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The European ME Alliance

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Press Release

The European ME Alliance is a collaboration of ME

organisations within Europe who have the common

aim of promoting biomedical research into Myalgic

Encephalomyelitis (known as ME or ME/CFS) and

increasing awareness of this debilitating

neurological illness.

The European ME Alliance (EMEA) aims to:

*) Establish correct recognition of

myalgic encephalomyelitis as an organic

illness requiring biomedical research to

treat and cure

*) Establish correct diagnosis of patients

*) Establish specialised biomedical

centres for education/treatment/cures

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is defined by the World

Health Organisation as a neurological illness

(code WHO-ICD-10-G93.3). The varying

symptoms experienced by many severe ME

sufferers may include:

post-exertional malaise and loss of muscle power

with delayed and prolonged recovery, general

chronic weakness of limbs, neurological

disturbances, cognitive problems such as memory

loss & concentration difficulties, problems with

balance and fine motor control, muscle pain,

malaise, hypersensitivity, sleep & temperature

disturbance, cardiovascular symptoms, digestive

disturbances, visual problems, vocal/muscular


ME is a very serious illness even in relatively mild

cases. Research has found that ME-patients

experience loss of function that is devastating

and comparable to AIDS and late-stage cancer.

ME has a prevalence of 0.4% of the population

with many of the sufferers being children. It is

the major cause for long term absence from

school for children. In the UK ME is five times more

prevalent than HIV/AIDS.

25% of people diagnosed with ME may be

severely affected:

house-bound, often bed-bound, left with little help

from the medical community, often made to

struggle to obtain benefits and left to an uncertain

and debilitating future.

ME is estimated to cost European economies billions

of Euros every year.

ME is a multi-system illness and distinct sub groups

have been identified and some treatments have been

shown to be effective. To establish more

comprehensive treatments and cures for these and

other sub groups requires investment in biomedical


Yet no public funding of biomedical research is

currently taking place in Europe so biomedical

research projects are funded solely by the private

grants to individual researchers and from ME support

groups and individuals.

With little funding of biomedical research into ME

within Europe the EMEA are hoping to attract more

support for research activities and hope to convince

governments to recognize the necessity for a

European biomedical research s trategy to cure this


ME needs more awareness from the public,

politicians and healthcare staff. We invite other

organisations across Europe to support our

objectives to change the perception of this illness

and force change in government policies and accept

the urgent need for biomedical research into the

illness in order to establish treatments and cures for

this devastating illness.

Member organisations of EMEA have agreed the

following principles:

*) Members of the European ME Alliance

endorse the principles of the 2003

Canadian Consensus Document for

Diagnosis and Treatment for ME/CFS.

*) Members of the European ME Alliance

endorse the principles of the 2006

paediatric definition from Dr Leonard

et al.

*) Members of the European ME Alliance

promote the fact that ME (myalgic

encephalomyelitis) is a neurological

illness in the World Health

Organisation?s International

Classification of Diseases.

*) Members of the European ME Alliance

understand the necessity to use the

composite term ME/CFS at the moment

for ease of reference/standardisation.

*) Members of the European ME Alliance

support biomedical research into

establishing sub groups of ME/CFS which

will lead to treatments and cures for this


*) The European ME Alliance has, as an

objective, the preparation and

promotion of a common set of

documentation, in all languages, for

Alliance use that is supplemented by local


The founding members of the European ME Alliance


Belgium ME-Patientenvereniging

Denmark ME-NetDK

Ireland Irish ME Trust

Germany Fatigatio e.V.

Norway Norges ME-forening

Sweden Riksfreningen fr ME-patienter

UK Invest in ME

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