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Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

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OMG...YES..that is exactly what is going on here..we are trying to sue to get the money for the band..but since they are self insured all we may be able to get is the band and lawyer fees..that sucks tho ...we were hoping for a little more damage for tuckers sake..he shoulda had a second band but insurance hadn't -paid for the first and we couldn't get a second...so we were hoping to get some punitive damages..but they are self insured..gosh..i'm trying to think of that stupid law..ARISA i think it is...so sorry to hear that..i thought for a while we just had a bad lawyer!!! but the more i search the more i see..the ARISA law was supposed to be put in place to help protect both the company and the employees..is like a cap as to how much you can get and blablabla so that they don't have to raise the cost of insurance..(even tho they do) but of course it just protects the company..its been a law since like the 60's or something..maybe the 70's..i can't remember right now..but now that you posted..that reminds me i wanted to look into ARISA..sorry to hear about your troubles..and if you find a loophole!! let me know..and i will let you know if i do!


-- Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

I called the Texas Dept of Insurance last week and they told me that because Nortel is self-insured with Cigna they do not have jurisdiction in our case. They told me to call the US Dept of Labor, so I did and waited on hold forever before being cut off. I haven't had a chance to call back. Has anyone been told this before and how did it work out?


sample letters and some articles that could prove helpful. Also, have you filed a complaint with the Department of Insurance or the State Department of Health? It wouldn't hurt to get that process started even though they probably won't start an official investigation until you have exhausted the appeals process.For more plagio info

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Hey ,

There is a ton of information about ERISA on the Department of Labor website. I started snooping around a bit tonight, but decided that I will just try and call again tomorrow. You might want to have a look...


If that's not what you're looking for, just go to the home page at www.dol.gov


Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

I called the Texas Dept of Insurance last week and they told me that because Nortel is self-insured with Cigna they do not have jurisdiction in our case. They told me to call the US Dept of Labor, so I did and waited on hold forever before being cut off. I haven't had a chance to call back. Has anyone been told this before and how did it work out?


sample letters and some articles that could prove helpful. Also, have you filed a complaint with the Department of Insurance or the State Department of Health? It wouldn't hurt to get that process started even though they probably won't start an official investigation until you have exhausted the appeals process.For more plagio info

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thanks..sorry i put the wrong word..guess you already knew about it!! i'll check out those links later..hope you get better luck than me! actaully..if you get money..i want money!! lol


-- Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

Hey ,

There is a ton of information about ERISA on the Department of Labor website. I started snooping around a bit tonight, but decided that I will just try and call again tomorrow. You might want to have a look...


If that's not what you're looking for, just go to the home page at www.dol.gov


Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

I called the Texas Dept of Insurance last week and they told me that because Nortel is self-insured with Cigna they do not have jurisdiction in our case. They told me to call the US Dept of Labor, so I did and waited on hold forever before being cut off. I haven't had a chance to call back. Has anyone been told this before and how did it work out?


sample letters and some articles that could prove helpful. Also, have you filed a complaint with the Department of Insurance or the State Department of Health? It wouldn't hurt to get that process started even though they probably won't start an official investigation until you have exhausted the appeals process.For more plagio info

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Self-insured companies are a completely different animal. They do not

necessarily have to adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the

department of insurance. I understand now why you have been directed to the

Department of Labor. How about trying a call to the State Department of Health?

Perhaps they can be of more assistance. Otherwise I guess you should keep trying

the Dept of Labor until you actually get someone on the phone.

Marci (Mom to - helmet grad)


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Thanks. I'm not even sure what I want to ask them, but I was hoping to be able to file a complaint through the insurance department. It's hard to explain, but I don't think I really want their help - I just want my problems and hassles documented someplace official. It's like last week when I called the manager at Kroger to complain about the checker swatting Sam's hand out of the way while she was pulling the groceries out of my cart. He wanted to do something to compensate me, and all I wanted was to let someone know that I had been wronged and to not let it happen again. Do I make any sense? Maybe I'm losing it...


Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

Gail,Self-insured companies are a completely different animal. They do not necessarily have to adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the department of insurance. I understand now why you have been directed to the Department of Labor. How about trying a call to the State Department of Health? Perhaps they can be of more assistance. Otherwise I guess you should keep trying the Dept of Labor until you actually get someone on the phone.Marci (Mom to - helmet grad)OklahomaFor more plagio info

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Just tell them something like you just said in your post. That you feel that

what Cigna has done (or not done in your case) should be documented. Some

regulatory agency should be MADE to be responsible for the action of

self-insured employer groups.

I can't believe about the checker that swatted Sam's hand. Oh that would have

sent me over the edge! You did right to call and what the manager should do is

sit that person down and have a long discussion about appropriate behavior.

Marci (mom to - helmet grad)


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Oh, I don't think the grocery store incident will ever happen again. When it happened to Sam, I wanted to say something but was in such shock that I couldn't. I think the manager was a bit panicked, like they might get slapped with a huge lawsuit or something. I'm not like that, but it was sorta fun making them squirm. He told me that he would counsel her immediately. Now I'm not sure if I should go back to that store, although it is my favorite place to shop. I guess I could just avoid her line. I'm sure she would remember me - we're hard to miss. We get that huge cart and put all 3 kids in the seats and are by no means quiet as we shop. lol


Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

Gail,Just tell them something like you just said in your post. That you feel that what Cigna has done (or not done in your case) should be documented. Some regulatory agency should be MADE to be responsible for the action of self-insured employer groups.I can't believe about the checker that swatted Sam's hand. Oh that would have sent me over the edge! You did right to call and what the manager should do is sit that person down and have a long discussion about appropriate behavior.Marci (mom to - helmet grad)OklahomaFor more plagio info

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i think i missed it..what happend at the store??


-- Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

Oh, I don't think the grocery store incident will ever happen again. When it happened to Sam, I wanted to say something but was in such shock that I couldn't. I think the manager was a bit panicked, like they might get slapped with a huge lawsuit or something. I'm not like that, but it was sorta fun making them squirm. He told me that he would counsel her immediately. Now I'm not sure if I should go back to that store, although it is my favorite place to shop. I guess I could just avoid her line. I'm sure she would remember me - we're hard to miss. We get that huge cart and put all 3 kids in the seats and are by no means quiet as we shop. lol


Re: Dept of Insurance or Dept of Labor

Gail,Just tell them something like you just said in your post. That you feel that what Cigna has done (or not done in your case) should be documented. Some regulatory agency should be MADE to be responsible for the action of self-insured employer groups.I can't believe about the checker that swatted Sam's hand. Oh that would have sent me over the edge! You did right to call and what the manager should do is sit that person down and have a long discussion about appropriate behavior.Marci (mom to - helmet grad)OklahomaFor more plagio info

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