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Re: advair and thrush

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I've been on Advair 500/50 for a couple of years now. You need to rinse and

gargle with water very thouroghly each time you use it. I take a lot of

antibotics and prednisone, so I still get oral thrush quite often even though I

rinse. I found that using Tea Tree Oil mouth wash works a lot better and faster

than the medicine that the doctor used to prescribe....and it's cheaper too.

You can get it at a health food store. The brand I use is made by Dessert

Essence. They also make a toothpaste with tea tree oil that also helps. Rinse

with this 3-4 times a day. Also get a tongue scraper. It helps a lot too.

Good Luck,

Jan Lieberman :o)

>To: <asthma >


>Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2002 18:58:17 -0500

>Subject: advair and thrush

>Reply-To: asthma


i have

>developed oral thrush :( those that take advair, please tell me what measures

you go to, to prevent



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I've been on Advair 500/50 for a couple of years now. You need to

rinse and gargle with water very thouroghly each time you use it. I

take a lot of antibotics and prednisone, so I still get oral thrush

quite often even though I rinse. I found that using Tea Tree Oil

mouth wash works a lot better and faster than the medicine that the

doctor used to prescribe....and it's cheaper too. You can get it at

a health food store. The brand I use is made by Dessert Essence.

They also make a toothpaste with tea tree oil that also helps.

Rinse with this 3-4 times a day. Also get a tongue scraper. It

helps a lot too.

Good Luck,

Jan Lieberman :o)

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I get thrush all the time and usually i get a yeast infection also

with the trush and just recently my doctor presribed diflucan and

after i took it i broke out in a bumpy rash all over myself which i

still have has this ever happen to anyone????



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hi megan - im sorry to hear about your problems with yeast. do you take


sounds like you have an advanced yeast infection -- systemic -- instead of

localized in the mouth or vagina, you are experiencing it in both places --

which is why your dr prescribed the diflucan. from what ive read about

diflucan... vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and skin rashes are the most

common side effects... allergic reactions are possible.

have you tried taking acidophilus at all? it takes time (but so can

diflucan!) ... once you build up the healthy bacteria in your body, and

maintain its level, it can naturally over power and maintain the yeast

population. if you would like more info about acidophilus then please let

me know.


Carolyn in ONT Canada


> I get thrush all the time and usually i get a yeast infection also

> with the trush and just recently my doctor presribed diflucan and

> after i took it i broke out in a bumpy rash all over myself which i

> still have has this ever happen to anyone????

> xoxoxox

> megan

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I not only rinse with plain water, but I drink quite a lot of it too. You make sure then that any residue is off you teeth and gums. Hope this helps. I'm glad you joined the group. The people are great, and you will get a lot of help from them. Good luck. Glenna

advair and thrush

hi everyone - i just joined the group and have an intro and question!im carolyn in ontario canada... age 39... ive had asthma practically mywhole life, was diagnosed when i was 6 years old.i have taken quite a few different measures with asthma in this time, so ihave had experience with different steroid inhalers.i have been taking the normal dosage of advair 250 (disk) for the last 3.5weeks and am having great success with it! frankly im sure that it is thebest asthma medication that ive ever taken. what proves it to me is that ihave not used a rescue inhaler -- not once -- since i started taking advair.with the last steroid i took, qvar 100, i needed alot and still usedventolin (salbutamol) 3 times a day!! anyway, advair is a blessing forme... so far.the downside is that when i take my advair inhalation, there seems to besome of it in my mouth... i can taste it and feel it.... and i havedeveloped oral thrush :( i have never developed thrush before from anyother inhaled steroid. after taking advair, i have been rinsing my mouthjust as i did when i took qvar. obviously, that is not good enough. canthose that take advair, please tell me what measures you go to, to preventthrush?! sure there is the rinsing, but do you just use plain water? doyou use salt water? do you rinse for a certain period of time or use acertain amount of water? do you rinse with something besides water? LOL...lots of questions!as for the thrush, im experienced in treating it as i had to treat my sonwhen he was an infant. i have started taking acidophilus and liquidnystatin (yuck!). i hope to get rid of my infection with the nystatin andthen prevent re-infection with the acidophilus. i know that gentian violetis effective (i used that with my son) but i cant afford to be stainedpurple ;) i figure that i will have to take acidophilus as long as i takeadvair (have to find the right dose)... but if that is all i have to do toreap the benefits of the medication than i have no problem with that. doesmy approach to thrush sound realistic to get rid of it and to preventre-infection? i have checked the other members of my family and they donot seem to have thrush, thank goodness.so, thanks for having this group... any input is very welcome!*~*~*~*~*Carolyn in ONT Canada*mommy to Luke (May 4/99) and Shane (Feb 18/01)and furbabies White Shepherd Dog Ozzy (1999), Husky/Collie Dog Whiskey(1996), Puddy and Little Cat*Want to swap books in Canada?moderator CAN-BOOK-SWAP *Want to swap books internationally?See http://www.orc.ca/~pvisser/carolyn/bookstradelist.html for my tradelist.Please also view my wish list,to-be-read shelves, keeper shelf, readingjournal and trade history!*Want to swap coupons in Canada?moderator can-coupons

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hi glenna! thankyou for your reply.

i think that today i will start brushing my teeth after i take my advair

doses... that should help to get it off of my teeth and gums! thankyou for

bringing that to my attention.


Carolyn in ONT Canada


I not only rinse with plain water, but I drink quite a lot of it too. You

make sure then that any residue is off you teeth and gums. Hope this helps.

I'm glad you joined the group. The people are great, and you will get a lot

of help from them. Good luck. Glenna

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I began taking Advair this past spring and have had two bouts with

thrush --one soon after I started using it, and the other just

recently. Rinsing and gargling with Peroxyl mouthwash helps me, and

eating yogurt 2-3 of times a day. (I don't eat yogurt all the time,

just when I have the infection.)Another thing that seems to make my

throat feel better when it is so sore is those Listerine Breath

Strips (oral care strips). I put them on the back of my tongue

because they dissolve instantly and it seems to cool down that

burning pain. I don't know if they actually do anything for the

infection,but they make it feel better for awhile. I also think it

helps to use my inhaler just before I eat, because eating helps get

the residue out of my mouth. I did use difulcan with one of the

bouts, but fought the other one off with just yogurt, Peroxyl and

Listerine strips. Let us know how you do.

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hi catherine - thankyou for your message!

tonight i tried gargling with listerine after my inhalation and ... wheew!!

that stuff is strong! the listerine strips give me an extreme *wow*

feeling too. i havent had a sore throat from the thrush... i think that i

have caught it early enough so it isnt bad enough to cause pain... thank

goodness. anyway, i dont think that an antiseptic mouth wash will help

with the infection... but will help to rinse the mouth out well. it just

feels like it is working better to clear my mouth and throat than plain

water does... hmmm... i might continue to use it, it couldnt hurt!

i am not familiar with peroxyl but i will make a note of it and check it


instead of the yogurt, i am taking acidophilus directly (which is the

benefical bacteria that is in the yogurt that you eat)... i think that i

will maintain a steady dose all of the time and increase it while i have

thrush. hopefully it will prevent the thrush from spreading and in fact

keep the yeast at bay forever! wouldnt that be nice? sorry to hear that

you have had a recent yeast overpopulation :( but i am thrilled to hear

that you beat it using a mouth wash and acidophilus! that makes me feel

better about what im trying to do :)


Carolyn in ONT Canada


> I began taking Advair this past spring and have had two bouts with

> thrush --one soon after I started using it, and the other just

> recently. Rinsing and gargling with Peroxyl mouthwash helps me, and

> eating yogurt 2-3 of times a day. (I don't eat yogurt all the time,

> just when I have the infection.)Another thing that seems to make my

> throat feel better when it is so sore is those Listerine Breath

> Strips (oral care strips). I put them on the back of my tongue

> because they dissolve instantly and it seems to cool down that

> burning pain. I don't know if they actually do anything for the

> infection,but they make it feel better for awhile. I also think it

> helps to use my inhaler just before I eat, because eating helps get

> the residue out of my mouth. I did use difulcan with one of the

> bouts, but fought the other one off with just yogurt, Peroxyl and

> Listerine strips. Let us know how you do.

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Carolyn, Peroxyl is made with hydrogen peroxide, and is not as strong

as Listerine -- not as medicinal-feeling. I read on WebMd that

hydrogen peroxide was recommended as a mouth rinse for thrush and

decided to try the peroxyl because I already had some, which had been

recommended by the dentist for sore gums. In fact, I pretty much

lifted my treatment plan from WebMd. Here is the link to that page:


I've found WebMd a good place to start for medical questions of all

kinds. Do you take the acidophilous in pill form? I remember when

acidophilus milk was on the market, but haven't seen it in regular

grocery stores in a long time. I could probably still find it at

health food stores. Hadn't thoughtabout it in a long time. Hope

you're feeling better by today.

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hi catherine!

thankyou so much for your help!

i will read the article that you provided and will look for peroxyl or a

similar hydrogen peroxide rinse.

yes i take acidophilus in a pill -- actually it is powder that is in a

capsule... the capsules are easily broken open so that the powder can be

applied to the mouth with a finger. but i just swallow two capsules, two

or three times a day. if you are interested in taking acidophilus please

ensure that you buy a type that is REFRIGERATED at the store and that you

keep it in the fridge at home. very important, as it is a live bacteria

that will die if it gets warm. i buy it at health food stores or at a

grocery store that has a health food section (like zehrs here in canada).

today, i am happy to report that i think that my thrush has cleared up!!

so, i skipped my morning nystatin treatment and will check later to see if

there is any new growth. thank goodness that i had noticed it in time and

just had a mild case.

after talking to you and others, now i am much better educated on how to

thoroughly rinse my mouth and what to rinse with.... im hoping that i will

be free of thrush forever and able to enjoy the benefits that i am getting

from Advair.


Carolyn in ONT Canada

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> I always rinse my mouth with peroxcide after using Advair. I used to use

> just listerine, but I found that peroxcide works better for me.

hi Anneliese! thankyou for your reply!

what mixture of peroxide do you use? (i mean, how much peroxide to how much


im glad that it works for you.... i have been using listerine and things

are looking much better in my mouth just from rinsing properly. geeze but

i dont know how i made it through years of inhaling steroids and had never

developed thrush before! i was just lucky i guess.



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I usethe listerine product and brushing my teeth.

RE: advair and thrush

Hi Carolyn.I do not dilute the proxide. I use it full strength.Just be carefull not to swollow any.Glad the listerine is working for you.Anneliese

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hi anneliese!

thankyou for the info!

actually i did break out with thrush again despite the listerine :(

so i dug out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and have been mixing it with

water (1 part peroxide to 2 parts water like webmd.com says -- thanks

catherine!) and it has really been helping!! i now prefer using the

peroxide over the listerine. i do get a slight burning in my throat from

the peroxide though and the taste isnt very pleasant... i dont know if i

could use it full strength but i will keep that in mind if this also fails.

i wondered about the listerine because it is anti-bacterial and im not sure

if it might be killing off the benefits of the acidophilus that i am taking,

so i thought it best to not use it just in case. anyway, thankyou so much

for answering all of my questions! the members of this group have been very



Carolyn in ONT Canada


> I do not dilute the proxide. I use it full strength.

> Just be carefull not to swollow any.

> Glad the listerine is working for you.

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