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Itching Red Nodules

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Thanks goes out to Lyn Judge, Herbert, Robyn , and

Allshorn for your help with my previous request re: Glomerular


Today' request is for help with a female patient, 48yr old executive who

came down with a mysterious skin condition about 2 years ago. Two

different dermatologists have offered no relief with antibiotic and

cortizone treatments and can not offer a diagnosis.

Manifests as red, itchy macules, 1cm in diameter, on trunk, arms and

face, following hair and chin lines, eyebrows, high cheeks, rarely on

legs, when scratched, they swell and become worse, redder, itchier,

leaving discoloured skin after healing, if not scratched, they resolve

in a few days. Each new macule is very discreet from others, not like a

rash or like hives. One new macule about every 3 days. Most noticeable

in a.m., worsened by sun and sweat, eased by anti-histamines and sexual


Began at same time as heavier periods and discovery of fibroid, became

worse after surgical ablation to uterus. No changes in soaps or lotions.

New partner in past 6 months. Feels that her stress is low now, but

shows some clinical signs of fatigue and agrees when asked. Past history

shows: shingles, 10 years ago; hives every morning for 5 months during a

stressful period, childhood allergy to strawberries, 15 years previous -

several attempts to become pregnant with IVF (2 miscarriages), and has

one 19yr old son. Tendency to bruise easily. Nevus on retina (inactive).

A few tiny skin tags on neck. Irregular menses - 18 - 42 day cycles,

can't see pattern. Flow is light and no disagreeable symptoms since

ablation. Mild thrush 2-3 times each year, related to menstrual cycles,

resolves without treatment.

Patient is normal weight, non-smoker, with sensible diet, some sweet

craving, 3 coffees daily, 2 white wine, not enough water. Chronic

digestive stress - bloating after meals and constipation that worsens

before menses.

First formula - 4 wks: Rumex, Blue flag, Arctium, Taraxacum, Urticaria -

no change, and constipation worse.

2nd visit - Ephedra, Viola tric, Trifolium, Vaccinum and separately -

Vitex 30gtt o.m., also a tea of Bilberry fruit and leaf, Nettles and Red


After 2 weeks, no change. Postponed visit for 2 more weeks, then came in

and said she had gone on birth control pill as advised by GP for

irregular menses. Itching was much worse.

My sense of it now is to treat her for hormonal imbalance, (a,

Alchemilla vulgaris, Calendula, Vitex),but The Pill gets in the way;

improve digestion, (Chamomile, , Lime flowers) and resolve

constipation (psyllium).

Any insight on this case would be most appreciated.

Many thanks,

n Marshall, MNIMH


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