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Re: pale stools , what do they mean? / update on from CA

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I feel like I did when Aimee was in the surgery to get her liver. It's a strange

feeling. Full of joy, but scared as hell. At least I was for Dave. I was on IM

with him untill she came out of the surgery and into the recovery. That was in

the wee hours of the morning. I wish we had someone we could communicate with

for Penny. She will be on a vent for a spell, and I remember that Aimee wasnt

posting on her own blog for a couple of weeks after her liver transplant. I'm

gonna go to bed now and say prayers with Sharon.Nite everybody. <Love you all.

pale stools , what do they mean?















> Hi all. Just a quick question. All along I have had

constipation. I


> am on lactalose. Haven't changed my diet and all of a sudden my



> are looking pale. The Dr's kept asking if they were and they



> been until now.




> I know they are a common symptom but I also read somewhere what



> the change of color on. I figured someone in this group would





> Thanks,


> Stay warm and dry!

















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