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Zoe, sensitivity

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Zoe, I know what you mean and sometimes I get pissed when ppl make

comments. What said is true. Ppl are strange and project

their feelings. The morons who make comments to you are really

feeling guilty or envious that you are taking care of yourself and

eating well and devoted to it, unlike their lazy asses. :)

These same ppl would go nuts if you went on telling them how what

they eat/ate caused not only clogged arteries, cancers, tumors,

mental disorders, etc but also tortured and slaughtered innocent

animals in the process they would go nuts. My dad says the dumbest

things to me about how I need a juicy steak it'll cure me right up

and stupid crap like that. Meantime he is on a list of pills a mile

long, he's as fat as a house and can barely do anything but sit in

his recliner and get up and go to the bathroom or get up and sit at

the table and eat or get up and go to the cabinet and get a snack.

Now his legs are getting weak and sometimes he needs a cane. My mo

who eats well, works out like a champ says it's his weight and he

needs to eat better he tells her to shut up or that she doesn't know

what she's talking about. What does his doctor tell him? Does he

tell him to eat better and lose weight and stop jerking around with

his health? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he gives him more prescriptions. Who

is this lovely dr? Is it a stranger? NOPE!!! it's my brother in

law. what a joke the medical profession is.

Sorry went off on a tangent didn't I? next time those morons make

fun of your food, think in your head what will happen to them as the

rotting flesh rots some more in their intestines and how they have

varicose veins, hemrrhoids, clogged arteried, multiple colds and

flus to look forward to as you are healthy and laugh. Ok, sounds

bitchy but you can modify it to your liking.


> Tammy,

> I'm new to the group and kind of getting the hang of it, too. I'm

sorry that you feel unwelcome. I hope you will reconsider.


> This may not be entirely off the topic:

> I'd like to share something with you all, and maybe some of you

have experienced the same thing. Although I have felt much happier

since going macro, I'm also been strangely sensitive. I mean, I've

been on every diet under the sun, and I've actually had people want

to meet me because they've never known a real " vegetarian " before.

But I've been really sensitive about this macro thing. And I think

I've figured it out. If someone walks in and you're having a big

lunch of bacon, sausage, and chicken strips, and someone says, " what

on earth are you eating? " you'd probably respond (and none too

enthusiastically)< " I'm on Atkins, I can't have any carbs. " And

then you'd drool as you smelled their Mc's french fries. (I

made that story second person because I became veggie before Atkins

had it's revival - maybe some of you are newer at it and actually

tried the " meat only " diet.) Your friend commisserates, and you

both finish your lunch. But what's happening to me now is people

say " What on earth are you eating? " and I grin as I tell them,

seitan with rice, and boiled squash, carrots and arame. After they

ask what seitan and arame are (and occasionally squash), they shake

their heads and wander off. Now this is beginning to irritate me!

Now I'm not usually sensitive, but this happens enough times and you

start thinking no one appreciates that you actually ENJOY eating

weird stuff.


> Can anyone relate?


> Thanks for listening,

> Zoe

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