Guest guest Posted October 28, 2000 Report Share Posted October 28, 2000 Dear fellow Wheezies and lovers of Wheezies, I am sharing this entire e-zine with y'all in case you find some other things of interest in it. I visit a lot of the sites that I am introduced to by Brief-me. Brief-me has a lot of subjects in their stable of e-zines. Visit them if you wish. Of course, no affiliation, no monetary interest, etc. I am trying to catch up with my e-mail. I have been un-computered for about a week and a half. I went to the Dr's office because my peak flows had dropped below the allowed level (my " Call Dr " peak flow is 350 and my " Go to the ER " is 300. I know that seems high to many folks, but my normal is in the 600 range and my high is 720) and the Dr. wanted my presence. This is not to be used as an excuse to not go to the Dr. when it is needed, but while I was at the Dr's office, I broke a bone in my foot. But I am so stupid about pain, that I did not complain until I was going home and having a hard time pushing the clutch. Well, when my Mother got home from her Knee Replacement class, she drove me to the ER and, sure enough, I broke it. So, Surgery 3 days later and while everything went really well, for some silly reason, the surgeon didn't want me climbing down the stairs to my computer in the basement (he doesn't want me to put any weight at all on the foot, but the computer is a real frustration). Last night was the first night that the swelling was down enough that I could come down the stairs on my butt. So, I'm back on my PC and wading through e-mail. Have a good day, Rhonda E. puffaroni@... Colorado Springs, CO In a message dated 10/5/00 9:11:39 AM Mountain Daylight Time, briefme_mailer@... writes: << Subj: Medicine & Health: NOT IN OUR BACKYARD Date: 10/5/00 9:11:39 AM Mountain Daylight Time From: briefme_mailer@... (Briefme Magazine) To: puffaroni@... (Subscriber) BRIEFME on: Medicine & Health Greetings Rhonda, Here is your BRIEFME weekly e-zine, published on Oct 4, 2000. Are you enjoying this BRIEFME?? Please forward this e-mail to others. *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* SPONSOR *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* AC Lens - Contact Lenses For Less Contact lenses at the lowest prices on the Internet. All major brands available. Worldwide delivery. Secure online ordering or call us toll- free at (888) 248-LENS. <A HREF= " " ></A> *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Please Support Our Sponsors *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Quick Glance at this week's Briefme: * NOT IN OUR BACKYARD * GO ASK ALICE ALL YOUR HEALTH QUESTIONS * INHALE AND LIVE * WE'RE HISTORY! * THE MILLENIUM PROJECT: FRAUDULENT MEDICAL SITES * NO MORE INSULIN? A REAL HOPE FOR TYPE 1 DIABETICS * ONLINE MEDICAL DICTIONARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT IN OUR BACKYARD <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> What happens when a pharmaceutical company puts out a drug in the United States that poses too many unacceptable risks to patients? In many cases, it's re-packaged under another name and sold in Asia. " Not in Our Backyard, " an article that appears in the Far Eastern Economic Review, discusses how medicines deemed unsafe for Americans by federal regulators are still being sold and prescribed throughout Asia. Has Asia become a " dumping ground " for potentially lethal drugs? One major problem is that many Asian countries do not have the same regulatory standards we have here. Read this article for the full story. Papier, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> GO ASK ALICE ALL YOUR HEALTH QUESTIONS <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> At " Go Ask Alice, " you will find Columbia University's Q & A service, which provides sections on nutrition, drugs, and general health. You can even receive e-mail advice from this site. The three features of the site I find particularly useful include: New Alice (Q & As of the Week), Search Alice (which lets you find health information by subject via a search of the archives, containing more than 1,700 previously- posted questions and answers), and Ask Alice (which gives you the chance to ask Alice a question). If you want to know more, don't ask me...Go Ask Alice! Randall, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> INHALE AND LIVE <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> Physicians prescribe inhaled corticosteroids for asthma attacks. A study has revealed that patients who take a few puffs every day even when they have no symptoms are reducing their risk of death. Samy Suissa, MD, of Royal Hospital in Montreal, records that those who used their inhalers regularly lived longer than those who stopped using an inhaler or used them only when they had symptoms. After such astounding findings, the conclusion is that corticosteroids inhalers are the best treatment for all asthma patients. Check out this link for a summary of the findings. Brigitte Synesael, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* SPONSOR *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* There is nothing better than Free-Stuff, and Free2Try is where the Internet goes for Free Stuff and Trial Offers. *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Please Support Our Sponsors *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* WE'RE HISTORY! <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> The history of medicine is not only interesting, but carries in it many lessons for future generations. These lessons range from the importance of listening to " hunches " to the role that blind luck plays in science. There are plenty of good medical history sites on the Web, but most are area (or specialty) specific. This site, maintained by a Library Science graduate, is a terrific collection of the above-mentioned sites, sorted by subject. The eclectic collection contains an " Images " category, a " Jewish Medical History " collection, a " Military Medicine " collection, and much, much more. The site you visit through the collection make for fascinating reading for anyone who is interested in how medicine got to where it is today, and what a fantastic human story it has told through the years. Adi Ferrara, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> THE MILLENIUM PROJECT: FRAUDULENT MEDICAL SITES <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> Would you like to know which of your cherished medical information sites a card-carrying skeptic considers fraudulent? This site, part of a network of like-minded skeptics, provides you with links to 500 such havens of quackery! Warning: if herbal remedies and such are dear to your heart, this site might put you at risk for a heart attack! Still, I consider it useful to hear more than one side of any issue. I can't pretend to have checked out each and every site listed on this " dishonor role, " but I can assure you that I don't agree with every one of them, so don't consider this review a blanket endorsement--just a guidepost to a somewhat elusive locus that serves an essential purpose for those who want to open (or close) their minds. Kerrin White, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> NO MORE INSULIN? A REAL HOPE FOR TYPE 1 DIABETICS <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> An exciting new treatment protocol for Type 1 Diabetes is giving researchers and patients real hope. The Edmonton Protocol transplants insulin producing pancreatic cells known as islets to the liver of insulin dependent diabetics. In Canadian research spearheaded by Dr. Shapiro at the University of Alberta, Canada, the transplant technique was effective in relieving the patient's need for insulin injections. The National Institutes of Health in the US is now seeking patients to participate in research they hope will duplicate the results of the Canadian group. Patient selection criteria and application information is available in this brief article. Cheryl Stotesbery, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> ONLINE MEDICAL DICTIONARY <A HREF= " & uid=61823 " > & uid=61823</A> Another resource worth bookmarking is the Online Medical Dictionary, or OMD, at <A HREF= " " ></A> . Nothing more than a search engine with a good database backend, this website is worth putting in your favorites folder because, like Post-It pads, you never really need them, but you'd use them if they were put in front of you! Well organized and easily searchable. This is purely a resource, and there is little in the way of interesting reading; it could makes a good background companion if you are planning to write or read a medical article. Tan, <A HREF= " " ></A> Search the Web for more on this subject, click on: <A HREF= " " ></A> *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* SPONSOR *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Mother Nature Searching for Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements? 50% off your first purchase of Mother Nature Brand Products and selected items. <A HREF= " & id=351 " > & id=351</A> *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Please Support Our Sponsors *!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRIEFME.COM, Inc. Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved Missed a BRIEFME? 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