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Dear Terry:

Hope you will be fine and your condition stable, as much as can be controlled.

I suspected this myself, because pulmonologist prescribed Aciphex 20mg tabs for GERD.

Over time I found I was more susceptible to the foods I ate and what I drank taking asthma

meds, which would exacerbate the GERD, where I didn't have problems before. Changes

in diet and drinking habits will do wonders to help you. Perhaps your doctor can tell you

general rule- cut down on acids. Soda is terrible, be careful with tomato sauces, citruses,

grapes, any alcohol, ketchup puts a hole in my stomach! Salad dressings are rough too.

Believe it or not, certain spices and condiments can do you in too. PEPPER does it for

me, I start coughing from the smell, especially in my esophagus. Then it hits my stomach

and the GERD kicks in. I have to use my inhaler if I have a little too much pepper to stop

the coughing, like there is something in my throat and I HAVE to open it up to breathe.

Please feel better and get a handle on this stuff before you really get hurt. PASS IT ON!


Subject: GI APPT YESTERDAYTo: asthma , LovingAsthmaSupport Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 8:31 AM

You all as asthmatics need to be aware of this. I spoke to Donna off list onhow to best put this.From the scope, it was found a moderate to severe amount of erosion of myesophagus as well as going down into my stomach and moderate to mild in theupper small intestine. What was the main cause of this due to the DRASTICchange in less than a year? The asthma meds, the inhalers have totallyeroded my esophagus which is why I have trouble swallowing, and the amountthat does enter our digestive system and the steroids well that tore up mystomach lining. My GI dr wanted to me warn those of you with moderate tosevere asthma who use many in halers and steroids to please use a good OTClike Zantac 150, Due to the damage done I now have to take a med 4 times aday and we redo the scope in November.I was in the CVS parking lot when I took my first pill (the pill was huge)Well I tried to swallow it and OMG

it got stuck, I was choking on it, Isomehow got back inside and the gal at the front register saw I was chokingdid something over the PA system and helped me to dislodge that pill. Thepharmacist said he was changing the meds to a liquid that he did not needdr's order to do that. The poor gals who helped me, I don't know who wasmore scared, she or I?So guys please be ware of the asthma meds you are taking, you will read onyour prescription info that it can cause stomach and esophagus problems.Please do NOT let your GI stuff get to where mine has gotten.Now this took all night to figure out the best way to put this, So I Hopeyou all take what I've just told you very serious.Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that Hedidn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of


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Thanks , yes the GI and I had a lengthy discussion about foods, good and bad, and I took lots of notes. So I am trying to modify my meals the best I can. Thanks for your caring support

Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992

From: asthma [mailto:asthma ] On Behalf Of Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 2:24 AMTo: asthma Subject: Re: GI APPT YESTERDAY

Dear Terry:

Hope you will be fine and your condition stable, as much as can be controlled.

I suspected this myself, because pulmonologist prescribed Aciphex 20mg tabs for GERD.

Over time I found I was more susceptible to the foods I ate and what I drank taking asthma

meds, which would exacerbate the GERD, where I didn't have problems before. Changes

in diet and drinking habits will do wonders to help you. Perhaps your doctor can tell you

general rule- cut down on acids. Soda is terrible, be careful with tomato sauces, citruses,

grapes, any alcohol, ketchup puts a hole in my stomach! Salad dressings are rough too.

Believe it or not, certain spices and condiments can do you in too. PEPPER does it for

me, I start coughing from the smell, especially in my esophagus. Then it hits my stomach

and the GERD kicks in. I have to use my inhaler if I have a little too much pepper to stop

the coughing, like there is something in my throat and I HAVE to open it up to breathe.

Please feel better and get a handle on this stuff before you really get hurt. PASS IT ON!


Subject: GI APPT YESTERDAYTo: asthma , LovingAsthmaSupport Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 8:31 AM

You all as asthmatics need to be aware of this. I spoke to Donna off list onhow to best put this.From the scope, it was found a moderate to severe amount of erosion of myesophagus as well as going down into my stomach and moderate to mild in theupper small intestine. What was the main cause of this due to the DRASTICchange in less than a year? The asthma meds, the inhalers have totallyeroded my esophagus which is why I have trouble swallowing, and the amountthat does enter our digestive system and the steroids well that tore up mystomach lining. My GI dr wanted to me warn those of you with moderate tosevere asthma who use many in halers and steroids to please use a good OTClike Zantac 150, Due to the damage done I now have to take a med 4 times aday and we redo the scope in November.I was in the CVS parking lot when I took my first pill (the pill was huge)Well I tried to swallow it and OMG it got stuck, I was choking on it, Isomehow got back inside and the gal at the front register saw I was chokingdid something over the PA system and helped me to dislodge that pill. Thepharmacist said he was changing the meds to a liquid that he did not needdr's order to do that. The poor gals who helped me, I don't know who wasmore scared, she or I?So guys please be ware of the asthma meds you are taking, you will read onyour prescription info that it can cause stomach and esophagus problems.Please do NOT let your GI stuff get to where mine has gotten.Now this took all night to figure out the best way to put this, So I Hopeyou all take what I've just told you very serious.Terry I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that Hedidn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teddy Bear's Early Learning ProgramEstablished August of 1992

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