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Another vote for top posting

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Well, evidently some of us don't need to have everything in exact

order to get the gist of things. ;) If perchance I read post C before

I get post B in a thread, and IF it doesn't make sense because of the

absence of post B, I can THEN simply scroll down and read post B that

the author of post C is responding to. But more often than not posts

come in sequential order and little scrolling is involved, at least on

lists where most people top post. :)


Re: Another vote for top posting

> In a message dated 1/20/04 11:58:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> readnwrite@... writes:


> > The argument that the sequence of replies needs to be top to


> > ignores the fact that if you are reading the previous emails in


> > thread, you have already read the previous comments.


> No, you aren't. does not organize the emails in any sort of


> order, but rather the order in which they are posted. The only

possibile way to

> take *partial* advantage of such a system is to read them on the

website, but

> most people, I think, receive them in email. Even to take partial


> by following threads through the links at the bottom of the post is


> laborious and involves a lot of back clicking.


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BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-) RE: Another vote

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)for top posting




BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> but seriously, if i could

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)program outlook to put

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> backquoutes in front of

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> every line i'm responding

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)to, or in some other

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> way set it off from my

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> response, i'd be happy

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)to. if any outlook users

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> out there have suggestions,

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> i'm all ears. if it's not

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)possible, then i'm

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> going to stick to my current

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> system, albeit i'll try

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)to make an even clearer

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> separation between my

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> response and the quote

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)i'm responding to.


BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> Suze Fisher


BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)There are a couple of caveats:

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)You need to be getting the messages in plain

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)text not HTML (in HTML the only

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)character will be a vertical line).

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)In plain text you can use any characters you

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)want up to a limit of 22

BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)characters, you can also use spaces as I did above.

oh wow, mary - thanks for the tip. you have no idea how much fun i'm going

to have with this! LOL!

ahem...i did however figure out that i could back quote earlier today.

funny, i had never thought of doing it til mr. idol complained about my

posts last night. he may regret it though, the arrows were probably a lot

less annoying than all the fun things i'm going to come up with now. <weg>

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development


Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader, Mid Coast Maine



“The diet-heart idea (the idea that saturated fats and cholesterol cause

heart disease) is the greatest scientific deception of our times.” --

Mann, MD, former Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Vanderbilt

University, Tennessee; heart disease researcher.

The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics




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I have little time to scroll to the bottom of long messages for the reply so

mostly I just delete them.

The exception is if I believe the reply is of real merit to me.

Judith Alta

-----Original Message-----

From: ChrisMasterjohn@... [mailto:ChrisMasterjohn@...]

In a message dated 1/20/04 11:58:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

readnwrite@... writes:

> The argument that the sequence of replies needs to be top to bottom

> ignores the fact that if you are reading the previous emails in the

> thread, you have already read the previous comments.

No, you aren't. does not organize the emails in any sort of logical

order, but rather the order in which they are posted. The only possibile

way to

take *partial* advantage of such a system is to read them on the website,


most people, I think, receive them in email. Even to take partial advantage

by following threads through the links at the bottom of the post is very

laborious and involves a lot of back clicking.

In each thread, there are a variety of subthreads. There may be 10 people

participating in it-- if so, there are multiple posts that could be


to, in any order, at one time.

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Just to do my part to contribute to the suffocating tedium of this

discussion, your message is an excellent example of the sort of

insufficient trimming rote top-posting encourages. I'm including it all

for purposes of illustration and shaming. <g>

>I have little time to scroll to the bottom of long messages for the reply so

>mostly I just delete them.


>The exception is if I believe the reply is of real merit to me.


>Judith Alta


>-----Original Message-----

>From: ChrisMasterjohn@... [mailto:ChrisMasterjohn@...]


>In a message dated 1/20/04 11:58:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>readnwrite@... writes:


> > The argument that the sequence of replies needs to be top to bottom

> > ignores the fact that if you are reading the previous emails in the

> > thread, you have already read the previous comments.


>No, you aren't. does not organize the emails in any sort of logical

>order, but rather the order in which they are posted. The only possibile

>way to

>take *partial* advantage of such a system is to read them on the website,


>most people, I think, receive them in email. Even to take partial advantage

>by following threads through the links at the bottom of the post is very

>laborious and involves a lot of back clicking.


>In each thread, there are a variety of subthreads. There may be 10 people

>participating in it-- if so, there are multiple posts that could be


>to, in any order, at one time.


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And the best part of the discussions is that no one becomes angry or

impolite. At least not so it shows.

Terrific group!

Judith Alta

-----Original Message-----

From: Suze Fisher [mailto:s.fisher22@...]

>>>>I actually find this whole thread rather funny, as I've never been on

a list before where EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is discussed to the nth

degree! :)

---->haha...so true! i was thinking the same thing yesterday, even though

i'm involved in it. but i doubt there is any list out there like this on

many fronts. <bg>

Suze Fisher

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Shame away. It will not affect my method of replying to messages on any


Judith Alta

-----Original Message-----

From: Idol [mailto:Idol@...]


Just to do my part to contribute to the suffocating tedium of this

discussion, your message is an excellent example of the sort of

insufficient trimming rote top-posting encourages. I'm including it all

for purposes of illustration and shaming. <g>

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**You Go Girl** RE:

**You Go Girl** Another vote

**You Go Girl** i'd be happy

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)to. if any outlook users

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> out there

**You Go Girl** have suggestions,

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> i'm all

**You Go Girl** ears. if it's not

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)possible, then i'm

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> going to

**You Go Girl** stick to my current

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> system,

**You Go Girl** albeit i'll try

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)to make an even clearer

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message>

**You Go Girl** separation between my

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> response

**You Go Girl** and the quote

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)i'm responding to.


**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)<Old Message> Suze Fisher


**You Go Girl**

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)There are a couple of caveats:

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)You need to be getting the

**You Go Girl** messages in plain

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)text not HTML (in HTML the only

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)character will be a vertical line).

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)In plain text you can use

**You Go Girl** any characters you

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)want up to a limit of 22

**You Go Girl** BOTTOM POSTERS ROCK :-)characters, you can also use

**You Go Girl** spaces as I did above.

**You Go Girl**

**You Go Girl**

**You Go Girl** oh wow, mary - thanks for the tip. you have no idea

**You Go Girl** how much fun i'm going

**You Go Girl** to have with this! LOL!

**You Go Girl**

**You Go Girl** ahem...i did however figure out that i could back

**You Go Girl** quote earlier today.

**You Go Girl** funny, i had never thought of doing it til mr. idol

**You Go Girl** complained about my

**You Go Girl** posts last night. he may regret it though, the

**You Go Girl** arrows were probably a lot

**You Go Girl** less annoying than all the fun things i'm going to

**You Go Girl** come up with now. <weg>

Your welcome for the tip, have fun and drive 'em crazy!


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