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Tena in PA

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Dear Tena; Welcome to the group. If one of our members Debs in Fl. who is

severely ill right now-was well-She would say you could enroll your Doc in

the " Dunk the Doctor's " game. A dunking booth for moronic MD's who " just

don't get it " that pain is real. I am from Alabama and had both my knees

replaced in 2001 just three mos. short of my 50th birthday and each surgery

three mos. apart.Now I still have RA which sure is a pain in the butt to

have -I can say that having the knees replaced was the best thing I ever

did. The pain before the surgery was so bad that I was on crutches for 6

mos and had had arthroscopic surgery in 1999 and my orthopedic Doc said they

needed to be replaced then.Try the Synvisc-that might buy you some extra

time. That and the arthroscopic procedure helped for a while but it was not

the final answer.I just feel thankful that these procedures are available

now and the new drugs for RA.My RA Doc whom I have been seeing for 10 years

now says the practice of Rheumatology will make a 365 degree turn in what it

can do in the next 5 years.I take Ultram for the pain in the other joints my

rheumy is really good about being sympathetic to any one in pain.My ortho

Doc has a child with cerebral palsy and volunteers his time with the CP

assoc.So he is sympathetic also. I was just stubborn and tried to wait it

out too long.My ortho Doc had to sit me down and say unless you want to be 3

inches shorter because the bone endings were being so badly damaged He said

get your butt in here for the replacements surgery.Welcome and if you need

to " whine " .It's Ok we have a whine and cheese party without the

cheese.(Another one of our Dear Debs sayings)No one realises how painful

these diseases are unless you have them. Hi Tess-Agent 46C- I LOL about that

one being rather busty myself. Has any one heard anything new about Debs.

She is in my prayers and thoughts daily.Hi everyone else! Love Louise in




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