knee replacements, but the last visit, he said we don't

need to talk until I am ready for replacements. Geesh. I cannot

quit teaching. I walk daily with a cane, and have a wheelchair for

when I have to walk very far. I figure when summer vacation comes

around, I'll have the replacements done. I deserve to be without the

pain, at least that pain that can be gotten rid of.

I know you are out there, those who have felt and still feel this

same frustration. Any suggestions on how to handle this? How do

things about my dr. sound? I frankly don't care to go back to him,

and plan to use this Christmas break from school to find another dr.

But, maybe mine is right about the painkillers, yet I do not know how

I'd make it sometimes, especially when it rains or is extremely

cold. And, here we are going into the winter.

I will gladly listen to all constructive criticism and advice.

As I said, I know you are out there, that I'm not alone in this, and

that perhaps I can help someone, too. Until then, make the most of

your holidays with those you love. Thanks for " listening. "

Happy Holidays, Tena

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