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women genital anesthesia and delayed orgasm HELP!!!!

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Hi everybody,

It's the first time that i take my courage to write about my problem... I need your help. please help-me

I took Citolapram un august and september 2009. Since then, my clitoris is numb...to achive orgasm it's difficult. I have to masturbate really hard and for a long time... once i have achive orgasm ( less pleasurable than beforre ssri) My clitoris hurt's!!! I belive it's not good for it! I'm in a relationship since early 2009 and my condition is starting to be really difficult on my relationship. Now a also have NO LOBIDO at all!!!

I have a psychiatrist that tried to help me but, since are condition is not understood he cannot help me anymore....I've tried so much medication and supplements to help my case by so far... nothing work.

I've tried, ritalin, viagra, cialis, ginko biloba, ginseng, b6, muca purien, muira puira, 5htp,

I need to know, what help for other women, is it a combination of 2 things? Please hep-me!!!

thank's in advance..


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