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Re: DAN Drs.?

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I had some serious concerns about Kotsanis after receiving his information

and secretin study info. Many others doctors I spoke to as well felt

something was not right. I have always felt the most comfortable dealing

with doctors lawyers teachers etc that actually have a child with autism. I

never have to guess what motivates them and they tend to always understand

whats really important to me. I suggest you try Dr.Bradstreet or Dr.

Kotsanis in Florida. Check out their website at Good News Doctor or gnd.org.

You can consult with them over the phone and we did all the testing here in

Austin. Good luck. Trina Sherman

DAN Drs.?

>Need help from anyone who has seen Dr. Kotsanis in Grapevine.

>Have appt. with him later this week. Heard lots of great

>recommendations for Dr. Cave and Holmes in Baton Rouge. First avail.

>is April 2001. Hubby wants to get into someone local before then.

>Was able to get an appointment with Dr. Kotsanis in Grapevine this

>week. A local family has recommended them and had much success with

>him. Need help in making sure we don't get convinced to do ALL the

>tests unnecessarily. Mostly concerned with the tests to get started

>on GFCF and yeast tests. Several families recommending the

>doc's in Baton Rouge says they make all the recommendations on tests

>needed and then further making recommendations on which ones were most

>important to do first so you're not bumbarded with $. Also gave " if I

>was in your shoes " scenario on immunizations - if you choose to do

>them - only the ones that are " deadly viruses " and only if they are

>thimerosol-free and also gave schedule of when to do them (after age 2

>or 3) and how frequently (ie. MMR split out 6 mos. each). Any input

>anyone can provide would be appreciated!!!!!! Feel free to email me

>personally but I'm sure everyone will benefit from the input.




>Autism-Awareness-Actionegroups is list that covers all areas of

autism - check out their website at http://members.xoom.com/Jn516/

>Unlocking Autism - An organization whose goal is to unlock autism, one

door, one child, at a time... http://www.unlockingautism.org

>H.E.A.R.T - " Hear My Silence " CD to benefit Autism Researdh -




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In a message dated 12/12/00 12:40:12 PM Central Standard Time,

pk.stew@... writes:

<< Need help from anyone who has seen Dr. Kotsanis in Grapevine.

Have appt. with him later this week. >>

We used him for a few years. He was helpful initially for my son but he and

others at his office made some mistakes that were harmful to my son due to

lack of attention. If you use him, I'd recommend that you carefully

double-check what they tell you and what they give you to take. Dr. K also

has a tendency of chasing fads and sometimes drops the ball on things that

could be really helpful in order to push what he's interested in at the

moment so you sometimes need to be assertive in what you think is the most

improtant thing to focus on. Also, be aware that his fees are enormously

higher than what others charge for similar services and for the same tests.

<< Was able to get an appointment with Dr. Kotsanis in Grapevine this

week. A local family has recommended them and had much success with

him. Need help in making sure we don't get convinced to do ALL the

tests unnecessarily. Mostly concerned with the tests to get started

on GFCF and yeast tests. Several families recommending the

doc's in Baton Rouge says they make all the recommendations on tests

needed and then further making recommendations on which ones were most

important to do first so you're not bumbarded with $. >>

If you're just starting out, typically, a CDSA, hair analysis and some

allergy testing are the ones most helpful, in my opinion. Amino Acid testing

can also be tremendously helpful in some cases. The GFCF test is ok, but

doing a trial of the diet tends to show you fairly quickly if it will help or

not. Yeast tests are pretty unreliable and a trial of medication and Candida

control diet are usually more telling if there is a problem. Don't be fooled

into believing a stool test for yeast. Some of the worst cases of Candida

overgrowth showed no yeast in the stool but huge response to treatment.

<<Also gave " if I was in your shoes " scenario on immunizations - if you

choose to do them - only the ones that are " deadly viruses " and only if they


thimerosol-free and also gave schedule of when to do them (after age 2

or 3) and how frequently (ie. MMR split out 6 mos. each). Any input

anyone can provide would be appreciated!!!!!!>>

Check the titers on all the deadly diseases the child has already received

vaccines for fairly regularly and don't give them if there is still immunity.

Most labs can do this with simple, cheap blood tests. If you must do them,

do them all separately at least several weeks apart.


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