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OK....... anybody have any ideas on applying DMSO (or any other

remedy for that matter) to the big T? A friend is a longtime

sufferer, really bad, and nothing helps. He attributes it to target

practice in his younger years with no proper ear protection. I try to

talk him into puttinng DMSO straight into his ear, full strength. Thanks! /\/

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- most here know that I've had tinnitus for a solid 11 years now due

to ototoxicity of antibiotics. Nothing has worked permanently for me yet

although I've had a couple of things that brought temporary relief. I'm yet

to experiment more with those some more so there's not much for me to say

about a cure as I have not found mine yet.

One thing I would NOT do is put full strength DMSO in my ears. Maybe I wold

think about it in a 5% or 10% dilution into saline, but not full strenght,

nosirree, not at all.

I have taken DMSO internally several times to deal with vertigo and it has

helped, so it did get into my ears. However, my tinnitus was unabated.


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---- ransley wrote:

> - most here know that I've had tinnitus for a solid 11 years now due

> to ototoxicity of antibiotics. Nothing has worked permanently for me yet

> although I've had a couple of things that brought temporary relief. I'm yet

> to experiment more with those some more so there's not much for me to say

> about a cure as I have not found mine yet.


> One thing I would NOT do is put full strength DMSO in my ears. Maybe I wold

> think about it in a 5% or 10% dilution into saline, but not full strenght,

> nosirree, not at all.


> I have taken DMSO internally several times to deal with vertigo and it has

> helped, so it did get into my ears. However, my tinnitus was unabated.


> Daddybob

*************Thank you, Daddybob. You could be right that tinnitus sufferers

shouldn't, but I *have* put it full strength in my ears, as I say in my big

basic DMSO explanation for new people. .....Which I thought I'd shared with the

group, but don't find such on file?! OK, here it is. Note, all, that since

joining this wonderful egroup I now include all the ongoing notes I've saved

from it each time I send the commentary to a new initiate. This version is a

week or two old -- the file is now fatter!



Have you heard about DMSO? My good friend Anne uses it. You may or may not

know of her, an active farmer and horsewoman etc. [here's her medical maverick

mother -- (Amazon link deleted)] She says it works wonders for her bad hip. You

can get it at tac shops, seed and feed stores or whatnot.

Here's how it works according to the guy who introduced me to it -- my shoe

repair man:

-- apply till you have a buttery taste in your mouth.

-- don't rub it on or it will burn.

-- skin is normally clean enough, but if known to be dirty, wash thoroughly

before applying because DMSO takes whatever is on the skin down with it

directly into the bloodstream.

-- " It will grow hair on a cueball " (i.e. cure baldness).


The way DMSO works on most problems is simple -- it enhances circulation in


THIS.] Anne got a promo for The Complete Guide to Natural Healing in the mail

which has this to say about nettles, another alternative healing idea: " the

irritating toxin produced by the nettle plant is actually responsible for its

healing effects. [When rubbed on the skin] The treated areas become flushed with

blood, which acts to relieve the pain. "

In Dec. 04 I had the worst back trouble of my life. I couldn't stand up

straight. It hurt to walk even fifteen paces, and none of my usual tricks

helped. Having told many people what DMSO was reported to be able to do (and

later gotten glowing reports from them) I decided it was a good time to take the


When I used it I did not get any extra taste in my mouth (never have). The

stuff smelt like " heaven's antithesis, " had a surprisingly oily consistency, and

did burn for a short while (possibly because I worked too hard to get it onto my

lower back) but it WORKED: with one fairly light application the problem was

about 80% cleared up within a few minutes. In about an hour (maybe half) the

DMSO had disappeared without a trace.

Since then (about June 05) I have used it to cure a tooth infection or abscess

-- another very exciting result. I assume it was a tooth -- it started as a

little nagging pain in the jaw below where a problem tooth exists (one which is

sensitive to pressure and has known hairline cracks) -- and the pain was quickly

taking over that side of my head. I applied the stuff liberally ;-) for several

days to that side of my lower face -- and even inside the ear carefully on a

Q-tip. (Like other known tooth problems, the pain traveled all over, sometimes

to the inside ear, other side of the head!) This time the problem was somewhat

persistent, and after a few days of swabbing the stuff on, the skin on my face

looked like red sandpaper -- but the pain had mostly vanished, and the face was

quickly back to normal too. Most days I don't feel it at all, sometimes it

skulks around trying to scare me -- but failing miserably. (Dec. 08: can't

remember the last occurrence!)

I typically do not have the same experience with the stuff that others do -- I

have NEVER tasted the taste they say you're supposed to, and instead experience

a not entirely unpleasant burning sensation that last what feels like about 15

minutes. But it does bring results -- when it's in the mood to. I've tried it on

other things it didn't affect, but in view of the miracles it has worked at $10

a bottle, I'm not complaining. Obviously it's saved me a lot of money and hassle

at the dentist's and doctor's (and/or chiropractor, osteopath, surgeon -- fill

in the blank).

CAUTIONS do exist -- but these, too, are incredibly benign. The stuff simply

doesn't seem to have any side effects aside from being rumored to cause

drowsiness if used over time. Doctors hate it because it " costs " them million$

in " lost " income -- but I think they're prohibited from prescribing it. Oddly

enough, though, it was one of 's most respected and beloved doctors

(Sandy Huff) who started the town on its use. I found this out by asking the

shoe repairman I buy the stuff from.

SOME EXPERTS SAY TO BE CAREFUL to use only medical-grade DMSO. This is supposed

to be diluted by 25-40% of pure water as I recall. They claim that it should

never be used in a stronger proportion than that, and that the industrial grade

has some low percentage of chemicals added that are harmful to humans. The stuff

I use says it's a 99% concentration. I contacted the people who make it, and was

surprised to be told it's considered industrial grade and and the remaining 1%

is water. They're understandably cautious about how much they say and to whom --

people have to be nowadays.

Other experts say these drawback claims are groundless (except the harmful

industrial additives) and I'm going to continue to put the industrial stuff on

myself full strength -- unless diluted works just as well next time.

LATER NOTE: The DMSO egroup is excellent -- all really should join.

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO/?v=1 & t=search & ch=web\

& pub=groups & sec=group & slk=1

Its experts recommend dilution.

The preferred method for application seems to be sterile cotton; I use this or

wadded toilet paper or paper towel -- and haven't " dyed " from the colorants in

them -- but actually haven't researched it.

LATER NOTE: You waste a lot of the good stuff using either -- best when possible

to dunk your skin into it. For my carpal tunnel syndrome, I'm currently keeping

some DMSO in a big fruit jar and sticking my hand in it. Looking for larger

glass vessels for pouring, storing etc. [Actually I'm now pouring DMSO from the

bottle down the entire problem arm into the jar, then pouring the resulting

puddle back into the bottle -- no waste whatsoever!].

I believe in miracles -- this is one of them. Our Lord told us we would be able

to heal people like he did and I suspect means like this are part of what he

meant. I've been in touch with people (strangers) who swore DMOS was curing them

of cancer, and they had absolutely no reason to tell me stories. There are tons

of info about DMSO on the net. I bought one of the major books on it [search

DMSO at abebooks.com] which my associate K.B. (who has used it too with fair to

good results) is presently reading.



Fascinating revelations never stop in the DMSO egroup. Recent jottings as the

messages fly:

" Check the Links and Files section, linked from the list home

page " -- Garnet

mis things that people have used it for:

ganglion cyst

a dog's lymphoma -- DMSO IV!

misc topics also covered:

DMSO is used topically with peroxide, tea tree oil, iodine, vitamin c (eg

Wagners EsterC) & b (complex?), GABA and some amino acids. Chlorophyll for odor

of DMSO or garlic; " fresh lemon " works better for some, also "

parsley oil capsules, commonly available in the States as Breath-Assure.

" ..

haecklers Add to Addresses Block Sender

12/15/08 in order:

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I've been drinking raw milk for over 3 years and can attest to it's healing

properties. The information on DMSO and lessened odor in raw milk drinkers

comes from Chile, if I remember correctly.

I was very excited to learn of it earlier this year and enthusiastically

mixed my DMSO with a glass of raw milk and drank it. Oh Man did I ever get


Further, despite being a raw milk drinker nearly every day, my wife says it

does nothing to lessen the odor.

In the DMSO: Nature's Healer book he talks about the use of DMSO to

carry GABA and some amino acidsMonday, December 15, 2008 3:05 AM:

r haeckler: using iodine for slow thyroid

michel nadon

12/14/08 : haecklers Add to Addresses Block Sender

Subject: Raw milk makes you not stinky from DMSO

It was in the book. If you worry about B.O. from the DMSO, here's a

site that can lead you to the nearest source of raw milk:


I've been drinking it for 5 years, because my daughter can't drink

pasturized milk but can drink raw milk. At first it scared me that I'd

get sick but keeping two cartons of milk got to be too much so I

started drinking " her " milk. My skin and hair immediately got much

better and I've continued to be thrilled with it. Raw milk can often

prevent food poisoning and digestive system problems - calves who don't

get mother's milk almost always get a diarrhea disease called " scours "

but those who do drink raw milk don't get it. The local health food

store where I get it often sells out now so you have to go the time of

day they get it in!

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To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO Add to Addresses

Subject: Re: DMSO & Shingles

Size: 18 KB

Many years ago I knew an older woman who had immigrated here from Italy. As she

held a bottle of Clorox in her hand, she referred to it as " javella water " ---her

pronounciation from the original Italian.


> javel water is " An aqueous solution of potassium or sodium hypochlorite,

> used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent " while MMS is sodium chlorite,

> which is also used in industry as a bleach (in making paper) and may be used

> in water purification. the smell is chlorine. from MMS it's chlorine

> dioxide ... from javel it's probably chlorine gas Cl2 which is lethal if too

> much but is most widely used for water purification by water departments.

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To: DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO Add to Addresses

Subject: Re: DMSO & Shingles

Size: 28 KB

An additional note is to slather on collodial silver, tea tree oil, and other

natural antiviral substances. While these alone will not be strong enough nor

penetrate deeply enough to stop the shingles process, they, in conjunction with

Tagamet or Valtrex or some other powerful anti-viral substance, will help. But,

again, I emphasize, this is a very serious condition from which I have suffered,

and know from research and from the experience of others that experimenting with

ineffective treatments will allow the virus to really establish itself, and then

the person is in, quite probably, for a lifetime of suffering.

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