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Well. I had a lot of symptoms at first that i completely ignored. I will get to

them, but first I started to have right upper quad pain last June 17th. I had

played drums in a country band down at a LO DO sports bar for an after the

Rockies base ball game performance and I tied one on pretty good, and the next

morning, I start having pain. The pain felt as if I had run too fast, and got a

cramp, or like a brick had been stuffed up in there. The doctor sent me for an

ultrasound, and it was excrusciating for the tech to roll the wand around on

that area. Then by September, I started to have left upper quad pain, and this

was even worse, and covers a bigger area. Then I was admitted to the hospital

with severe chest pain. No fun. treadmill test. oooh. I had a slight jaundice

appearance in the cunjunctiva of my eyes, but not the whites. I had elevated ast

and alt and GGT, as well as elevated bilirubin, and ammonia, and low BUN and

abnormal BUN/CREAT

ratio. I brought the labs to my doctors attention, but she was convinced i had

gallbladder disease. While taking out the gallbladder, the surgeon noted "

macronodular cirrhosis " and took a biopsy. If any folks out there are having a

biopsy,PLEASE ask, no DEMAND a needle biopsy. A wedge biopsy has a lot of

fibrosis in it as a rule. The small signs I ignored were bleeding issues. I had

been having hard to control nose bleeds, as well as severely bleeding

hemorrhoids for two years. Rumply fingernails, as well as a ghostly white

appearance. Bright red palms with white spots. I have also had mental confusion,

visual disturbances, nausea (ooooh) weakness, shortness of breath, headaches,

dizziness, and sleep disturbance, (day / night reversal).
















> My name is Elsy and my aunt was diagnosed a little over

a year ago with


> Cirrhosis. Doctor's have told her that her disease is level 4.



> anyone please explain to me how bad level 4 is? Everytime I ask a


> doctor to explain to me how bad is level 4, they just say it's bad



> that she needs a liver transplant.















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> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


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What do rumply fingernails look like? Are there ridges on them?


Bob Aragon wrote:

Well. I had a lot of symptoms at first that i completely ignored. I will get

to them, but first I started to have right upper quad pain last June 17th. I had

played drums in a country band down at a LO DO sports bar for an after the

Rockies base ball game performance and I tied one on pretty good, and the next

morning, I start having pain. The pain felt as if I had run too fast, and got a

cramp, or like a brick had been stuffed up in there. The doctor sent me for an

ultrasound, and it was excrusciating for the tech to roll the wand around on

that area. Then by September, I started to have left upper quad pain, and this

was even worse, and covers a bigger area. Then I was admitted to the hospital

with severe chest pain. No fun. treadmill test. oooh. I had a slight jaundice

appearance in the cunjunctiva of my eyes, but not the whites. I had elevated ast

and alt and GGT, as well as elevated bilirubin, and ammonia, and low BUN and

abnormal BUN/CREAT

ratio. I brought the labs to my doctors attention, but she was convinced i had

gallbladder disease. While taking out the gallbladder, the surgeon noted "

macronodular cirrhosis " and took a biopsy. If any folks out there are having a

biopsy,PLEASE ask, no DEMAND a needle biopsy. A wedge biopsy has a lot of

fibrosis in it as a rule. The small signs I ignored were bleeding issues. I had

been having hard to control nose bleeds, as well as severely bleeding

hemorrhoids for two years. Rumply fingernails, as well as a ghostly white

appearance. Bright red palms with white spots. I have also had mental confusion,

visual disturbances, nausea (ooooh) weakness, shortness of breath, headaches,

dizziness, and sleep disturbance, (day / night reversal).
















> My name is Elsy and my aunt was diagnosed a little over

a year ago with


> Cirrhosis. Doctor's have told her that her disease is level 4.



> anyone please explain to me how bad level 4 is? Everytime I ask a


> doctor to explain to me how bad is level 4, they just say it's bad



> that she needs a liver transplant.

















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> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


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Ridges , yes.
















> My name is Elsy and my aunt was diagnosed a little over

a year ago with


> Cirrhosis. Doctor's have told her that her disease is level 4.



> anyone please explain to me how bad level 4 is? Everytime I ask a


> doctor to explain to me how bad is level 4, they just say it's bad



> that she needs a liver transplant.

















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> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


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I have that too on three of my fingers. I asked the doctor about it

the other day, because I told him that a lot of people in this group

had them.. He said it was really interesting that I asked. He has

one too! Anyway he says there are a lot of things that could cause

that such as circulation but he also believes they are looking at

them as an indication of liver disease..Thought it was interesting

too, because it something most people dont like to talk about.. Debra




> >




> > Hi, Elsy. I am so sorry about your aunt. Do you know the cause of




> her cirrhosis? I am Bobby a 43 year old man with the same thing.





> is from alcohol abuse. I am a recovering alcoholic. I hope the




> doctors can get your aunt on the transplant list as soon as





> Good luck, and you came to the right place if nothing more than to




> learn more about this disease, not to mention all the really




> wonderful friends you will find here.




> > Hello




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > My name is Elsy and my aunt was diagnosed a little over




> a year ago with




> >




> > Cirrhosis. Doctor's have told her that her disease is level 4.




> Can




> >




> > anyone please explain to me how bad level 4 is? Everytime I ask a




> >




> > doctor to explain to me how bad is level 4, they just say it's





> and




> >




> > that she needs a liver transplant.




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




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> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> >




> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __




> >

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  • 2 months later...

Hello All-I'm new to the group. Here's my story. Three years ago, my

husband was diagnosed with Hep C, he immediatley quit drinking. He

wasn't an alcoholic, but a weekend warrior and he was quite overweight.

He was told that he would most likely develop cirrhosis within 5-20

years. Well, this June, he was diagnosed with cirrhosis, only 2.5 yrs

later. I believe that he already had the cirrhosis when they did the

biopsy 2.5 years ago and the doctor had to go in three times because

the pieces fragmented. Regardless, now he is on disability because at

least 4 days a week he sleeps most of the day and has no energy. His

blood levels are gradually getting worse. We have relatives who are

willing to be tested to see if they can do a live transplant but we are

told that he is not sick enough yet. I understand that there has to be

limits, but I don't understand why they wouldn't want to do major

surgery when someone is still healthy enough to recover quickly. All my

husband wanted to do is be able to retire from the job where he has

already worked for 35 years. Boy can life throw things at you.

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