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European Phytojournal

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Has everyone seen the ESCOP journal website? I went to it and downloaded the article 'Interactions of herbs with other medicines'. I registered, and have had the following message from Simon. This is for information, in case any of you don't know about it.


The European PhytojournalMillennial greetings from the editorial team of the European Phytojournalat ESCOP and the Centre for Complementary Health Studies at the Universityof Exeter.If you have not recently turned to our free journal we would receommendthat you do so. All the papers in the first issue are complete andrepaginated so that on downloading you will be able to cite them. Theyrepresent the leading opinion in Europe on issues of quality, safety andefficacy for herbal medicinal products, and a voice for those responsiblypursuing a role for phytomedicine in the modern world.The format for citation could beAUTHOR, A. TITLE. The European Phytojournal, 1999; 1: PAGE NOs; http://www.ac.uk/phytonet/phytojournal/The first issue also includes a number of posters preesented at the ESCOP5th symposium in London.Issue 2 is currently under construction with papers already available forimmediate reference, and a News and Review section (this has news of twomajor ESCOP conferences and details of the ESCOP monographs).We expect tobuild this issue though the coming year.If after reading both issues you consider you have a paper suitable forthis journal, please submit it as an attachment in Word format to thisemail address.Running a free internet journal is a novel experience. We think that theinformation here is important and should be available without charge. Ofcourse without sponsorship or commercial motives it also means that we canonly compile this journal intermittently. ESCOP is considering how best toexpand its service here. We would welcome your opinions and contributionsto the debate.We will soon be redesigning all ESCOP's web site and promoting it under anew and simple address. This will also involve a extension of our adversereporting scheme and safety assessment work linked to the Phytonet site. Wewill keep you up to date with developments.As you have already registered we suggest you bypass the first page and gostraight to the journal athttp://www.ex.ac.uk/phytonet/phytojournal/issue1.htmHOWEVER IF YOU WISH TO REFER THIS SITE TO OTHERS PLEASE USE THE ADDRESSBELOW (so that we can register new readers to this mailbase):http://www.ex.ac.uk/phytonet/phytojournal/WE WOULD BE MOST GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD HELP US TO EXPAND THIS NETWORK.Simon MillsSecretary, ESCOPEditor, The European Phytojournal

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