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Here is my story, please help me....

I am a 35 year old wife and mother of 3 beautiful girls.

I started getting headaches on the right side of my head, in my

sleep, on 12-22-07. They wake me up every hour after I go to sleep.

I have had them now for 16 nights in a row. I am now experiencing

migraines during the day, every day, which I have never had in my


At first, I alternated between Execedrine Tension, Execedrine

Migraine, Ibuprofen and Sudafed Sinus. It was Christmas and I didn't

have time to go in for my " sinus infection " . The pain got so bad on

Christmas Day that I got the doc on call....in tears. I hadn't slept

in days and I was in so much pain. He suspected it was sinuses and

told me to go to emergency. No thanks, I took more over the counter

meds and tried to enjoy the rest of my Christmas. The 26th, I went

to the doc and got antibiotics for my " sinus infection " ....still

taking my over the counter cocktail to mask the pain. I was staying

up as late as I could possibly stand it....2 or 3....just to avoid

the pain from sleeping. I ended up in Urgent Care on the 30th

because I had gained 15 lbs overnight. They ran bloodwork and a

pregnancy test. I have not had a period since September but there

was NO way I could be pregnant. They called the next day and my over

the counter cocktail of meds caused my liver levels to elevate and

swell. On New Years Eve, with all the doctor's offices closed for

the holiday, he told me, " Do not put anymore medicine in your

mouth. " I wanted to die.

I went back to my doctor on 1-2-08. She ran more blood work, did

another urine test, ordered an MRI with and without contrast and

gave me zomig. She was convinced it was my Sphenoid sinus because my

pain runs up the right side of my neck, into my scalp, behind my

right eye, down the front of my face and front of my right side of my


The MRI showed no masses but noted that I have ACM. That is all I

know. Now she gave me Topomax and Amerge to help with the

headaches. NOTHING is helping me. I went to bed at 11 tonight, woke

up at 12 with a headache....went back to bed and here I am;[ I feel

like the walking dead.

This all started in September. I had knots between my shoulder

blades and my right shoulder really ached. So.....I went to a

chiropractor. He took xrays. He showed me that my neck was out of

alignment and he adjusted me. The pain only got worse. But, I went

back 8 more times. Shortly after, I got a " sinus infection " ....which

the doctor treated with antibiotics. A few weeks later, I was at the

doctor because I couldn't get a deep breath. I thought I was having

a heart attack or something crazy. Nope....just fine....my lungs and

heart sound great. A few weeks later, I was back at the doctor again

because now I feel like I am going to pass out whenever I stand up

and it was really scaring me. I was sent home with some nose spray

because I have a little fluid in my ears. Now the headaches.

I am miserable and I really need sleep. Can anyone give me any

advice on how to do that? My husband is scared. My kids are scared.

I can't take much more. I call the Neurologist for an appt on Monday.

Sorry so long....thanks for anything you can give me;)

Oregon City, Oregon

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