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Re: shoulder question

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It is not very likely that hers is the same, but started

complaining about his shoulder hurting several months after being

diagnosed with JRA. He was seeing a dr of some sort every few weeks

at this point. A year after diagnosis, his rheumy wanted to do x-rays

to see how his joints were doing. It turned out that his collarbone

had broken at some point during the year! It healed just fine, but

with all the joint pain he had, noone thought to check if the

shoulder pain had another cause. We have no idea when the break

happened or what caused it. The freaky thing is that my hubby also

had that shoulder broken and heal without medical treatment when he

was a child, also finding out about it in a later x-ray.

<isty & (8 for another few days!, systemic)


> Hi everyone:

> Does anyone have a child who complains of shoulder pain? Where do

they say it hurts? Hannah's right shoulder starting hurting

yesterday. She can move it, but says its painful. It seemed worse

when she got up this morning than it was at bedtime last night. I

have no idea if there is any swelling and she did not have an

injury. I gave her Motrin and her Tramadol, but she says its not

really helping-that was over 2 hours ago. I will try some heat later

today (we have to leave shortly for an appointment).


> Any other sugguestions? Her ped is off on Fridays and as you know

we do not currently have a rheumy we are working with.


> Sending prayers & happy thoughts,

> Beth :-)


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Hi Beth,

Lianna has frequent shoulder pain. I never see any swelling and the

pain is at the top of the shoulder joint and sometimes into her

collarbone. There have been a few times that she complains of it

first thing in the morning, but it's more likely after an activity

like swimming. 30 minutes in the pool and I can almost guarantee

that her shoulder will hurt. She likes a warm compress for a few

minutes to help relieve the pain.

I feel so bad for you that you don't have a trustworthy rheumy to

take Hannah to - wish I could ship our excellent dr's to you! :-)

Hope Hannah's shoulder is feeling better soon and wishing you the

best in searching for just the right doc.

Jo Anne, mama to Lianna (5-ERA)


> Hi everyone:

> Does anyone have a child who complains of shoulder pain? Where do

they say it hurts? Hannah's right shoulder starting hurting

yesterday. She can move it, but says its painful. It seemed worse

when she got up this morning than it was at bedtime last night. I

have no idea if there is any swelling and she did not have an

injury. I gave her Motrin and her Tramadol, but she says its not

really helping-that was over 2 hours ago. I will try some heat later

today (we have to leave shortly for an appointment).


> Any other sugguestions? Her ped is off on Fridays and as you know

we do not currently have a rheumy we are working with.


> Sending prayers & happy thoughts,

> Beth :-)


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