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Re:Catch Up and Climbing Higher

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IonaDove@... wrote:

> From: IonaDove@...


> Dearest Gwen! holy mackerel what a post! may u fill up w/energy n

> bright love

> fr us all!


Thanks Alice, Frances, Merry and all who sent me energy and love. Am

gaining a bit more perspective on the night that comes with a bit more

distance. Read an article today that pointed out that a problem-free

life would not be life, twould be death...and that problems are the

stimuli for growth. In that case I'd better smile and recall I'm firmly

planted in fertile ground (sun, moon, ascendent, mars, mercury, pluto

all in earth signs).


> wld like to add that Saturn in Libra rules

> kidney/crystals/stones/beauty

Hmmm. Less see. I'd like a bit of Saturn touch in Libra then. I'm

gonna have to do a bit of web spinning across that celestial crown

though to get there I suspect.

Starting with that pentium of band members in the 8th street penthouse.

While I've been busy elsewhere I discover they have not done hardly any

practicing on their sheet music. In fact they turned the sheet over to

Mutt and now its hanging, hopefully rainwashed rather than stained from

the main sail.

So tonight I started out surveying pieces in G for them. Listened to

Bach's Air on a G String, and for good measure threw in his Brandenburg

Concerto #3 in G. If this fails I do have Bach's French Suite #5 in G

played on harpsicord, which should either stir them into practicing more

seriously -- or else if not I'll entice Frances with her green and red

boyfriends away from Medical School to get them motivated.

(Speaking of which...Frances...now that is cheering me up already. The

thought of having a friend like you during those med school days. What

fun!!!!! Might be possible to turn the system upside down while keeping

them dancing and singing roudily enough they won't even know it happened

-- and thereby shake loose some fascinating mixtures of newly baptized

old healers. I've read a little Paracleus, but am wondering about the

reference on the paper you mentioned)

I stopped in to listen and perhaps learn why my band of 8th street

players were stalling. Discovered the following. They seem to have put

down their fiddles and faddles in order to prune and argue over what to

call themselves should they succeed in producing an album that reached

lead (tin or copper if we're lucky). Sun as you might expect wanted to

call them the " 8th Street Pentium Powered Virgo Band " . I'm a little

surprised since he normally gets his rush from gold, and last I heard he

was associated with a different computing system altogether. Mars

though conjoint with Sun was not in full agreement; he favored " 8th

Street Perfectly Pitched Virgo Band " . He wanted at the very least to

stage a suitable contest or game, the winner of which would pronounce

the name. Pluto remains uneasy about anything not fully under his

mantel of control, prefers to sequester progress for now but has agreed

to a contest, so entered his proposal for the " 8th Street

Procrastinatin' Potato Virgo Band " . And alas. Dear Mercury is still

tied up with formulating his own turtle, ...oops, I mean " title " . As

usual it may be several weeks yet before he releases even a hint, but in

the meantime he cautions them all to check how any names or musical

pieces we even remotely consider performing would sound if played

backwards. Aaarrrggghhh. Fortune is totally fed up by now, believing

they've all missed her point, including Sun with whom she is normally

more conjoint. In fact she's threatened to start looking for her sister

pointers and has been humming " My Momma Told Me, You Better Shop Around "

for several days now.

I left them with sheet music and CD for Bach's Concerto in G and took

off to visit Capricorn to see what challenge he's created this time in

order to show that he can rise to meet it. He keeps reminding me that

while he's over on the rather vacant eastern front he can handle

ascending all on his own. He " graciously " offered to guest solo with " I

am a rock, I am an island " . He and Saturn, both incredibly stubborn

kept butting horns so much that Saturn moved in next door with

Saggitarius. In just a few days perhaps we'll learn whether they've

ideas for the band besides the rumored suggestion of firing 8 rounds of

arrows across the galaxy to which are attached the sheets for " Light My

Fire " and " You Light Up My Life " .

Moon keeps her mailbox in Taurus, thereby rounding out a triad of earthy

stations for my Sun, Moon and Ascending Trio. But lately I've noticed

that she's rarely home. Her tour is on a rather busy schedule featuring

a new single, Shepherdess of the Skies. I've been told she has a

special performance later tonight during which she'll alternate between

dancing full-faced and playing peek-a-boo, (as opposed to playing

Bo-Peep) from a Sagitarrius Sun.

This I definitely do plan to see Merry --- (hopefully about 9 PM US

Central Standard Time if I got the calculations right) !!!!!! Candles,

assorted stones, crystals, the Fire Stone, Phospor and I are ready.

Will see if the clouds and weather permit.

Ahhh, finally....Saturn, hiding out from Capricorn and building his own

stone castle over in Sagitarrius, just mailed me the following news. He

admits that he occasionally dances in a sextile with Jupiter, when the

latter is not too busy attempting to balance all the chords and scales

written by Libra.

Now. Will that do, Alice? Saturn sextile to Jupiter in Libra? If not,

then I'll have to request that Venus and Neptune, neither of whom can

quite decide whether to be in Libra or Scorpio, attempt to create out of

their misty home in the gap between water and air under the guiding eye

of Spica, a pair of beautiful kidneys through which to filter the

Bosporus waters so that guests of the Hagia Sophia shall have plenty of

clean water to drink, and so that all the swimmers of the deep strait

may travel safely between Nammu's pregnant Black Sea and their

Mediterranian homes.

Just in case Venus and Neptune are kept busy with this puzzle for awhile

I've found 2 other new band members already on 8th Street to add to the

band. As stars from a non-Virgoan tradition perhaps they can break up

the stall. So...a big welcome for Eros peering in through Libra --

perhaps he can teach them about Air on a G String. Also welcoming

Regulus, from Leo, who says he is free to join us now that he's not

consuming so much attention trying to regulate firepower to my hot water


> jung likened the way a crystal forms in a solution in a predictable

> way=profoundest mystery of how archetypes work:process into

> manifestation!


> to work

Profound mystery indeed. Now. Am wondering whatsa this work you're

working on...does this book have a title. Do we get any sneak briefs?



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