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thyroid / pituitary function

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Hi and any others

i am also very intested in the whole question of thyroid/adrenal

issues and chiari. Dr B advised us to get thorough adrenal/pituitary

etc stimulation testing done on our daughter. (we live in Australia)

There is some interesting material on thyroid malfunction under

chronic fatigue research. - and something about T3 timed release

medication? Our current endocrinologist thinks that because Chelsea's

basic bloods are " normal " there is no reason to go further. Whereas I

read that if the problem is in the pituitary gland, the bloods WILL

look normal, but doesn't mean there isn;t a problem. Am i right in

believeing that " chronic fatigue " is a problem for many chiarians? (as

well as many other nasty symptoms)

I would also love to hear from anyone who has experience or insight in

this area - so many of chelsea's symptoms are akin to adrenal/thyroid

problems, but could also be brainstem related? - but there may be a

way to help her feel better than she is right now? ( she is on her

40th day in bed)

thank you all for a wonderful group - would be lost without it.


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I am interested as well – if anyone has actual documentation on this

connection, please post to group.

I have issues with Chronic Fatigue, but cant get anyone to diagnose me with

such. I sleep 12-14 hrs a day and I am still drained. I have all symptoms

of CF - but apparently nothing shows in blood work. I have had all blood

work checked, PET scan, and they say I am fine.

Dr B did mention that my pituitary gland is as flat as a pancake. I will

all so notice that weight gain can happen in shifts. I am either gaining or

loosing. I can gain or loose 5-10lbs in a weekend for no real reason.

Appreciate your input!!

in OH



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of melissa

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 7:26 PM


Subject: thyroid / pituitary function

Hi and any others

i am also very intested in the whole question of thyroid/adrenal

issues and chiari. Dr B advised us to get thorough adrenal/pituitary

etc stimulation testing done on our daughter. (we live in Australia)

There is some interesting material on thyroid malfunction under

chronic fatigue research. - and something about T3 timed release

medication? Our current endocrinologist thinks that because Chelsea's

basic bloods are " normal " there is no reason to go further. Whereas I

read that if the problem is in the pituitary gland, the bloods WILL

look normal, but doesn't mean there isn;t a problem. Am i right in

believeing that " chronic fatigue " is a problem for many chiarians? (as

well as many other nasty symptoms)

I would also love to hear from anyone who has experience or insight in

this area - so many of chelsea's symptoms are akin to adrenal/thyroid

problems, but could also be brainstem related? - but there may be a

way to help her feel better than she is right now? ( she is on her

40th day in bed)

thank you all for a wonderful group - would be lost without it.


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For those who are interested, you might go to this link to see what

Dr. Bolognese at TCI has written about Chronic Fatigue and

Fibromyalgia: http://tinyurl.com/34hedk

This is a tiny url for the " questions answered by doctors " section at

the chiari website.

Hope you all get a chance to check out all the good information at

our actual website. There's a lot there and it's all so helpful! And

thanks to for all the fine work he's done there!


4 plc fracture of the C1, Tethered Cord, " acquired chiari (not acm),

5.7 mm " and atlanto occipital dislocation due to equestrian accident,


TC surgery, Nov. 2007 at TCI. CC Fusion upcoming.

-- In , " Garn "



> I am interested as well – if anyone has actual documentation on this

> connection, please post to group.




> I have issues with Chronic Fatigue, but cant get anyone to diagnose

me with

> such. I sleep 12-14 hrs a day and I am still drained. I have all


> of CF - but apparently nothing shows in blood work. I have had

all blood

> work checked, PET scan, and they say I am fine.




> Dr B did mention that my pituitary gland is as flat as a pancake.

I will

> all so notice that weight gain can happen in shifts. I am either

gaining or

> loosing. I can gain or loose 5-10lbs in a weekend for no real





> Appreciate your input!!


> in OH




> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


> Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 7:26 PM

> To:

> Subject: thyroid / pituitary





> Hi and any others

> i am also very intested in the whole question of thyroid/adrenal

> issues and chiari. Dr B advised us to get thorough


> etc stimulation testing done on our daughter. (we live in Australia)


> There is some interesting material on thyroid malfunction under

> chronic fatigue research. - and something about T3 timed release

> medication? Our current endocrinologist thinks that because


> basic bloods are " normal " there is no reason to go further. Whereas


> read that if the problem is in the pituitary gland, the bloods WILL

> look normal, but doesn't mean there isn;t a problem. Am i right in

> believeing that " chronic fatigue " is a problem for many chiarians?


> well as many other nasty symptoms)


> I would also love to hear from anyone who has experience or insight


> this area - so many of chelsea's symptoms are akin to


> problems, but could also be brainstem related? - but there may be a

> way to help her feel better than she is right now? ( she is on her

> 40th day in bed)


> thank you all for a wonderful group - would be lost without it.

> (Australia)





> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.2/1304 - Release Date:


> 8:18 AM




> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Free Edition.

> Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.2/1304 - Release Date:


> 8:18 AM





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It's tricky in Chiari patients. My daughter is diagnosed by her endo as

" panhypopituitarism " .

She is hypothyroid, intermittent Growth Hormone deficient, Cortisol deficient,


Our endo feels that the changes in Intercranial pressure (compression of the

pituitary) are what causes it.

She has PTC and a VP shunt. He keeps pretty good track of her and when her

shunt isn't working,

the pituitary doesn't work well. She stops growing, has more symptoms, etc.

When her pressures go down,

she grows and symptoms are better.

She takes thyroid medication, we didn't do Growth hormone because it raises

intercranial pressure and keeping the

pressure down seems to help her growth. She does take Cortef for the cortisol

deficiency, but only in times that her

body is under stress (illness, fevers, surgery, etc).


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http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/medpix.html?mode=single & recnum=8300 & table=card & srchs\

tr= & search=

This may be of help in explain some of the issues associated with " empty

sella " syndrome... there are many more... just go to our message page


and put in " empty sella " ... or Google this along with chiari.

Sally R... Decompression '91, Hydro, VP shunt, 2 shunt revisions, Feeling

pretty good on NO meds in Bethlehem,Pa

RE: thyroid / pituitary function

I am interested as well - if anyone has actual documentation on this

connection, please post to group.

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Hi all

This is something I have been reading up on ever since my MRI in Oct.

mentioned that I have a " partial empty sella " . I've searched the

posts here and on other forums. The one thing I haven't seemed to

figure out is whether or not the weight gain associated with it came

before the sella became partially emptied, or after. Sort of like

the " which came first, the chicken or the egg? " thing. Does anyone

have any ideas about this?

I have read that empty sella can be caused by obesity, but then in

reading about the effects on the pituitary and hormones, it just

makes me wonder if csf pounding on the pituitary gland causes the

hormonal problems that cause the weight gain. I wonder if simple

weight loss is the solution, or if the effects on the pituitary gland

will prevent weight loss (or slow down the process). Does what I am

saying make any sense?

I am overweight and weight has been an issue I have struggled with my

entire life. My weight can go up and down like a yoyo from one week

to the next. I can follow one diet perfectly and not lose weight,

while other times I can eat all sorts of things one wouldn't eat on a

diet and I will lose weight.

It's like the messages in my body are all messed up. With periods I

used to gain up to 5 pounds, which I would then lose as soon as my

period finished. I had extremely heavy periods from the time I was

12 (would hemmhorrage for 4 days, then would be light for another 6

days, off and on), and finally had a doc who told me I didn't need to

keep doing that and he performed an endometrial ablation on me. I've

had some minor breast leakage issues at times when I wasn't pregnant,

yet when I was nursing I never could produce enough milk and had to

switch to formula. I've had thyroid tests done, but it must have

been only those first two tests that I have heard mentioned, and they

always came back normal. My mom told me that when I was 3 the doc

was concerned about thyroid problems because of something to do with

my eyes, but they never did anything about it because he told her I

would outgrow it or something. I have been having more temperature

regulation control issues for the last year, too, and that drives me

nuts! I am 35, so not yet perimenopausal according to family medical


I hope I can find out more info about this. I'll be at TCI in 3

weeks and perhaps they can point me in the right direction. This can

be so frustrating at times! I wonder just how much of this has to do

with my chiari, and what things would be like if it got corrected.

Does anyone know how to answer the chicken or egg type of question I

mentioned at the beginning?

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