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(Fwd) Liberal Slant - Watching the Conservative Corporate Owned Liberal Media #2

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Deb has bethought herself... as follows...

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Subject: Liberal Slant - Watching the Conservative Corporate Owned

Liberal Media.

Date sent: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 14:17:49 -0600

On second thought, don't send it. The articles are bad. I thought it would

be a news list. I belong to good one... If you have sent it to JF, tell

them I apologize. And send them to http://salon.com/news/index.html

Oh good. I'm now banished from the Bush2000 list for this post, which I

sent because they need to hear it:

Can people who believe in a material God, literal scripture, the Rapture,

understand the Constitution and the First Amendment?

Below: The Bible decided this election. It will be the same with Ashcroft,

Bush, all the CNP and Heritage Foundation folks who are now in the driver's


excerpted from the wash post series.

" ....As a target for Democratic ire, wasn't helped by the fact that


kept making decisions that clearly benefited Bush, narrowly defining the

proper conditions for launching manual recounts and insisting on an early

deadline for completing the vote tallies. In fighting those decisions, Al

Gore suffered crippling delays.

" As her chief of staff, Ben McKay, put it: " We knew early on that the attack

was going to come our way. is going to be the big target. Might as

well paint a bull's-eye on her because it's coming our way, boys. "

" For consolation, turned anew to the biblical story of Queen Esther,

one of her role models. Esther was the stunningly beautiful Jewish maiden

who won the heart of a king and risked her life to save her people.

believed that, like Esther, she was endangering herself and her reputation

for a good cause.

" If I perish, I perish, " would melodramatically tell her staff, until

finally, they revolted. " No more Esther stories! " they pleaded..... "

This is psychosis, folks. It the thrall of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It's dangerous, dangerous, dangerous. Because the Rapture believes in world

destruction for those not 'chosen'. That all who are not Fundamentalist

Christian are of the devil... and once one believes in a devil, the tendency

is to purge. Just look at Texas.

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