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Sympathy for the Dibble

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Thee, chauntress, oft the woods among,

I woo to hear thy even-song;

And missing thee, I walk unseen

On the dry smooth-shaven green,

To behold the wand'ring Moon,



>>This is from Barcelona, Spain. Can you talk me a little bit about

this concept of Satan as a hero???

Greetings, . Of course, this work is drawn from (and for) Milton's

Paradise Lost.

Hal McWinnie wrote me this a.m.:

>i have looked at the poem as a work of art and not a piece of religious


>milton gives all the best lines and speeches to lucifer. as a poet he is

>clearly with lucifer as hero.

>secondly, the poem is not about religion at all but as william blake

>realized it is a protest agaist the restoration of charles the second.

>lucifer's great sin was to challenge the divine right of kings which god

>sought to establish

hal >>

Best wishes to Hal in his work. You can write him at: halchaos@...

And remember: Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, etc. And all the

Burning bush REALLY said was:

I Am what Am.



Kurt mentions 'too much testosterone in Italy' (I'm too sexy for this

catwalk, the way I'm disco dancing, etc.)


When we set out to interpret a conscious attitude, it is always helpful to

ask: what dreaming perspective does it compensate?


Kurt: You WILL save the world. A jungian infiltrator in the world of

business. Thank ye gods and goddesses.

Off to order Iron for my son ... maybe even for .

Does anyone one have contact w/ our old firesitter Jim whose daughter's

friend was so ill?


The homeschooling goes well, though I have almost had it with the Weird Al

Food Album at break time. (Ma ma ma MY Bologna!)

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