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[PROVE] Hot Shots 12/10/00 (fwd)

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Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 17:27:01 -0600

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@...

Subject: [PROVE] Hot Shots 12/10/00

PROVE's HOT SHOTS Reference to Vaccine Related News - Week of 12/10/00

* " MMR vaccine should not have been licensed "

* " Nearly ALL Children Can Qualify for the Religious Vaccine Exemption "

* " Flu Shot Reactions Worry Officials "

* " State Board of Health Rejects Chickenpox Vaccine Mandate in Close Vote "

* " Vaccination boosters face skeptics "

* " Vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome "

* " Injecting Some Perspective "


MMR vaccine should not have been licensed

[PROVE NOTE: Note from Dr. Yazbak says MMR Vaccine was licensed in the US in


EXCLUSIVE, By -Kate Templeton Health Editor, The Sunday Herald

Publication Date: Dec 10 2000

The controversial vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) should never

have been licensed, according to a shocking new report to be published next


Senior clinicians, including a former medicines regulator at the department

of health, argue that the MMR should not have been licensed in 1988 because

there was insufficient evidence of its safety and the decision to license it

was " premature. "

The leading authorities in the regulation of medicine are writing in the

next issue of the journal of Adverse Drug Reactions. They review a paper by

Dr Wakefield, a consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Free

Hospital in London, and Dr Montgomery an epidemiologist at Karolinska

Hospital in Stockholm, on the process which led up to the introduction of

the vaccine which has been linked to autism in children. Both are critical

of the level of evidence supporting the introduction of the jab...

rest of article:

http://www.sundayherald.com/news/newsi.hts?section=News & story_id=13114


Nearly ALL Children Can Qualify for the Religious Vaccine Exemption

[PROVE NOTE: Sample Texas Religious Exemption Letter and Law posted at


There are 19 states that currently allow a philosophical objection to

vaccinations for school admission. Thanks to the incredible groups like the

National Vaccine Information Center, it is likely more states may be added.

However, 48 states have a religious exemption that can be used by parents to

have their children legally avoid immunizations and still attend school.

full article http://www.mercola.com/2000/dec/10/vaccine_exemption.htm


Flu Shot Reactions Worry Officials

" Almost 1,000 Canadians have suffered adverse reactions to the flu vaccine

in the past two months, Health Canada has revealed. That's nearly 80 times

as many as for the same period last year... "

full article:

http://www.healthmall.com/newsletter.cfm?type=article & id=1155 & a=


" State Board of Health Rejects Chickenpox Vaccine Mandate in Close Vote "

Associated Press (www.ap.org) (12/08/00); Irvine, Martha

The Illinois board of health has voted 4-3 against a proposal that would add

the chickenpox vaccine to the immunizations children must get before

beginning preschool or elementary school. At least two members of the board

say they want to see more statistics about chickenpox outbreaks and deaths

in states that require the vaccine and in those that do not, and board

member Ernst Ott says that he thinks the board and the state Department of

Public Health should pay attention to the public opposition of the mandate.

Board members may vote again in March after seeing the statistics; but

Illinois Department of Public Health head Dr. Lumpkin has the final

decision about the mandate, and he says he thinks children should get the


source: Infectious Diseases Society of America


Vaccination boosters face skeptics

The Montreal Gazette

Monday 4 December 2000



" Polio is no longer crippling Canadian kids. Diphtheria is no longer killing

them. Smallpox has been wiped off the face of the globe.

Yet despite what many accept as solid proof that mass-immunization programs

can and do work, a small but vocal segment of the population views

vaccinations as at best unnecessary and at worst a grave threat to the

health of the children who receive them.

In the face of this continued resistance, public-health officials, doctors,

nurses and experts have gathered in Halifax for a conference aimed at

providing them with the ammunition to answer the critics.

Foes say shots meant to protect children from diseases ranging from mumps to

polio actually cause illnesses and conditions far more serious than those

they are meant to combat.

The illnesses claimed include autism, asthma, attention-deficit disorder,

multiple sclerosis, diabetes and other auto-immune diseases... "

rest of article:



Vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome

From Dr. Meryl Nass

The URL below provides the full article by Lea Steele on GWS in Kansas

veterans who were deployed, non-deployed but vaccinated in preparation for a

deployment that did not occur (but not specifically with anthrax vaccine),

or neither.

This is a wonderful article, very carefully done, thoughtfully analyzed. It

shows that the likelihood of having a GWS-like set of symptoms is about

three times higher in the vaccinated non-deployed than in the non-vaccinated

non-deployed, although the rate of GWS is much

higher in those deployed than in either non-deployed group.



Injecting Some Perspective

The Washington Post

December 4, 2000

Children and Youth Health

By Francesca Lunzer Kritz

Special to The Washington Post

Tuesday, December 5, 2000; Page Z12

Across battle lines drawn decades ago, the fighting has lately become

intense. If you're the parent of young children, you can hardly fail to have

noticed. All that smoke and fire around you is the heating up of childhood

vaccination issues.

On one side are the government and the pediatrics community, seeking to

inoculate as many children as possible to keep childhood diseases at bay. On

the other are activists who say that vaccine risks are underplayed and that

the blanket rules that cover most childhood immunizations jeopardize some

children whose genetic differences or undetected medical problems put them

at higher risk of serious side effects.

Recent events--widely reported in the news and on Internet sites--have

fueled the combat. These include:

* the withdrawal last year of Rotashield, a vaccine to prevent some

diarrheal diseases, after the vaccine was linked to intestinal blockages in

a small number of babies;

* a congressional hearing last spring into a purported link between the

measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism;

* a decision, prompted in part by activist lobbying, to remove the

mercury-based preservative Thimerosol from all childhood vaccines by April

2001, because in large doses mercury can cause neurological disorders; and

* recent outbreaks, largely among nonimmunized populations, of polio in the

Caribbean and rubella in Nebraska.

rest of article:




PROVE(Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education)

P.O. Box 1071

Cedar Park, TX 78630-1071

prove@... (email)

http://vaccineinfo.net (web site)


PROVE provides information on vaccines, and

immunization policies and practices that affect the

children and adults of Texas. Our mission is to prevent

vaccine injury and death and to promote and protect

the right of every person to make informed independent

vaccination decisions for themselves and their family.


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