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The shrunk goiter went back to the orginal untreated size!

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I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but found

the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of degree

II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to degree

I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days ago.

Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment not

long before....

Anyone knows the reason for it?

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You should NOT be eating soy (including soy sauce)... not sure who

told you to do that, but that is the first and most important dietary

restriction for hypothyroid patients. I'm guessing you were advised to

eat the shellfish for the iodine content? But that is not a proven

connection... iodine supplementation can make some people worse. If

you are hypothyroid, I would actually avoid all of these foods and

just try to relax and give your body some time to adjust to your T4

dosage. If that doesn't work, you'll have to look to adding T3 or

other causes.

Ginger and tumeric are spices known for their anti-inflammatory

qualities. A cold compress on your thyroid area and taking Ibuprofen

if you are feeling pain/swelling may help too.


> I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but found

> the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of degree

> II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to degree

> I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days ago.

> Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

> dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment not

> long before....


> Anyone knows the reason for it?


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I am confused.

Why do you take " crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce " ?

I keep seeing hypoTs being recommended to take selenium, iodine and

tyrosine. And I guess that if the cause of their hypoT is lack of

these, that makes sense.

But if you are hypoT because your thyroid has packed up, then it can't

and won't take up and use the enhanced intake of these substances. So

what is the point of the supplementation? Indeed, if the thyroid isn't

using them *AND* you are getting the equivalent of supplementation

from the thyroid hormones you are taking, there is an argument that

you need less of these substances!

(I do accept that there might be other arguments for taking some or

all of these substances. For example, some selenium is vital for

conversion of T4 - even if you have no thyroid. But mostly what I see

seems to say 'it will help your thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone'.)



> I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but found

> the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of degree

> II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to degree

> I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days ago.

> Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

> dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment not

> long before....


> Anyone knows the reason for it?


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Well, nobody told me to eat the shellfish.But you know, I could not eat

meat/beef,,things like that every day. They are domestic animals which

could be fed with poisonous things by mass production. And the Shellfish

are caught in the sea, so there is less pollution. Since I was child

even with undiagnosed hashimoto's hypoT, I always have this kind of

diet. I think that make me away from the poison-fed duck/pig/beef.

And it is said that soy sauce is OK because it is distilled and



> >

> > I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> > little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but


> > the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of


> > II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to


> > I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days


> > Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

> > dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment


> > long before....

> >

> > Anyone knows the reason for it?

> >


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Hi, Rod.

I am confused about the " proper diet " . hashimoto's hypoT should take

excess iodine or avoiding all rich iodine foods? or it does not matter

at all?

The reason I take all these things as everyday diet, is that too many

poisonous chemical substances in the animals which are domestic. I could

not eat meat/beef,,things like that every day and avoiding shellfish.

They are domestic animals which could be fed with Melamine (that is

reported recently) by mass production. And the Shellfish are caught in

the sea, so there is less pollution than human-made pollution. Since I

was child even with undiagnosed hashimoto's hypoT, I always have this

kind of diet. I think that make me away from the poison-fed

duck/pig/beef to some degree.


> >

> > I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> > little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but


> > the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of


> > II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to


> > I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days


> > Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

> > dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment


> > long before....

> >

> > Anyone knows the reason for it?

> >


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Thanks for your reply. I think I understand a bit better now!

When I read your earlier post, I thought you were taking " crab,

shrimp, rape, and soy sauce " specially for your Hashimoto's.

As for iodine - well - it is very confusing! I have spent some time

trying to understand and there seem to be several things involved.

There are quite a few people who have Hashimoto's and take iodine.

Some report that it is beneficial. But, if you have enough iodine in

your normal diet, it is more difficult to understand why. After all,

the thyroid takes a large proportion of the iodine you consume to make

thyroid hormone - and you are not doing that if your thyroid has been

destroyed! But iodine seems important in various bacterial diseases.

It looks as though a healthy body can use thyroid hormone as a source

of iodine to kill bacteria. (Not clear if this is a side effect of a

process or the main function.)

I still do not understand. :-(

All the best


> > >

> > > I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> > > little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but

> found

> > > the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of

> degree

> > > II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to

> degree

> > > I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days

> ago.

> > > Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

> > > dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment

> not

> > > long before....

> > >

> > > Anyone knows the reason for it?

> > >

> >


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I have NO idea why you would think shellfish or ocean fish would have

less contamination. The oceans are heavily polluted with pesticides,

heavy metals, sewage, petroleum, you name it. Mercury especially is a

big problem in many if not most ocean fish. Shrimp are supposed to be

lower in mercury, but still.............how much mercury one can

" safely " ingest depends on how well the body's detoxification system

works, and thyroid problems can mean ours don't work that well.

Even many commonly sold seaweeds can be contaminated with heavy metals,

and other ocean pollutants.

Personally I wouldn't use sea salt even if I could, (I can't, but that

is a whole other story). It's filthy.

True fermented soy sauce is ok in moderation and I still use a little,

but certainly not several times a week.


fragrance_seen wrote:

> Well, nobody told me to eat the shellfish.But you know, I could not eat

> meat/beef,,things like that every day. They are domestic animals which

> could be fed with poisonous things by mass production. And the Shellfish

> are caught in the sea, so there is less pollution. Since I was child

> even with undiagnosed hashimoto's hypoT, I always have this kind of

> diet. I think that make me away from the poison-fed duck/pig/beef.


> And it is said that soy sauce is OK because it is distilled and

> fermanted?


> Fragrance





>>> I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

>>> little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but


> found


>>> the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of


> degree


>>> II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to


> degree


>>> I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days


> ago.


>>> Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the incremented

>>> dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment


> not


>>> long before....


>>> Anyone knows the reason for it?







> ------------------------------------


> *Note: Information is freely exchanged on this board based on patient

experiences, and should not be considered a medical recommendation. Yahoo!

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Thank you very much for your reminder, sol!

For sea fish, would they be contamined as those shellfish, too?


> >>

> >>> I take crab, shrimp, rape, and soy sauce (I always take it, but a

> >>> little more these days recently, as well as the T4 hormone, but

> >>>

> > found

> >

> >>> the shrunk goiter has growed to the " orginal " untreated size of

> >>>

> > degree

> >

> >>> II again! I just cheered up for the thyroid goiter has shrank to

> >>>

> > degree

> >

> >>> I of size, which could be easily noticed in the mirror a few days

> >>>

> > ago.

> >

> >>> Just wondering what happened! Am I undertreated? But the


> >>> dose has to be ajusted for more days since I just began treatment

> >>>

> > not

> >

> >>> long before....

> >>>

> >>> Anyone knows the reason for it?

> >>>

> >>>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > *Note: Information is freely exchanged on this board based on

patient experiences, and should not be considered a medical


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