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Incision/stitch question

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I am 5 weeks post decompression (craniectomy, laminectomy and synthetic

duraplasty). The

surgery went really well, I have a nice 5 inch incision that was closed with

staples, with

absorbable sutures beneath.

Today my incision was itching and when I scratched it (yes I realize that I

shouldn't have), a

purple stitch came out in my hand. Upon looking at the incision more closely

there are

several places along the incision where you can see either the ends of a stitch

or one just

under the surface. My doctor's office is closed for the night (I could call

anyway, but I don't

want to alarm anyone unnecessarily) and I'm 2,000 miles away from there on

vacation, so

there's not much they could probably do right away anyway.

I'm going to put in a call first thing tomorrow, but the earliest I'll even be

in the same state

as the doctor is Sunday, so I'm not really sure what else I can or should do.

Has this

happened to anyone else? Is it totally abnormal?

Any help is very very greatly appreciated.

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hey girlie!

i have had that happen where the absorbable stitches kinda pop

through-and that is ok. i find it more annoying than anything bc i

think it is a scab & i pick (yes i know that is wrong) and it drives

me crazy. so my dad (who is really smart & like the doc in our

family sorta) says to just trim the thread back to the incision. and

thats it. sometimes they stick out while closing & so they dont

absorbs-i think it is normal-has happened to me twice. as for seeing

a few of them-that is unusual. and the one that you said came off in

your hand-that is normal too. have you not had them removed yet? as

everything heals they seem to loosen up.

well, hope everything is going good. lots of luck!!!


shannon :)


> I am 5 weeks post decompression (craniectomy, laminectomy and

synthetic duraplasty). The

> surgery went really well, I have a nice 5 inch incision that was

closed with staples, with

> absorbable sutures beneath.


> Today my incision was itching and when I scratched it (yes I

realize that I shouldn't have), a

> purple stitch came out in my hand. Upon looking at the incision

more closely there are

> several places along the incision where you can see either the ends

of a stitch or one just

> under the surface. My doctor's office is closed for the night (I

could call anyway, but I don't

> want to alarm anyone unnecessarily) and I'm 2,000 miles away from

there on vacation, so

> there's not much they could probably do right away anyway.


> I'm going to put in a call first thing tomorrow, but the earliest

I'll even be in the same state

> as the doctor is Sunday, so I'm not really sure what else I can or

should do. Has this

> happened to anyone else? Is it totally abnormal?


> Any help is very very greatly appreciated.




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I had the stitches come out too... but only because I was allergic to them

and my body like forced them out like they were some sort fo parasite or

something... it's a strange site to see little pieces of " string " coming out

of your stomach or arm or wherever else they were placed under the skin as

" absorbable " stitching... they drove me crazy and had to be removed and a

different type of stitching had to be used to close up my wounds...

thankfully I was int eh hospital when all this happened because my wounds

weren't healing properly... I don;t know what was used in the end but I do

know they used some sort of glue to close up the top layer of the wounds

which just sloughs off as the wound heals....






The Joy of the Lord is

my Strength...


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